
Sean Duffy Case Summary

Satisfactory Essays

On 2011, a case relating to the internet troll by Sean Duffy, 25 years old who posted videos and messages through Facebook page, and Youtube mocking the deaths of some teenagers besides to insult the death and family’s victims. Duffy had posted several offensive messages on the internet without knowing the victims such as a girl, Natasha MacBryde, 15 years old who had been hit by a passenger train near her home in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire. Duffy posted comments on the Facebook page stated that “I fell asleep on the track lolz” as an instance for the derogatory defamation. He started to make libel and malicious comment to the death of Hayley Bates, 16 years old girl who died in a car crash in September 2010 by adding crosses over her eyes

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