
Scott Adams 'Essay' How To Get A Real Education

Decent Essays

Scott Adams wrote this “How to get a real education” in 2011. The idea of his was that “A and B students”, should not be able to be in the same class, and that the “B students” should be in lesser classes then “A students” like entrepreneurship. Adams goes into full detail on how and why he likes this idea, the biggest part of it is because he speaks out of experience. The reasoning for this essay was to persuade the reader to think of what position of career they should pursue.
The way Mr. Adams puts his own experience out to state his own bias is wrong. I strongly disagree with Mr. Adams, Adams wrote “…Top students in America study physics, chemistry…why do we make B students sit through these same classes? That’s like trying to train your …show more content…

None of that means that someone cannot take the classes, and be great at something, and peruse something great towards the future The differences I saw were that he say that the top people go on and do great things in life to make it better but, many people have gone through life doing not so great things and being top of the class, and have also have seen very low grade students go forward with life, and succeed in life.
The greatest people in the world were not “top students” many of them are well known for today. Just because someone is not what they seem does not mean that they are not great many scientists, thinkers, inventors, and Public Figures were not bright at the start, and have become a huge success in the long run. Everyone in life will be able to do something that will impact the world good or bad, but the way the person is ranked by the education standards should not be a way on making a decision on how they will bring to something to the

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