Scott Adams wrote this “How to get a real education” in 2011. The idea of his was that “A and B students”, should not be able to be in the same class, and that the “B students” should be in lesser classes then “A students” like entrepreneurship. Adams goes into full detail on how and why he likes this idea, the biggest part of it is because he speaks out of experience. The reasoning for this essay was to persuade the reader to think of what position of career they should pursue.
The way Mr. Adams puts his own experience out to state his own bias is wrong. I strongly disagree with Mr. Adams, Adams wrote “…Top students in America study physics, chemistry…why do we make B students sit through these same classes? That’s like trying to train your
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None of that means that someone cannot take the classes, and be great at something, and peruse something great towards the future The differences I saw were that he say that the top people go on and do great things in life to make it better but, many people have gone through life doing not so great things and being top of the class, and have also have seen very low grade students go forward with life, and succeed in life.
The greatest people in the world were not “top students” many of them are well known for today. Just because someone is not what they seem does not mean that they are not great many scientists, thinkers, inventors, and Public Figures were not bright at the start, and have become a huge success in the long run. Everyone in life will be able to do something that will impact the world good or bad, but the way the person is ranked by the education standards should not be a way on making a decision on how they will bring to something to the
Andrew Simmons published his article for The Atlantic, “The Danger of Telling Poor Kids that College is the Key to Social Mobility” on January 16, 2014, which raises his concerns that higher education is only being promoted as an opportunity to increase their economic status, when it should be an opportunity to experience an education (Simmons). Through the use of students such as Isabella, Simmons disagrees with the way students now look at higher education and blames the educators through the students’ lives for this view. Instead, Simmons views education as an intellectual opportunity rather than a way to elevate ones economic class which is all people see when they see “higher education.” He believes that education, ambition and work ethic is how you have a satisfying life, not with how much you make. He makes the point that when economics becomes the main goal of education it’s all children begin to think about and they might not pursue something that they are truly passionate about or what they want to learn about, which then does not create an intellectually awakening experience (Simmons).
In the 2005 article " Some Lessons From The Assembly Line" by author Andrew Braaksma. Mr. Braaksma tells the life lessons he has gained from working in a factory and going to college, the difference between the two, and the impact his co-workers had on him. This helps the author to realize the importance of a college education. I feel Mr. Braaksma notices that some students these days do not take school seriously and hopes he could change that by telling his story. Mr. Braaksma goal is to convey the importance of getting an education.
The students are encouraged to pick a career that will give them the greatest financial and personal rewards. It does not matter the courses that are taken, so long as that the courses taken are necessary for the chosen career. Differing from theory 1, the grades are not viewed as the most important factor in a college education; they are merely used as positive and negative reinforcement. As a result, the students only learn what they need to succeed and have no incentive to learn anything else, as it will not benefit them. To the believers of theory 2, and one of the things that make this theory unique, is the belief that education is simply about growth, not about who attends the best college or has the best
One interesting aspect of this article is when Zimmerman states that Yale should have not should shut down a web site allowing users to compare student evaluation of the university’s courses. I felt that Zimmerman had a point because the school which I attended in my country “Ghana” didn’t have a web site permitting students to rate their professors. The school administrators and faculties were the once to choose a professor for students, which was not helpful according to the students. Due to that, many students flunked in their classes and were not able to accomplishments their goals. I strongly think that the students would have done extremely marvelous in their classes if faculties and administrators delivered a website allowing them to rate their professor. In my opinion, the web site would have served as a passport aiding students achieve higher and accomplishing their objective. Consequently, Yale administrators were honestly guilty to shut down a site allowing students to rate their professors and to perform exceedingly well in their course of study.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” (qtd. in Quotes About Education” n.p.) “ Times have changed, higher education such as college is what most people need in order to have a successful career. Those who acquire higher education after high school tend to have a more successful career than those who do not acquire a higher education.
As the world of work becomes more complex, many workers need training to avoid losing their jobs or being passed over for promotion. Consequently, many who would not have considered college 20 or even 15 years ago are finding themselves back in school. As adults become students, employers, colleges, and workers are changing old notions about how to go about pursuing higher learning.
Education is an important asset for an individual to possess because it allows individuals to experience recognition for accomplishments, comprehension for understanding and processing, and admission for new opportunities. Learning utilizes resources and tools to promote growth, discovery, and adventure. More people should earn the opportunity to succeed during their times at colleges and universities. However, not all rules are created equally or fairly. The education system needs modifications to ensure all students attain a gratifying education based on personal success rather than a satisfying education based on numbers and letters.
One of the major pieces to becoming a successful business man/woman is receiving a college education. A college degree is viewed as a necessity and is slowly becoming an unreachable goal for some people. Most believe that the cost of college has been rising and continues to rise, and that the rate of increase is outpacing that of other costs (NAICU). As the cost of college rises, families have to change their way of life to be fortunate enough to send their children to college. Along with changing how families’ live, many other problems are produced in various ways. The cost of college should be lowered because it imposes a burden on parents and their children, causes some students to alter their choice of which college to attend, and
With maturity comes wisdom, and the importance of education becomes more clear as I look to further my academic career. Understanding the need for dedication in school has allowed me to recognize the great impact the same drive in every aspect of my life will have on my future. It is often thrown upon students to study and turn assignments in: students are taught to jump through hoops to earn. As I continue to mature, However, I have realized that there is more to an education than a grade. In fact, the immense number of factors that can go into or come out of academics has greatly impacted the person I have become. For example, I feel as though it is essential to know that I am more than a grade. I am more than a score. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. perceived and portrayed this idea in his famous quote. He helped pave the way for greatness through education by driving his success through thinking critically having the character to reach his goal of a true education.
The American public educational system is filled with an assortment of problems. Most students are graduating with less knowledge and capability than similar students in other industrialized countries. Classroom disruptions are surprisingly common, and in some classrooms, nearly continuous. The public education system is having difficulty adjusting to the no child left behind act. The No Child Left Behind(NCLB) is a landmark in education reform designed to improve student achievement and change the culture of American’s schools.
Throughout the years, America has always debated whether education is needed- if it helps people succeed or not. The argument in the past was always over high school education, which is now mandatory. That decision has helped the US rise economically and industrially. Today, the US is in the middle of the same debate- this time, over college. Some, like David Leonhardt, a columnist for the business section of The New York Times, think a college education creates success in any job. Others, such as Christopher Beha, an author and assistant editor of Harper’s Magazine, believe that some college “education” (like that of for-profit schools) is a waste of time, and can even be harmful to students. Each stance on this argument has truth to it,
within it, even at 78, she remains one of the most influential voices. Her central passion which has carried her through 23 years of public school teaching, 10 children, a masters and Ph. D. degree, and over 20 years as a member of the faculty at Stanford can be summed up in one word: care. She writes of it, speaks about it, and practices it.
Education in the United States is a very crucial part of a person’s life. Going to school opens doors and facilitates the pathway for future individual achievement and economic success. Formal education is a conscious effort by human society to convey the skills and modes of thought considered essential for social functioning.
Here in America every single child is sent to school starting at the age of five years old for kindergarten, and sometimes as early as two years old for pre-school and continue on to get an education late into their twenties, some even going on to take classes the rest of their lives. Education in America is something that is readily available and even is required by law, but taken for granted by many children. On flip side third world countries often do not have schools or public education mandated by government, and most times it is not even available when most children yearn for it. Education is taken for granted in America, and in third world countries where education is almost completely absent something can be learned from their
After high school, a choice that many students have to make is whether to go to college or not. There are many factors that go into one’s decision. There are pros and cons to going to college and also there are pros and cons for not going to college. But the decision that will give someone the better opportunity to have a more successful life is to go to college. The money that one will earn after getting a college degree will be more than the money a person will make without getting a college degree. As our society has continued to evolve, education has become the optimal route to professional success: pursuing a degree is the best way to receive training, to gain expertise in a given field, and even to guide you and help you make choices