For this year’s science project, I would like to test the effects of both mineral and commercial sunscreens on human skin and coral reefs. In current news, the island chain and United States’ state, Hawaii is planning on banning common sunscreens for the detrimental effects on the coral reefs. I would like to test the sunscreens for the detrimental effects on human skin as well to answer the common question, “Why should I care?” With this project, I will be able to educate the public on not only the effects of chemicals on marine life, but also on humans as well. Also, determine if there is a way not to wear sunscreen at all and still be protected from the sun’s UV rays.
In this experiment, I will be testing the effects of both chemical (commercial) sunscreens and mineral (alternative) sunscreens on human skin. Chemical and mineral sunscreen act in completely different ways. According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), chemical sunscreens contain chemicals that act as endocrine disruptors, are estrogenic, and may interfere with thyroid and other hormone processes in the body. The most common chemical in these sunscreens
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The subjects on the diet will be given two weeks of the “sunscreen” diet for bodily preparations to withstand the strenuous sun exposure during the trials. The subjects using the sunscreen will be using the same chemical or mineral sunscreen for each trial. Before the trials even start, each subject needs to check with their doctor to see if they are qualified for this type of testing. I will be conducting this experiment in, I believe, that is the most appropriate setting, the beach. This environment is where people get most of their sunburns for the direct sunlight people get during their recreation
“Indoor tanning under the age of 18 increases your risk of skin cancer by 75%”(Division of Cancer Prevention Ceanter). Over 10,000 people are expected to die this year from UV related causes. However, many people will disregard these facts and continue on with their harmful habits. There are many effects of artificial tanning and prolonged exposure to the sun. Many people have no idea about the risks of prolonged exposure to the sun, how dangerous artificial tanning actually is, or how radiation is not the only harmful trait of indoor tanning.
We hypothesize that the time exposed to tanning beds, increases the risk of skin cancer. This hypothesis was a way to understand the statement, tanning beds give more harmful UV radiation rays in the shortest time, then being in the sun for the same amount of time. With this we emphasize that tanning beds are bed.
In the United States, more cases of skin cancer have been diagnosed than any other type. It is estimated that about 2 million of these cases arise every year, and can be prevented significantly from utilizing sun protection.
Are you the type of person that likes to soak up the sun on a nice day? Do you like to go to tanning salons to get a nice tan for any occasion? Or do you like to spend summer days hanging around the pool? What do these activities have in common? When doing some research, I have learned that all of these activities can cause harm to your skin. According to the American Cancer Society there has been an estimated 95,000 cases of skin cancer in the United States so far this year, and an estimated 13,000 cases of death for both men and women. I am not trying to tell you that you should never go outside, but I am trying to tell you of some of the dangers the sun can cause your skin if not properly protected. Many people are not aware of the harms that the sun can cause, and do not protect their skin. I would like to tell you some basic information about the sun, the ways its Ultraviolent rays can harm your body, and some ways to protect your skin from harm.
The purpose of the experiment was to see if you can use your senses while not being able to see and also to be able to trust someone to help you. An hypothesis is can you use your other senses to help you while being blinded?
Did you know that over 5.4 million people in the U.S. each year have a case of nonmelanoma skin cancer every year and there are new cases of skin cancer. People that use tanning beds are at a higher risk of skin cancer. Also for the people that use SPF 15 or higher have a twenty four percent chance of having skin aging. People that are beginners at tanning don’t know how long to expose their body to the sun and don’t know what happens to them when they sunburn from overexposure or using tanning beds. When using a tanning bed there is a higher risk of skin cancer than tanning out in the sun, but when tanning in the sun people don’t know what happens to their skin when it sunburns like premature skin aging, sun spots, and wrinkles.
It is said that "To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." (Hepburn, n.d.). With so much hope riding on plants, it 's no wonder we should want to inquire as to how best to keep our plants healthy. This is where the present research comes in. It will test what happens to plants when sunscreen is applied to them.
Teenagers need to be more educated about the risks of sun exposure and the consequences excessive tanning can cause. Programs aimed at educating America’s youth were implemented in the early 1990’s; however those programs have been unsuccessful (Geller et al., 2002). Higher rates of sunburns tend to occur in regions where sun safety education has not been implemented (Saridi et al., 2014). The major reasons teens are at a greater risk for developing skin cancer as adults is due to improper sunscreen use, and therefore more sunburns, as well due to the use of tanning beds (Geller et al., 2002).
Did you know that one in five people in the United States will develop skin cancer over the course of their lifetime? This number continues to increase each year as our society is exposed to the damaging rays of the sun and other sun generating technologies, like tanning beds. The reason I chose to discuss skin cancer is because I feel that it is important for people to become educated and learn about the importance of using protection when dealing with the sun. With Spring Break right around the corner, the first thing girls, and some guys, can think of is getting that nice sun kissed tan. We, including myself, can’t show up to the beach in pale skin, so we find ourselves in the tanning bed months before we head to the beach where we spend
Spring is finally here, and Spring Break and the Senior Prom are around corner. The teenagers and the college kids are planning a drive to the tanning salons or a day at the beach. The media has instilled in women that tan skin is a sign of youth and sex appeal. Some people go to the tanning salons and others spend hours outside in the sun to achieve the sun goddess look. Many don’t realize the dangers that come with the sun or a box with light bulbs that has more UVA radiation than the sun does. From fair to dark skin, people are being destroyed by the same UVA radiation that gives people that “sexy glow”. Being in the sun is inevitable, but people can still protect their skin from many forms of skin cancer by doing the simplest things.
Although, Caucasian men are more likely to have cases of skin cancer, I think it is important to bring awareness to this target population because of the frequency of indoor tanning that occurs within this population. Also, because sunburn is more common among persons aged 18–29 years compared with older adults. Figure 1 shows us the Prevalence of sun protective behaviors among women aged 18–29 years, by survey year — National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2008, and 2010 (CDC, 2014). This figure provides useful information in that we can observe what measures our priority population is using to protect themselves and also where we can improve. Sunscreen usage is still below 50 percent which is low when you think of one of the main reasons why women in this population want to protect their skin; premature aging. Most women are concerned with aging and sun exposure is the number one cause of premature skin aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, etc. Table 1 shows us the prevalence of at least one sunburn in the past 12 months among adults aged 18–29 years, by sex and race/ethnicity — National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2000, 2005, and 2010 (CDC, 2014). According to Table 1, white women are almost 50% more likely to experience one or more sunburns in one year versus other races. Although, we will be targeting all women 18-29 years old, women with light
The number of new cases of skin cancer has risen dramatically over the past few decades. Knowing this has shown us that we must inform everyone about the importance of preventions of skin cancer. Therefore, I will be discussing about the beach environment and Skin Cancer. The post-war obsession with the beach has resulted in a surge in skin cancers.
Thesis: Many people do not use sun protection on a daily bases and are unaware of the health effects of sun exposure that can be easily preventive by using sun protection.
Have you ever wondered what the most effective sunscreen is, and if you should be careful for which sunscreen you buy? Does the SPF effect what type of sunscreen you buy? What is prolonged exposure, will it affect your skin? What is the difference between UVA and UVB rays, will one effect you more than the other? You will find out soon. The most effective sunscreen is based on SPF. If different sunscreen is used, then it can be measured by how the beads change. The hypothesis is that 50 SPF will be most effective. The SPF 50 will protect the beads. This project is important because it can change the sunscreen you buy so it will give you less of a chance of getting cataracts and skin cancer. Other people might want to know how they can prevent skin cancer and cataracts.
With summer coming in a few months, we will all doubtlessly be getting more sun. But while relaxing in the warmth of the pool, you wouldn’t want to worry about sunburn. When people put on sunscreen and get in the water, most of the time it will come off, which results sunburns. This is why the purpose of this project is to find out which brands can maintain their SPF the most in water. If multiple brands of water-resistant sunscreen are tested to see which maintains their SPF the most in water, then Coppertone will have the best results, because it has performed well in multiple tests, including a report done by Consumer Reports where it did best out of the sunscreens that will be tested. An independent variable is what is varied during the experiment: it is what the investigator thinks will affect the dependent variable. Therefore, the independent variables are the types of water-resistant sunscreen including Neutrogena, Coppertone, Banana Boat, Hawaiian Tropic, Target Brand. A dependent variable is what will be measured: it’s what the investigator thinks will be affected during the experiment. So, the dependent variable is the amount of UV radiation that gets through the sunscreens after the submersion in water. It is measured by an ultraviolet monitor in mW/m^2. A controlled variable is the variables that are held constant. Since the investigator wants to study the effect of one particular independent variable, the possibility that other factors are affecting the outcome