
Scott Fitzgerald's Accomplishments

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Francis Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest American authors, whose works belong to the Modernism period. His works are traced back in the early 20s and this period of time was considered of big influence. At this time, America was going through many changes between the two world wars. The country experienced a period of low economic growth, deep depression, the rise of crime and bootlegging. Terms invented at that time such as “The Jazz Age” and “The Roaring Twenties” suggest pleasure, dancing, and drinking, which were done by middle and upper classes of the population. Directly or indirectly, a work of literature is indicated by the culture in which it is produced, and a very good example of this is the novel “The Great Gatsby”, which …show more content…

Fitzgerald’s works were closely linked to the time and the place that he lived. His own struggles to reach his success and his lust for the American Dream made him write some very popular novels. During that period of time, the famous American Dream was supposed to make everyone happy. Everyone, no matter what social class they belong to, would work and live as they pleased. People would work and be successful and America would be wealthy and prosperous. However, this did not happen. Instead of making America great, people were obsessed with money and power. Consequently, this led to the corruption of many people. The American Dream is a theme that is depicted in many of his works, but it is mostly noticed in “The Great Gatsby”. According to this novel, the American Dream can be possible but one has to sacrifice a lot in order to achieve it (Fitzgerald, …show more content…

Bloom (2010) in his critical interpretation noted that “The book has become part of what must be called that American mythology, just as Fitzgerald himself now possesses mythological status, like Hemingway, or, in a different sense, Norman Mailer” (p.1). For many decades now, it is still read and appreciated by people, and it can be a result of the circumstances in which the world is today. The novel was translated in many languages by different authors such as in French (Philippe Jaworski), Italian (Ferruccio Russo), German (Walter Schurenberg) and in Albanian (Muntaz Shehu). Furthermore, there exist cinematographic productions of the novel, too. The movie was recorded several times, and its first time was in 1926, whereas the last version was done in 2013 under the direction of Baz Luhrmann, the well known Australian writer, director, and producer. In addition, “The Great Gatsby” was adapted into ballet, opera and television production (Tate, 2007). “The Great Gatsby” consists of so many elements that deserve to be elaborated, but I chose to analyze it in the aesthetic aspect, more precisely the theme of American Dream, because according to many readers and critics it is a predominant theme on this novel. The fact that the idea of this big dream is presented through characters in different ways makes it even more

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