Scientific Method Case Study: Resolving a Lawn Problem
Sharon Webster
University of Phoenix
September 11, 2006
Instructor: Harish Rekapally, MS
Scientific Method Case Study: Resolving a Lawn Problem
The scenario for this case study is that you notice that the grass around my house is brown, short, and dead. The grass around my neighbor's house is green, tall, and alive. Utilizing my understanding of the Scientific Method, my intent is to explain what the problem is to develop a hypothesis. After developing the hypothesis I will then design and perform an experiment to test my hypothesis; analyze my data and reach conclusions regarding my hypothesis. I will
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Augustine. The grass in the yard at this time is buffalo grass. Now we need to take a look at the watering, fertilizing, and mowing which is recommended for buffalo grass. Buffalo grass likes the warm weather of the southwest desert but does not go into winter dormancy at elevations below 3,000 feet. Buffalo grass also requires less water than other grasses; however, if it runs out of water during the summer, it will enter drought-induced dormancy. Drought-induced dormancy simply means that it will turn brown in the summer just as it does in the winter. (3) The hypothesis is that the grass in my lawn runs out of water, therefore causing it to be short, brown, and basically dead. Another hypothesis is that I may have poor soil. No amount of water or sunlight will make my lawn luscious and green if the soil is poor. The backbone to a grass plant is its root system. The roots soak up water, collect nutrients, anchor the plant and, in some species, spread out to new growth plants. A plant can only do these things effectively if the soil is right. The soil needs to be loose enough that the grass roots can spread easily, absorbent enough that it will collect water and rich enough that it can provide the plant with nutrients. Roots also need a certain amount of circulating air, which means the soil cannot be too compact. (2)
Testing My Hypothesis (Third Step) Based on my first hypothesis, that the lawn is running out of
I am pro bono counsel to Clean-Cut Lawn Care, LLC. It has been alleged in your claim that Clean-Cut Lawn Care, LLC used “copyrighted material” in the form of an image on their social media (Facebook page). In response, please be advised that Clean Cut Lawn Care, LLC is a limited liability company. This shall serve as a reply to your “Masterfile Corporation’s Copyright Infringement Claim” dated June 22, 2016 regarding my client’s use of “the photograph.” The facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged use would lead one to conclude that it was unintentional and accidental. There is no evidence as to where my client allegedly obtained a copy of “the photograph.”
JandTs Lawn Care is a lawn care provider. They are located in Spokane, Washington. JandTs Lawn Care was established in 1997. Their lawn care services include garden cleanup, yard cleanup, thatching/aeration, sprinkler installation, sprinkler repairs, and sprinkler blowouts. JandTs Lawn Care offers sprinkler services such as spring start-ups, fall blowouts, sprinkler repair and adjustment, and installation and renovation. They are bonded, licensed, and insured.
The compiled data was used to form population A of the experiment, while population B was predetermined and provided by the instructor. Research was conducted using primary sources and data collected in order to locate evidence supporting the hypotheses.
No project is too big or too small, Ellis Total Lawn Care does it all. We have daily meetings about day to day operations as well as upcoming projects. Ellis Total Lawn Care, LLC always approaches each project with a strong focus on strategic planning and proven results. As a team we do walk throughs and study aerial views of all our facilities so that we can familiarize ourselves with the footprint of the facility.
Select one (1) project from your working or educational environment that you would use the hypothesis test technique. Next, propose the hypothesis structure (e.g., the null hypothesis, data collection process, confidence interval, test statistics, reject or not reject the decision, etc.) for the business process of the selected project. Provide a rationale for your response.
Little Bluestem is one of the most abundant grasses in Kansas, and its roots which grow 5-8 feet long, enable it to resist moderate drought conditions (SITE). Plots 5 and 6 contain co-dominant species; Yellow Indian Grass (20%), Big Bluestem (30%), and Prairie Dropseed (35%) are all dominant. In Plot 7, the dominant species is Prairie Dropseed (40%). The dominant species in Plot 8 is Big Bluestem (25%). In Plot 9 and 10, Little Bluestem becomes dominant again, and Switchgrass is observed to be the co-dominant. Species richness is shown in the Figure 5; there is a higher species richness in Plot 1 through
For the second part of your assignment, you will apply the scientific method to a real-life situation. You will select a problem that leads to a testable question, similar to the scenarios presented in Part I and explain how you would follow each step of the scientific method to try and answer the question or solve the problem. Note: you are describing only what you would do at each step; you will not be conducting the experiment.
Bad weather, be it rainy, hot or overly dry, damages the surface requiring extra maintenance. High impact play, particularly on a field that is subject to bad weather, causes even more damage. A natural grass fields under the same conditions as a synthetic turf field only last about one-third as
Proper care can prevent damage to your lawn. To prevent disease-encouraging conditions, incorporate sound watering and fertilizing practices that are geared toward the type of grass you're growing. Cool-season grasses, for instance, are less drought resistant and need more water than warm-season grasses. To maintain even growth, apply 4 to 6 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of lawn each year. Although growth rate of differs per grass type, keep the grass at its recommended height, mowing no more than one-third of the leaf blade, because removing more increases disease susceptibility. (See References 1)
According to the scientific method, I should create a new experiment by making another hypothesis.
The whole of the grass has being mowed therefore all the plants have gone through the same .
Applying fertilizer to your lawn will promote healthy grow. Fertilizer will not only increase the strength of the grass blades, but also improve the green color of your fescue. Unfortunately, many homeowners fertilize their lawns in the summer. In these extreme temperatures, the fertilizer will be too strong, killing the grass and causing brown or empty spots in your lawn.
One known research method is the Scientific Method which is a uniform way of creating observations, assembly data, establishing concepts, testing predictions, and understanding outcomes. These observations are made in order to observe and define behaviors. The first step to take in using a scientific method is to develop an issue or question. Next step is to perform a research and observation on the issue or question that was developed. Then a hypothesis needs to be formulated after these steps have been made.
The scientific method is a process for experimentation used to explore observations and answer questions. It is used unconsciously by many on a daily basis and understanding how to apply the method can be valuable in making decisions and solving problems. For this assignment, I have chosen to use the scientific method to demonstrate how to organize my cluttered apartment to fit two storage units thus eliminating two bills and lowering my debt.
As an idea social pedagogy first started being used around the middle of the nineteenth century in Germany as a way of describing alternatives to the dominant models of schooling. However, by the second half of the twentieth century social pedagogy became increasingly associated with social work and notions of social education in a number of European countries.