Republican presidential candidate, Scott Walker, was asked on Sunday if we want to build a wall on the north too because of two terrorist attacks in the past year in Canada. Walker says it is a legitimate issue. He said he was concerned terrorist may cross the border from Canada to the US. Most political debates focused around the illegal immigration from Mexico and possibilities of building a southern border wall while the northern border never had much attention until now. Walker also addressed the 14th amendment and whether to remove the birthright citizenship or not, he supported the removal but shifted positions recently. I chose this article because the idea of building a northern wall made me laugh and also made me wonder why they would even do that. This …show more content…
If I was in this situation I would actually not say it is a legitimate issue because first of all, the number of Canadian illegal immigrants is very low and they don’t have as much impact as say the Mexican illegal immigrants. Also it is highly unlikely that a terrorist would just cross the border and do that. This also brings me up to another question, why is it that American citizens get to freely cross the border to Canada but Canadians can’t freely cross the border to the US. I liked the article itself but did not like Walker’s statement because the article delved into more topics then the title presented which I personally liked, also I believe Walker wasn’t thinking when he said it was a legitimate issue and I believe the person who asked him wasn’t completely serious. I believe this article is important for kids our age because if they do actually build the wall, we may not be able to just drive to Canada easily and that would deprive us of rights we used to have just to protect us from a highly unlikely threat. Yes, terrorist may cross Canada to
Many say that the border wall is a bad idea, but others say it has some benefits. President Trump said in his campaign that he wanted “a great, great wall.” This was to ensure that anyone with no papers doesn’t take the jobs that “Americans” need. Since there are 2 sides of this problem they should both be addressed.
The Case of Randy Harris describes the lesson of a middle school mathematics teacher, and how he uses diagrams, questions, and other methods to guide his students to a better understanding. Throughout his case study, Harris’ methods could be easily compared to that of the Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices. There are eight mathematical teaching practices that support student learning, most of which are performed throughout Randy Harris’ lesson. Harris didn’t perform each teaching practice perfectly, despite doing the majority of them throughout his lessons. The following are examples of how Randy Harris implemented the eight mathematical teaching practices into his lesson, and how the ones that were neglected should have been
Scott Walker, current governor of Wisconsin, was born on November 2, 1967 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He lived in Plainfield, Iowa for many of his younger years. He and his family moved to Delavan, Wisconsin in 1977, due to a change in his father’s occupation. Scott was involved in many activities as a child, teen and young adult; including sports, band, church, and boy scouts (which he is still involved with currently). Walker had always wanted to be involved in politics since the start of his high school career, but what really go the ball rolling was when he was selected to attend Badger Boys state, and then was selected to be one of two representatives to go to Boys Nation in DC. Following this experience, Walker moved to Milwaukee in 1986 to attend college at Marquette University ( which he didn’t graduated from), and worked for IBM before becoming a full time American Red Cross financial developer.
Next up holding strong at 11.7 percent is a man who is not just a corporate tool but a corporate tool shed, the union busting government of Wisconsin Scott Walker: now what can I say about Scott Walker that a million angry teachers haven't said about him while sticking pins into their Scott Walker voodoo tools. Scott walker is the kind of guy who would mail his parents a suicide letter COD, not also has he made a reputation of busting unions, an agenda that makes our rich corporate overlords profit margins stand at full attention, but he has already wreaked the Wisconsin economy with such ferocious austerity measures that even the Greek Oligarchs think he's Doctor Doom in a bad tie. That's right kids these boots where made for Walker and that's
Simon Derderian Major Assignment: Response English Enrichment Course 102 Section 3 Rodriguez, R. (2010). The Great Wall of America. The Short Prose Reader (13th edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Pp.
The 45th president of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, is a political man who has many ideas to improve the U.S. One of the many idea he had included building a wall between the borders of the United States and Mexico for the “purpose of controlling immigration into America”. According to Trump this wall is supposed to help our country with its national security. In reality though, many people believe that the wall is showing Trumps true colors. Many people are contemplating on the fact if Trump is a racist person who is building the wall because it provides a method of targeting and preventing those who are trying to cross the Mexican-American Border. In reality, Trump only cares about trying to make “America Great Again”, and
Immigration: Walker supports completion of a wall between the US and Mexico. Walker knows that too many violent immigrants exploits our border and steal American jobs.
Thank you, Governor Walker, for visiting New Berlin West this morning. I especially appreciate you recognizing that the School District of New Berlin is leading the State, when it comes to college and career readiness. We have a great team of Teachers and Staff who are committed to every students’ success.
The front parking lot was full. I just couldn’t get a break. I drove around to the back and found a spot behind the depot. My knuckles turned white as I gripped the steering wheel. If Mother caught me there’d be no mercy, but as long as I made it to the hospital to see my dad, I didn’t care. I said a quick prayer for courage, and exited the
The author asserts that elected officials tend to mislead loyal voters. The investigation provide proof of this by displaying information stating that Mitt Romney won most if the votes from people that receives public assistance. What those voters failed to realize is that he favored a government budget cut from social assistance. If this is done, poverty will rise to an even greater number. This is validity of how the general poor will remain poor and the rich will remain rich. To give a reality connection, taxes affect individual’s personal paycheck, leaving them with very little to pay bills let alone feed themselves.
The culmination of my high school career has positively resulted in me becoming immensely educated in government and politics than I would have ever imagined. I have been a part of a club known as Youth In Government, dedicated to civic literacy and social responsibility. Being involved in this, I created a piece of legislation that exempted a sales tax (one that Rick Scott actually passed himself earlier this year), learned the importance of educating oneself, and engaged in open dialogue and logical debate with people who had both different and similar beliefs than I. As an advocate for learning, I have grown to see the importance of compromise and discussion, especially between both sides. At this time and age, we are succumbed to the polarization
On the evening of September 11, 2001, George W. Bush managed to change the country forever with a simple three letter word. President Bush gained numerous advantages following his renown speech. Many Americans lost their lives on 911 due to terrorism being used as a form of communication. Language is the cornerstone of all known societies and is essential for a country to thrive. Without language there is no understanding. Without understanding conflicts are inevitable.
Some effects of American Imperialism were in the Western Hemisphere and the pacific with Spanish war and the creation of a colonial empire. Also there were some positive effects over America imperialism like the further protection of human rights ands social institutions.
One of the pros for building the fence is that “control of the borders are required for national security”. With the rise of terrorist groups around the world including
My first reason is that a presidential candidate wants the wall to go up. I quote that I chose is, ”I've been leading the fight in the Senate to triple the Border Patrol, to put in place fencings and walls, to put in place a strong biometric exit/entry system” (Ted Cruz). If you are a person running for president, you don’t want to do and say stupid stuff. Having said Ted still said that he would be in favor of the wall because he realizes that these illegal immigrants need to be stopped and have them come over legally. My second reason is governors are also in favor of the wall. The quote I chose is, "As noted in Immigration Wars, fencing is a component of border security. When combined with surveillance technology and agents to detect and respond to crossings, fencing or other barriers can serve several purposes, including: (1) deterring illegal entries by making it more difficult to cross the border, (2) facilitating enforcement by increasing the time available to respond and apprehend people, and (3) steering dangerous criminals and traffickers away from populated areas, improving public safety. Sufficient funding should be provided to maintain, improve, and expand fences where appropriate (e.g., based on the terrain along the border or the proximity of populated areas)" (Jeb Bush). What this is saying is that to actually really stop these immigrants and dangerous criminals, we need something other than just the border patrol and that something is the wall. It will only help America. Just because the media says its bad, is it really? Do you always agree with stuff on TV and the