Developments in transportation have been realized during the period of industrial revolution. Transportation development has been associated with improving economic developments and opportunities. Specific transportation technologies have been established and developed at every stage of societal development, with a wide range of far-reaching impacts. Some of the most common examples of economic development waves which were propelled by particular transportation technology, and brought about new social, market, and economic opportunities include:
Seaports, which are associated with the 16th-18th-century European expansion which is commonly referred to as the age of exploration. Seaports supported international trade development in association with colonial empires; however, they were limited by problems including a limited access of the inland. Later on, during the industrial revolution, seaports represented crucial industrial standpoints. Moreover, with the introduction of containerization and globalization, seaports significantly improved their significance as upkeep to both
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Different regulations which impose the compulsory use of seat belts and adherence to the set speed limits, among other measures are aimed at making all modes of transportation safer. In recent years, more and more policy initiatives aimed at ensuring maximum safety within the transportation industry have been formulated. Also, screening of both passengers and luggage has become a thorough practice and issue of concern particularly after 9/11. International organizations including the IMO (International Maritime Organization) and the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Authority), and also the United States government have out in place improved measures which influence various transportation operations, and symbolize increased expenses to transportation (Rodrigue, Comtois & Slack,
| * New trade routes were made, such as the Indian Ocean routes, and old routes were expanded upon, like the silk
Between 1000 and 1300 CE, sea routes was the main factor that led to an explosion of global trading. There were some positive changes in certain tools that made long-distance trade safer. Navigational aids were upgraded and mapmaking improved a lot because it helped travelers on sea get to their destination faster with no problems. People also build more ships because it was an important source that transports large amounts of goods across the sea. Compared to animal-drawn wagons that can carry up to ten pounds worth of goods, dhows can carry at least five tons of goods. Needle compasses were also useful because it gave people precise directions on where to go. This way, it saves a lot of time and traders can avoid any pirates that want to
Most cities were developed along the silk and spice routes. As new products were discovered and new lands were being explored, cities developed along the Maritime route, the trans-soiberian route, and several seal and river routes. These had connected Europe with Asia and Africa. As cities were developed, major scientific and technological advancement were made along the trade routes. Some of these were themaking of paper, the compass, textiles, and porcelein from China. Advancements were also made in medicine, astronomy and mathematics. All these advancements led these countries into the Modern World.
4.1.11 A The development and improvement of maritime tools such as compasses, boats, and maps made the transoceanic European trade and travel possible. This is because the new developments made it easier to travel for longer periods of time and it was easier to get where someone needed to be without getting lost.
The first method of transportation that facilitated the development of Frederick’s economy was the use of waterways. This was accomplished by building ports along creeks and rivers. With these ports people were able to ship large amounts of raw materials back and forth between cities. The economy boomed. Shops and houses benefited from the increase in business along the routes. However, waterways as a mode of transportation soon became outdated. Frederick
2. The technology advancement of transportation and commercial use created mass traffic of trade and its routes stretched widespread for its current and new trade businesses.
The use of the Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea let merchants travel to expand trade. With use of the silk road, and the sand roads, merchants brought mass produce and luxury items like silk, cotton, porcelain, and spices to trade for and with. Inter-regional trade involved the Arabs, Africans, and Indians into trade and purchase more goods, which expanded trade even more. Another discovery that played a major role in trade was the understanding and use of ocean currents and seasonal monsoons. Nature played a role in allowing the people to plan their travel dates more accurately and safely. Africa and Egypt became wealthy and powerful with their use of trade and being able to tax and charge merchants who were traveling through the county.
Considering, the new advances in European ship design and navigation it was very beneficial for the trade of spices, technology, and the trade of people for free labor among many other items. European kings were some what quick to use this newly acquired method of shipbuilding with caravels, by using the current of the ocean and wind patterns to expand their kingdoms. Europe’s ability to make the long distance sailing expeditions more precise was in part due to the compass, maps, and astrolabe that were transferred from Asia. Furthermore the Europeans saw how the flow of spices, silk, and technology westward from Asia helped increase their wealth with goods from the Americans.
The drastic nature of the market revolution was a direct result of the beginning of change in the transportation system brought up by the internal improvements which were put in place to better the condition of America. This change in transportation increased the number of rail roads, roads, canals, and steam boats (Doc. 6). As shown from a comparison between document ten and nine, the development of better transportation cut down some trips by multiple days. This change not only changed the ways of trade, but they also changed the lives of the common
One of the three changes that took place in the nation during the market revolution had to be the use of the canal system and maritime trade. The ability to connect major ports through the canal system helped to link inland trade to these major waterways, allowing for greater commerce abilities in places that previously were almost inaccessible to traders. The canal systems made it easier for goods to travel, safer and quicker, and it was more accessible to consumers and producers who were struggling to buy and sell goods. Producers were able to expand where and who they could sell their goods too, while consumers had more products available to them along the major ports. The amount of goods that could be traded at a time safely and efficiently
Diffusion was facilitated by merchant activity, government policies, and advancements in transportation. Traveling for goods and trading, merchants exposed their own cultures to new places and introduced their lifestyles. Governments encouraged trade for a prosperous economy and luxury goods. Transportation innovated along trade routes to help transfer goods by using domesticated animals and systems to help
New technologies improved agricultural and industrial productivity. Growing cities provided markets and workers for industrial businesses. Products were allowed to reach distant markets because of improved railroad
Trade routes like IOMS connected the world and diffused many cultures and their goods. The sea also allowed for exploration of the unexplored world, and using things like the seasonal monsoon winds in India traders and explorers alike conquered and diffused their culture far over the horizon of their home. We also the rise of
The innovation of maritime technology has revolutionized travel throughout history. Prior to ships and sea travel, humans were separated by vast oceans and confined to their homeland for life. Because of these large boundaries, discoveries and inventions were only shared within land masses and trade as a whole was very limited. This uncharted, inaccessible territory caused a major separation of mankind. However, these oceans sparked curiosity and desire for explorers to venture beyond their native land. This curiosity was the driving force to the invention of naval travel, a highly important and massive step for all growing communities during the Age of Exploration. Maritime technology’s advancements through history greatly aided in the Age of Exploration, allowing provinces to break their land boundaries and make monumental steps towards the advanced world humans populate today.
From 120 BCE to the 16th century, trade was a remarkable part of the Eastern Hemisphere. It played a vital role in the kingdoms and city-states that made up all of what the 21st century calls Europe, Asia, and Africa. Trade was critically important in this time period because of the diverse climate that was scattered all across the continent. Due to the climate, every location had different resources that were provided by nature. Without specific resources, specific goods could not be manufactured. Not only that, but since technology was not as advanced as it is now, specific products were not able to exist in areas. The only way to obtain those products was to trade. Two of the many routes that a merchant could use to trade were the Silk Road and the Sea Roads along the Indian Ocean. Of those two roads, the Indian trade route had the most positive impact around the world. It facilitated the trading of mass goods since rather than using animals to transport goods, they used boats. It also provided a type of wind known as Monsoon wind that merchants could benefit from. Finally, the Indian Ocean trade route stretched out at a greater distance than the silk road, which impacted the goods that could be traded. Overall, the Indian Ocean trade route had the best impact in the Eastern Hemisphere and even the world.