
Scott Walker Analysis

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Republican presidential candidate, Scott Walker, was asked on Sunday if we want to build a wall on the north too because of two terrorist attacks in the past year in Canada. Walker says it is a legitimate issue. He said he was concerned terrorist may cross the border from Canada to the US. Most political debates focused around the illegal immigration from Mexico and possibilities of building a southern border wall while the northern border never had much attention until now. Walker also addressed the 14th amendment and whether to remove the birthright citizenship or not, he supported the removal but shifted positions recently. I chose this article because the idea of building a northern wall made me laugh and also made me wonder why they would even do that. This …show more content…

If I was in this situation I would actually not say it is a legitimate issue because first of all, the number of Canadian illegal immigrants is very low and they don’t have as much impact as say the Mexican illegal immigrants. Also it is highly unlikely that a terrorist would just cross the border and do that. This also brings me up to another question, why is it that American citizens get to freely cross the border to Canada but Canadians can’t freely cross the border to the US. I liked the article itself but did not like Walker’s statement because the article delved into more topics then the title presented which I personally liked, also I believe Walker wasn’t thinking when he said it was a legitimate issue and I believe the person who asked him wasn’t completely serious. I believe this article is important for kids our age because if they do actually build the wall, we may not be able to just drive to Canada easily and that would deprive us of rights we used to have just to protect us from a highly unlikely threat. Yes, terrorist may cross Canada to

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