
Scully: A Narrative Fiction

Satisfactory Essays

"Mulder, what are we doing here? It's a thousand degrees in the attic, I haven't eaten since this morning, and again why are we here?" Impromptu FBI roadtrip hadn't exactly caught Scully off guard- but driving to Georgia and spending all day in the car- only to pull up outside an old Army vet's widow's house, to crawl around in his attic full of dust that was older than her. And they never even stopped for food. "I told you Scully- there's an x file here." Mulder poked his head over a stack of boxes he wasn't done sifting through yet. Scully was right about one thing- the attic definitely didn't have central air. "An x-file, Mulder there's nothing here but 70 years of accumulated junk- newspapers, old toys, and clothes. Why, what do you have there?" Scully shifted another box of baby clothes …show more content…

And she could enjoy it. But her shirt was sticking to her back, her neck was cricked from the car, and she couldn't conceive how they were supposed to find anything exterrestrial here. "Mickey Mantle rookie card. Think he'll miss it?" Mulder didn't haveta see Scully's face to know the look he earned. "And old CIA transcripts." He emerged with a winning smile and tucked a stack of manila envelopes under his arm. "Why would an old Army vet have CIA transcripts in his attic?" Stepping over an old toy chest, Scully navigated her way to Mulder's corner of the attic, shining her flashlight in his eyes a second too long. She could swear his corner was cooler. "Look- this one's about Southern Air Transport drops in Vietnam-" Brushing dust from the paperwork, Mulder could just make out scrawled inscriptions about the CIA contractorship. "Bingoe. Back in the car, Scully. If you grab that box there's a diner stop in it for

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