Extremely greedy was Scrooge; an example of his greediness would be when the people that were asking for donations visited, he straight up told them he didn’t believe in charity for the sake of the government supplied help to those in need. Very impolite and rude was Scrooge for he had insulted his nephew’s marriage as it involved love. This article explicitly states him as being a cold-hearted, uncaring, and selfish person when he gave Christmas day off to his employee, and thereupon he says it is the only day of the year his employee can rob him.
The next anecdote that follows that, it says he wouldn’t even give his clerk a fire to keep warm, so his clerk used a candle hoping to stay warm. Based on what I read he had a pointed nose and frost on his head and was always a grumpy elderly man. Nevertheless, he always had a reason to discourage a human being. When the ghost of Christmas past came it showed him where he used to live when he was younger and there were fields on both sides of the road and a gigantic gate that lead to the place. He had seen a bunch of different scenes as children playing, kids running around, and anon there was one lonely boy by himself, sitting in a room. It was seen as if his sister ran into the room and was ecstatic that their father wanted him back and to return.
In the stave following that, which is stave 3 he was met by the ghost of Christmas present and it showed him different people which were talking about him. He actually began to adore
From Stave, 3 what I learned is that Scrooge is becoming a big softie or, he's getting nicer, one of those. But also that when he sees Tiny Tim all weak and sick that he actually cares for them, he then asks the Spirit, if Tiny Tim will survive, the Spirit just says “I see a vacant seat, in the poor chimney-corner and a crutch without an owner, carefully preserved. If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, the child will die.” Scrooge then hangs his head (Not actually hang, he more like bows his head) in grief after the Spirit recites what Scrooge had said before. Then Scrooge and the ghost move on to another house, his nephew’s house to be exact, and they watch as Fred’s (His nephew) family and his wife’s family eat, drink, sing and
In this essay I am going to distinguish the personality of Scrooge also show you how he was at the beginning of the novella in the 1st Stave to how he changes at the end in the 5th Stave.
Scrooge's mean attitude was demonstrated when he said to his nephew, “What right have you to be Merry? You're poor enough" This is the first indication that Scrooge was not in the Christmas spirit as he was not joyful. This is also an indication that Scrooge was greedy and
Overly grumpy and has extortionate avarice, this is Scrooge. Scrooge may also be malcontent, and he is this little miserly ol’ curmudgeon. Happiness, kindness, and Christmas, Scrooge hates, until a clique of three apparitions comes and shows him otherwise. May I also add the fact that Scrooge is not very liberal, instead he is odious, and misanthropic. This man was a miserable, depressed, heavy-hearted man. According to the text, no one ever stopped Scrooge in the street to say, with a gladsome look, “My dear Scrooge, how are you? When will you come to see me?” Scrooge has an unfortunate reputation of being antisocial, depressed, negative, untrustworthy. Extremely uncaring, and thoughtless to the poor people, Scrooge is, as he thinks there is a jail for poor people. In general, Scrooge is just very negative. The triplet of ghosts comes to show Scrooge the reasons of why it is bad to be negative, antisocial, and untrustworthy. Also, Scrooge is very much a gargantuan jerk. The three ghosts give Scrooge a last chance to change his unfortunate, bad reputation into a fortunate, positive reputation.
Scrooge keeps the coal-box in his own room so the clerk is not able to
Scrooge began his transformation into a good man when the Ghost of Christmas present shows him the Cratchit household. Scrooge throughout this scene is presented with the consequences of his actions and how they affect those who are less fortunate than he. “Think of that. Bob had but fifteen bob a-week himself; he pocketed on Saturdays but fifteen copies of his Christian name; and yet the Ghost of
Ebenezer Scrooge starts of in the story being a angry, unkind, and ungrateful man. Scrooge never donated any money to the poor or to any charities. For example one day near the christmas holiday some people came to his place of work asking if he would donate some money to the less fortunate, he refused to help out by donating and told them to leave. Mr. Scrooge underpaid his worker Mr. Bob Cratchit, it shows in the story that Bob was not getting paid enough for the amount of hours he worked for Mr. Scrooge, because he could barely afford to feed his family. Also Ebenezer never went to visit his family. Mr. Scrooge's nephew had been asking his uncle to come to supper with him and his family on christmas day for years and he always said no and that he would not come.
A lot of people die so what was so special about scrooge? Let’s find out.A lot of people were talking about the man because he was a cheap, mean tight-fisted miser.Throughout the story he proved this by not donating for charity, he wouldn’t share and he also only worked by candle light and heat from a small fire .
Most people already have an idea/image for themselves. Many think they are pretty, funny, or even ugly/rude at times. People have a strange way of thinking about themselves, but so do others in a third perspective. If someone asked you “ what do you think about “blank” ?”, the name would make you feel something. People seem never to have a problem talking about who they know, but what if that friend… was Ebenezer Scrooge?
To start off, in many instances Scrooge showed what type of person he is, even at the beginning of the play his old friend Marley described him as a “wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner!” (paragraph 4 page 236) Which doesn’t seem like a way you would describe an old friend even if you are dead, unless the facts are undoubtedly true. However this isn’t the only occurrence in the play makes us see how Scrooge should change his ways, we see Scrooge at the beginning sitting alone counting his money saying, “They owe me money and I will collect. I will have them jailed, if I have to.” (paragraph 6 page 236) This shows how Scrooge has no tolerance for anything, although this can be good in some cases, others it isn’t the best way to treat people. Especially if you take such extreme measures very quickly, like sending someone to jail or example. But this is all about to change, because Scrooge needs to get better, he needs to learn how to treat people.
While Scrooge is asleep the phantom slowly gravely and creepily walks towards him, Scrooge knows exactly who it is he is the ghost of Christmas future. But Scrooge is not very content to see him, he wants to know where he’s gonna take him. As the ghost takes him to where they need to go they move to the big city and it looks like that somebody died, it states in the text that a man recited I don’t know all that I know is that he’s dead.It also says that he died last night whoever died. They are making fun of whoever died and they are saying this is gonna be a cheap funeral I mean who would come? Then they start taking all of his possessions and the undertaker demands them, he wants to know where the blankets are and where everything is. As
Scrooge, a very impolite, gloomy, depressed, sad person with no friends is the main character of our story. According to the text, he despises many things such as happiness, humor, and even Christmas. Being depressed all the time has led him to call other people stupid, dumb, and idiots. Scrooge insults his nephew about marrying and loving his wife. The text states, that he also “seized the ruler with such energy of action, that the singer fled in terror, leaving the keyhole to the frost and even more congenial frost.” From the reading I know that Scrooge isn’t a people person and is very down about life. Based on the text he doesn’t really like being around them. For example Scrooge didn’t donate any money to the poor, and blew off his nephew about spending Christmas with them. In the text it states that there is no wind as bare as Scrooge, this means he doesn't really care or doesn't have many feelings.
Based on what I read Scrooge is a grumpy person that is commanding and doesn't feel for anyone. Dickens doesn't like this and says it is a big no-no is his world. Scrooge spends money on only what he needs to get by. He doesn't get why Christmas is such a big deal. In fact, he hates the Christmas cheer and expresses his feelings. He despises poor people and say that they should go to jail. He does not have any joy, but he’s not depressed. Scrooge almost wants to damage people's day and does it often. The text says he is a hard worker as it states “he was a tight-fisted hand at the grind-stone, Scrooge! A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner!” He can also really stand the elements, the cold., the hot, the rain, the snow, the… anything. Not only can he withstand the elements, but based on the information from the text I inferred that he is the elements, resilient and unforgiving. Even though he is freaked out from before he still checks out a dark, gloomy building, showing he is brave. But Scrooge is dead.
Scrooge is excessively angry, rude, unfriendly character. Scrooge’s cruel actions to most others are unkind, especially when it’s about Christmas. The bitterness drive in Scrooge against Christmas is very strong. Scrooge also hates things such as love, happiness, generosity, and regards them as irrational until such time that a rightful trio of ghosts came to set him right. Charles Dickens paints him as an old businessman, with a ring of frosty white hair on his head, a pointed nose, red eyes, thin eyebrows, and a wiry chin. Scrooge is so acutely cold inside, it makes his lips blue, the tip of his nose strawberry red. The book describes him as hard and sharp as flint, self-contained, and solitary like an oyster. Scrooge is described as a
In this essay I am going to distinguish the personality of Scrooge also show you how he was at the beginning of the novella in the 1st Stave to how he changes at the end in the 5th Stave.