
Seaports During The Industrial Revolution

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Developments in transportation have been realized during the period of industrial revolution. Transportation development has been associated with improving economic developments and opportunities. Specific transportation technologies have been established and developed at every stage of societal development, with a wide range of far-reaching impacts. Some of the most common examples of economic development waves which were propelled by particular transportation technology, and brought about new social, market, and economic opportunities include:
Seaports, which are associated with the 16th-18th-century European expansion which is commonly referred to as the age of exploration. Seaports supported international trade development in association with colonial empires; however, they were limited by problems including a limited access of the inland. Later on, during the industrial revolution, seaports represented crucial industrial standpoints. Moreover, with the introduction of containerization and globalization, seaports significantly improved their significance as upkeep to both …show more content…

Different regulations which impose the compulsory use of seat belts and adherence to the set speed limits, among other measures are aimed at making all modes of transportation safer. In recent years, more and more policy initiatives aimed at ensuring maximum safety within the transportation industry have been formulated. Also, screening of both passengers and luggage has become a thorough practice and issue of concern particularly after 9/11. International organizations including the IMO (International Maritime Organization) and the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Authority), and also the United States government have out in place improved measures which influence various transportation operations, and symbolize increased expenses to transportation (Rodrigue, Comtois & Slack,

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