
Seattle Emeralds Marketing Plan

Decent Essays

The Seattle Emeralds will be organized in a way that allow the Fans and Players to be able to make suggestions and there still be a strong leadership for the team to operate under. The People with the most power in decision making for the team will make up a board of directors that will help to make decisions for the team in terms of finances, marketing, and what is best for the organization. The Board of Directors will be made up of the Owner, CEO, COO, General Manager, Chief of Marketing staff, Head of finances, Chief of Public Relations, Chief of Maintenance, and Head Coach.
Owner: The owner of the Seattle Emerald will be the overall head of the team. He will be in charge of Public image and maintaining relationships within and on the outside of the company.
CEO: The Ceo will be in charge of the business side of the team and responsible for the success of the team as a business. The Ceo will have to have a Bachelor's degree and five years experience in another management position.
General Manager: The general manager will be in charge of the sports side of the team and will be in charge of recruiting players and negotiating contracts. …show more content…

We will also determine the success of our marketing plan by using successful advertising tactics and paying attention to our target market. We will pay attention to our customers, and fans needs. We will try to make sure our team is a dominant team in the league with talent that not only wins, but also entertains our fans. Finally we will determine how successful our marketing plan was by how close we were to meeting our goals, and by how much money we have been able to pay back to our investors, how well our team is performing, how happy our fans, and target market our, and how well we were able to capture our target

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