People are flawed. This is not new information. Ever since Eve took a bite of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, sin has constantly tainted every part of humanity. Violence, wars, bloodshed, and death are all side-effects of the sin-curse. When looking at foreign policy matters in the Middle East, many fail to remember the fallen state of humanity. Still peering through the rose-colored glasses, so many United States citizens continue to hope for “world peace.” Scripture says “and ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” There will never be world peace until Christ returns. As such, opponents of America’s Pro-Israel stance should bear the terrible travesties of sin in mind before completely rejecting the current, Scriptural policy. America’s current policy on Israel is entirely Scriptural. Genesis 12:2-3 says …show more content…
With anti-American sentiment, nuclear weapons, and weak governmental leadership continuing to permeate the Middle East, America must keep a tight watch to ensure no more American lives are lost to terrorists within our own borders. The United States must seek to protect their own against Middle Eastern threats of war and bloodshed while trying to find some kind of peace within the chaos. After all, we need at least an uneasy peace with the Middle East since so much of our oil comes from them. This begs a question – Is Middle Eastern contempt of Israel’s American support being reflected in our oil prices? Naturally, there is no way to confirm any answer to such a question. Still, it does seem a bit ironic that the more support we provide Israel the higher our gas prices seem to go. But, being scripturally correct in our stance, America must persevere. Standing for what is right in God’s eyes is always more important than our
Back in 1948 when Israel was founded, World War II was over, and the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union was just beginning. This paved the way for the United States to make a strategic move that has shaped the course of American policy to this day. In order to attempt to keep communism from spreading to the volatile region that is the Middle East, the United States created an unwritten alliance with the only country in the Middle East that was willing to do so: Israel. Fast forward to present day and the Cold War is no longer relevant to the purpose of “special relationship” between the US and Israel, but many new benefits have arisen that make the alliance worth maintaining. Critics of the alliance cite the idea that Israel receives more in aid than the United States get in return in benefits and that having Israel as an ally is more of a burden than it is worth. The three main categories in which the United States receives benefits from its alliance with Israel are political, economic, and military. Although critics of the United States’ alliance with Israel believe it is much too burdensome, the political, economic, and military benefits outweigh the negatives and make maintaining the alliance valuable in the future.
While reading novels readers can relate to the characters challenges. In the realistic fiction novel Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen, the reader can relate to challenges that the characters in the book have. While we don’t have the same challenges, Juli Baker deals with the lose of the sycamore tree, while I deal with being too hard on myself. First, the character Juli Baker, from Flipped, has the challenge of dealing with the lose of the sycamore tree.
Terrorism is the most concerned conflict the United States has on its agenda today. On September 11th of 2001, two planes crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City, killing over 2,000 people and causing the buildings to collapse. This horrendous event caused the U.S. to start research, prepare, and prevent the terrorist attacks. It was discovered that the planes were hijacked by a group of militants from al-Qaeda (terrorists associated with the Islamic Extremist Group). Although the United States has recovered, the Middle East is continued to be left corrupt and unstable. The U.S. stresses that the Middle East will strike again, especially because the rise of power that terrorists have gained over the past years. Since most countries in the Middle East are unfortunately experiencing such low conditions, terrorism has created a large impact on it.
Being informed about what is happening around us is essential to the formation of America’s foreign policy actions. “America’s success abroad is founded on the rock of an informed and involved public.” stated Colin Powell. The recent terrorist attacks in Paris are a stark reminder of why we need to be aware of world events and politics. Without a full knowledge of what is happening in the world, we cannot support or oppose the foreign policy decisions of our president and congress. Furthermore, America is the leader of the free world and responsible for defending other countries against terrorism. As responsible citizens, we need to know the dangers and threats in order to prepare our military and our people. The current administration has only made the world situation more tenuous due to its appeasement ideologies. We can only support congress to take the
President Obama stated in his Anti-Terror Strategy address, "We continue to face a terrorist threat. We cannot erase every trace of evil from the world, and small groups of killers have the capacity to do great harm. That was the case before 9/11, and that remains true today” (Obama).The Middle East today is composed of very complicated religious tensions, unstable states, and rising terrorist organizations. The collapse of central governments and the rise of powerful non-state actors breed problems that foreign powers and the world’s only superpower, simply should begin to address. Many argue that the involvement in the Middle East is not our problem and that it will only cause our national debt to increase. As human beings we must began to realize the crimes against humanity occurring in the region and ask ourselves one question, can we truly turn a blind eye to the hundreds of innocent people dying and at what cost? The United States of America must get involved in the Middle East to ensure justice is achieved and maintained. Our interference will decrease the chances of terrorist attacking U.S. soil, and our military involvement will save the lives of many innocent citizens caught up in the turmoil. The United States must protect its interests and allies in the region. America stands for freedom, justice, and dignity; we must take a stand to defend ourselves and those in need, if we truly want to uphold the
William Lind says that the answer is to “isolate ourselves from the spreading stateless disorder and Fourth Generation war not only in the Middle East but wherever it appears. The real danger to us is not Fourth Generation war there, but its spread here. We need to act forcefully to prevent its importation by immigrants and refugees. We should be equally forceful in combating homegrown disorder, which is best done by again enabling the state to guarantee the safety of persons and property. While we carry on a war with ISIS, the American state cannot maintain order a thousand yards from the U.S. Capitol after nightfall. Once no one in this country needs to employ private security, then perhaps we can think of charging windmills in Castile.” (Lind) Lind also says that we can learn from history that the odds are against us. The state is not what it used to be. The state is supposed to protect its people and its land, and they have not been doing that. (Lind) The states are diminishing even quicker in the Middle East because most of the states were not real from the
In the play, written by Shakespeare, Macbeth has received prophecies about him becoming the thane of Glamis, the thane of Cawdor, as well as the future king. While he was already the thane of Glamis, it soon came true to him being crowned the thane of Cawdor so naturally he assumed that the second prediction would come true, but decided to rush the process instead of waiting for it to come his way. While Lady Macbeth, his wife, and the witches certainly play a significant role in Macbeth’s corruption and downfall, it is ultimately he himself to blame for his easy acceptance of his fate by the Witches, his vulnerability to his wife's manipulations, and his tragic flaw bringing him to his demise. “All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis…
It has come to my attention that our nation is in the middle of earthweek. At a time when we all stop, as Americans, and take a look at all of the great accomplishments we have made that we could have possibly overlooked while running around with our busy schedules. We recognize our efforts to create powerful industries and production plants that produce endless chemical compounds and new materials. The discovery and use of fossil fuels, of which has fed our automobiles and at times added a protective coating to our shores and beaches. The men and women who clear the land and provide the materials for our homes. And what about electricity? The greatest discovery of all time. We must not forget about the men
The US is taking revenge on the terrorists that attacked the US World Trade Center, Pentagon, the field in Pennsylvania. Countries are attacking their own people. Leaders of the US feel it is necessary to get rid of the violence-seeking people that attack the innocent people. The people of the Middle East are immigrating to different, but has a safe population. Although the civilian population of the US feel the government needs to take troops back home. Civilians believe the violence that is happening in the Middle East. The government of the US takes action on the countries associated with the terrorists of the Middle East. Reacting to the violence is one idea military leaders say could resolve the conflict. This is the only way to get to war without killing innocent civilians. Using force to overthrow the cruelty of the terrorists is a priority for the safety of the US citizens. This will involve the military leaders to keep the citizens of the US
The divine law was an idea, which is believed since the middle Ages in Europe.
The divine command theory states that an action is only moral if commanded by God. A utilitarian believes an action is moral if it benefits everyone associated with the action, whether it is being done for or to them. The Egoism theory says that something is done so that it may benefit the person’s self-interest. Robin would be immoral in the divine command theory, and theory of utilitarianism and does not fall under egoism.
In an article called "U.S.-Israel Relations Roots of the U.S.-Israel Relationships" the author talks about the history of our relationship in politics: "During more than six decades of state building Israelis have looked to the U.S. for political inspiration, financial and military assistance and diplomatic support" ("Us-Israel"). Our relationship with Israel is so strong politically because of the shared values that allow us to think similarly and confront each other about problems easily. People might say that we should use this knowledge to invade Israel, but if we do this then we would never repair the relationship and all of our political problems could be leaked and this would show the world our weakness; that is why it is crucial to keep our trust and friendship strong. In the same article the author talks about the history of our shared values, "The continued strength of the U.S.-Israel alliance is rooted in the shared values of the two nations" this history is what makes our relationship so
I am an American Jew born 12 years after the end of WWII. Hebrew school, which I started attending at age 5 until 11, created a sense of difference and specialty between myself and other non-Jews. Arabs, Palestinians and all anti-Semites were the enemy of the Jewish world community and were to be despised. Consequently, 75 percent of my identity was held in place by my membership to the Jewish world community. Consequently, I lived the next twenty years as a Defensive American Zionist Jew. I didn't question Israel for its military actions, for occupying other’s lands, bulldozing houses or refugee camps down, or committing other horrible acts. After all, Israel was only defending itself from terrorist factions that called for the genocide of the Jewish people and whose intent was and still is to wipe Israel off the map.
In order for the United States of America and its allies to live a life free of terrorist threats, they need to counter violent extremism and terrorism with swift and deliberate prevention efforts world-wide.
This article is just another poor try to convince that the settlements are bad for Israel. I don't agree with Mr. press's opinion about the American move affect. I think that when the strongest economy in the world supports Israel it may signal to countries that boycotting Israel is not the right decision to make and may influence other countries to do the same. Moreover, I think that boycotting Israel firms that gives services to settlements and settlers is almost impossible to apply. I also think that the wise reader knows that what matter is interests and nothing more when it comes to political action. Therefor I assume that trying to ''force'' Israel with economic tools is not a realistic solution for solving the conflict. States will not