In this passages, Im going to explain my point of view from both parties. I agree with both of them and disagree. Parents have their on way of raising their kids. Both articles have really good standing points. Let me give you my outlook on things. Frist, in the article Screen Time Limits Are Vital for Children, they state that experts have long gone known that TV watching is not good for children. They also state that 2011 and 2013, children ages 8 and under more than doudle their use of media devices with screens. I agree with those two statements, because I see it everyday. My boys are 8 and 4 years old. They each have a tablet and a Tv gaming system. I feel as parents we could try a little harder, to keep our kids from in the the …show more content…
For example, the article states, Now for the first time in fifty years, researchers are seeing a significantr decrease in kids' creativity. I would have to disagree with that statement. From my own life experiments, my kids play outside just as much as they play their video games. Sometimes I have to make them come in the house from being in the sun all day. Furthermore, in the article It's Time to Let Go of Screen Fears, they had some really good points. In states that AAP changed its guidelines for children's screen watching. The group want the parent to playing video games with the kids. I find this to be true. Cause I often paly with my boys to get a feel out of it. I also paly with them as to spend time with them. It seem to me when I paly with them they are more into the game, because they get to beat momma. Finally, in article It's Time to Let Go of Screen Fears, I don't agree with the article either when they state, some studies show watching too much TV lead to weak executive function, lower test score,and obesity in children. From my own life experences, I have a 4 year old son, and he gets on YouTube and practice his numbers. He's 4 and know all his numbers from one to twenty. He also have a word game on his tablet, and he knows how to spell basic words at his age. I think that's
Statistics show that screen time negatively affects children’s learning abilities and development. “The effects of so much screen time can include speech delays, aggressive behavior and obesity.” (Lavey) Since parents play a role in how much television their kids can watch, they can minimize the chances of their brains not developing correctly. “The first 2 years of life are considered a critical time for brain development. TV and other electronic media can get in the way of exploring, playing, and interacting with parents and others, which encourages learning and healthy physical and social development.” (Kids Health) Children do
In "It's time to Let Go of Screen Fears", it talks about the important things and why childeren being more focused on tablets and tv more than doing activies out doors. Honestly you can actually learn alot just by watching tv, and also being active with a device, studies show kids watching tv with parents and just having some screen time reduces alot of everyday stress and also depression. Also phones and tablets make it alot eaiser for young children to learn than to just
Like the top article states "Play time is important for kids." it does help the young kids and teens get into better shape because the health issue of sitting can be major. The kids need to be restricted until maybe fifteen. Thats in my mind set though i wish my parents would have told me or forced me to go out side because i wouldnt be haveing the health issues im having now. But no matter what happens in the life time your mind is what controls you not anyone else. you can be told to go outside and play but you can just sit there and not listen.
Children are become less intelligent because of one thing parents are giving them. By 2010, two-thirds of children ages 4 to 7 had used an iPhone (Joan Ganz Cooney Center). In this growth of their life children’s brain develops fine motor skills, gross motor skills, speech and language, cognitive, and social and emotional development. (Brain Development in Children) Technology, as in screens, can make these developments suffer. Young children are negatively affected by technology, resulting in poor academic skills, poor life skills, and delayed developmental stages.
I believe children should be limited to a certian amount of time, when it comes to staring at a screen. "Screen time takes a mental and physical toll on kids." (Screen Time Limits Are Vital for Children). With these tolls taken on the body there is very little energy for children to use their own imagination. Children become more interested in what's playing on the TV than they are with what's going on outside of the box.
First of all i'd like to say. Too much screen time does influence negative feature's in our children today. One is not having enough social interaction. Second, there should be time limits, because of the promotion of laziness in which cause obesity from lack of function and activity.
Most children today have access to devices such as television, smartphones, computers, and tablets. These devices can be used in a variety of ways, with both positive and negative outcomes. For example, preschool aged children may use a device to learn letters, numbers, or colors. School aged children may use a computer to conduct research, or watch an educational show. A child may also sit in front of the television for many hours, reducing physical activity, and become obese. I believe it is important for the parent or caregiver of the child to monitor the amount of screen time, as well as the content to optimize the benefits these devices can offer.
How can I refute this research? (What research describes the positive aspects of video games?)
The Department of Education states that television is viewed an average of three to five hours per day by children. Too much television can have an everlasting affects on children, such as violent behavior, aggressive behavior, poor school performance, obesity, early sexual activities, and early drug and alcohol use. Television can affect children both physical and psychological (qtd. in Graham 1). Some argue that television does not affect children; it can be very educational
Would you as a parent, limit your child's amount of screen time or gaming? Some people will argue that screen time for kids is not good for their still developing brains. They say that video games and television will “rot” their brains and that they will grow to be more violent and hostile (Scholastic). Some studies show that this isn't necessarily true. Research shows that people who play video games are actually more outgoing and physically active(McGonigal). Scientists and researchers Sy Mukherjee, Christopher Bergland and Peter Grey, say that with technology and gaming in our kids lives, then they can develop essential learning skills, and strengthen important traits like common sense(McGonigal). The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
In my opinion children should not be restricted from spending time in front of media screens. One reason why children should'nt be restricted to media screens is because teconology gives children who are visual learners acces to educational videos where they would learn faster than reading about it. Another reason is because since 2015 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) changed their guidelines for children screen watching. They now support children and parents to play video games together. Also children have showed researchers that watching TV with their parents has reduced anger and fear.
The study of media relating to child addiction is unfortunately not a new topic. The National Journal of Medical Research identifies television addiction as: using TV as sedative indiscriminative viewing, loss of control while viewing, feeling angry with one self for watching to much, inability to stop watching, and feeling miserable when kept away from watching (Dave & Dave, 2011). There are several issues related to this type of media consumption by children. The addiction of television in children mainly affects time. “Children aged 8 to 10 are exposed to the media an average of 7.5 hours a day compared to 11.5 hours for those aged 11 to 14” (Tepperman, Albanese, Curtis, 2014). Without technology and the media to influence children, they could turn their attention to things like participating in activities outside, and making social connection with people. Those who spend their childhood years consumed by television and video games, will only carry this addiction through adolescence and adulthood, affecting their social life and well being over
Television is one of the most common electrical appliances in our homes and almost all individuals are exposed to it at some time or other. With regards to children, they are among the heaviest users of television. Television is most often exposed to a child who instantly becomes accustomed to its presence. Young children spend between three and four hours watching television each day. It has played an important role in their lives and its viewing has been a favorite activity for many of them. “TV viewing among kids is at an eight-year high. On average, children ages 2-5 spend 32 hours a week in front of a TV—watching television, DVDs, DVR and videos, and using a game console. Kids ages 6-11 spend about 28 hours a week in
"Children of all ages are constantly learning new things. The first 2 years of life are especially important in the growth and development of your child's brain. During this time, children need good, positive interaction with other children and adults. Too much television can negatively affect early brain development. This is especially true at younger ages, when learning to talk and play with others is so important."
In our society, technologies are now easily accessible. With smartphones, tablet, computer, gaming devices along with television, young children have the access to these devices effortlessly. In the twenty-first century, technologies run our life, they keep us entertain and busy. Lots of people see no harms in it and believe that technologies are the key to a better future. Although the belief is true, having young children as old as 1 month old have access to technology is not the answer for a bright future. We see young children able to use phone and tablet rapidly. They learn much faster than an adult and sometimes, they learn how to use the devices much more effectively than an adult. For younger children, parents tend to use the television as their main source to keep their kids occupy and a resource for education. Having a kid around while trying to get things done is difficult. Kids take up most of our free time and parents sometimes just want to get some things done like chores or cooking. Because of that, parents rely on the television to keep the child company for a while. Other time, parents use educational programs on the television to teach their children much quicker than having to sit down, and find way to explain to young children about certain things. The question to focus on is, does television good for the children? Millennial parents should know about how long hours of television viewing time will affect their children milestone development in a long run.