
Sea Ice: Important To The Environment

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Have you ever wondered what some animals call home? If so, then the Sea Ice is the place to begin. Researches have classified the ice into two categories: the Arctic section, and the Antarctic section. The Arctic side is on an ocean, that is mostly surrounded by land. On the other side, the Arctic Side, it is in the ocean surrounded by the land, but controls the “coldest darkest part of the Northern Hemisphere.” (P.12). Sea ice is important to the environment; it is important to the environment because it releases nutrients into the water for animals to eat, is home to many species of animals, and it creates a cap that keeps water from evaporating. In summer, the sea ice will partially melt. When this partial melt occurs “the ice releases …show more content…

"The ice itself is also home of animals like seals, arctic foxes, polar bears and penguins." (P.3). If taken into consideration, the sea ice is a highly beneficial place to live in for these creatures; it provides shelter and food for the exotic animals. This shows that many different types of animals live on the ice. Therefore, the sea ice is important to the environment. "Sea ice also creates a cap on the ocean. This cap helps keep water from evaporating into the atmosphere." (P.2). The weather takes the hit for this cap and becomes colder and drier in the iced-covered areas. This cap, also prevents the water’s heat from escaping, and being released into the air, thus adding to global warming. The Arctic and Antarctic sea ice is a necessity to the animals currently residing on the ice. It provides necessary nutrients for them to thrive off of, acts as a home for various amounts of species that are suitable to live there, and help keep the water’s heat from adding to the cause of global warming. In conclusion, sea ice is vital to keep the environment …show more content…

When this partial melt occurs “the ice releases nutrients that some animals eat” (P.3). The nutrients are the main food basis for the animals that call the ice home. The fauna, an animal that currently resides in the sea ice, that eat these nutrients that are mainly pelagic life to them. Therefore, the nutrients that the sea ice releases are very important to their everyday life, along with the other creatures that reside there. Along with the fauna mentioned above, there are multiple types of animals that call the sea ice their home. "The ice itself is also home of animals like seals, arctic foxes, polar bears and penguins." (P.3). If taken into consideration, the sea ice is a highly beneficial place to live in for these creatures; it provides shelter and food for the exotic animals. This shows that many different types of animals live on the ice. Therefore, the sea ice is important to the environment. "Sea ice also creates a cap on the ocean. This cap helps keep water from evaporating into the atmosphere." (P.2). The weather takes the hit for this cap and becomes colder and drier in the iced-covered areas. This cap, also prevents the water’s heat from escaping, and being released into the air, thus adding to global

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