Johann Sebastian Bach is one of the greatest composers in the Baroque period, Bach stands tall above many outstanding figures in the Baroque in the history of music. Among his many achievements, the most outstanding one is the “church music.” Bach’s Magnificat, BWV 243 was composed for Christmas evening prayer service. The third movement “Quia respexit” is a prayer called “Mary’s Song of Praise.” Mary’s prayer of thanks to God out of joy when she found out through an angel of the Lord while she was visiting her relative Elizabeth that she had conceived.
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy was one of the great composers in the early romantic era. He influenced by Baroque and Classical composers. He became the pioneer for reviving the music of Bach or Handel as well as one of the leading composers. The “Elijah” was the significant contribution to religious music in the 19th century.
Hugo Wolf
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Ariettes Oubliees is composed of total six pieces of songs extracted from “Romances sansparoles,” “Pasagesbelges,” and “Aquarelles” by Paul Verlaine (1844-1896), who is symbolist poets emphasized on the musical rhythm. Debussy set Paul Verlaine’s poem more than any other poet. When Verlaine wrote these six poems, he had hard time with his wife but had fallen in love with a new lover, Rimbaud; thus the lyrics are about the love affair, his fascination with Rimbaud, and remorse over his wife and his feelings of depression and emptiness after his wife and Rimbaud left him. As he wrote the poems based on his experiences and thoughts of life, the words of the poems are very delicate and sensitive. Debussy added non-harmonic tones, numerous accidental marks, free rhythms, and musical ambiguity and elusiveness to make the most of the poems’ atmosphere and this distinguished his own music styles. These songs are his early master piece, and shows his rich and deep understandings of
Johannes Brahms was a German composer who is sometimes grouped as one of the “Three B’s” along with J.S. Bach and Beethoven. His music was influenced by the structure used by Mozart and Haydn, while also moving them into the Romantic era. Brahms had a wide influence, encompassing both modernist and conservative tendencies.
When given the task of writing a biography on Johann Sebastian Bach, there are roughly nine periods in his life that can be discussed in detail. Beginning in Eisenach with his birth, moving to Ohrdruf after his parent’s death, deciding to pursue choral studies in Luneburg, his first stay in Weimar while awaiting the organ to be built in Arnstadt, moving to Arnstadt and beginning services for the town at age 18, auditioning for the organist position in Muhlhausen, returning to Weimar to continue working as a member of the chamber orchestra and as Organist of the Court in Weimar, leaving Weimar to become the Chapel master in Cothen, and finally residing in Leipzig where he eventually passed away at age 65.
The two composer that I pick are Edgar Varese and Carolina Shaw. I will discuss and describe how their music differs in approach both to each other as well as to Johann Sebastian Bach composers of the past.
Felix Mendelssohn was one of the most famous composers during the 19th century. Although in his music he did show some features of romanticism, he was strongly influenced by traditional genres such as counterpoint etc. In this essay, the biography of the composer, background of the genre and analysis of the piece will be investigated
This biography is about the composer Johann Sebastian Bach. Johann Sebastian Bach was a magnificent Classical Composer; he was the archetypal composer of Baroque Music. Bach is very well-known and respected artist, he has written over 1100 compositions, but now this day in age Bach has a lot of very popular pieces, for instance “Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor” and “ Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring.” He’s fans love his music because it is very precise and he was very good at overlapping and layering melodies with a small amount of instruments available during his lifetime.
One well known composer that come out of the Romantic Era goes by the name Ludwig van Beethoven. Ludwig Van Beethoven was German composer and was very prominent. Many people saw him as an influence
He treats the voices of the chorus like instruments, emphasizing music over text. Though the emotional needs of the text are always considered, his choral works lack the theatrical vocals of opera or the madrigal. The word that perhaps best describes all of Bach's music is reverent. His profound sense of duty to his church and his God is apparent in his respectful approach to composition.
Professional code of ethics is the fundamental cornerstone in relation towards human services. According to Reamer (1998) ethics in human services consist of four main periods: the morality period; the ethical theory and decision making period; and ethical standards and risk management period. That is why the area most relevant to human services from the three general subject area, normative ethics studies the moral action regarding acceptable behaviours and conducts for practitioners to follow regarding the standards and values that deem pertinent and appropriate for those working these fields. It helps cover real dilemmas that might take place concerning the duty of care, responsibilities and the rights of the different parties that are associated with the situation. The use of the professional code of ethics within human services equips the practitioners to ask the right set of questions that would help assist in decisions making and taking the right actions that are morally right or wrong.
Johann Sebastian Bach was born into a family of musicians. It was only natural for him to pick up an instrument and excel in it. His father taught him how to play the violin and harpsichord at a very young age. All of Bach’s uncles were professional musicians, one of them; Johann Christoph Bach introduced him to the organ. Bach hit a turning point in his life when both of his parents died at the age of ten years old. Bach’s older brother Johann Christoph Bach took him in and immediately expanded his knowledge in the world of music. He taught him how to play the clavichord and exposed him to great composers at the time. At the age of fourteen, Bach and his good friend George Erdmann were awarded a choral scholarship to the prestigious
Some of the great composers during this time were Franz Josef Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
Johann Sebastian Bach was born on March 21st 1685. He is the son of Johann Ambrosius. For many years, members of the Bach family had held positions such as organists, town instrumentalists, or Cantors.
Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975) was one of the greatest composers of Soviet Russia. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) is regarded today as the father of Western music. They came from opposite ends of music history and lived in entirely different environments, but Shostakovich was undoubtedly influenced by Bach’s music, and their respective musical styles came from the same core tradition of Western music. But most importantly, underneath the obvious differences and the subtle similarities, these composers shared the same artistic spirit.
Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 565, is a two-part musical composition for organ, written by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750), a German composer, and musician of Baroque period, is known for its magnificent sound, classic, state-of-the-art rhythm having methodological command, with artistic splendor and intellectual gravity. Bach's abilities as an organist were respected throughout Europe during his lifetime but at that time he was not recognized as a great composer until a revival of interest and performances of his music in the first half of the 19thcentury. Nowadays he’s regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time. (Blanning, 2008)
Some of the most well known composers came to be in the in the classical music period. Ludwig van Beethoven was one of the composers, along with other greats of the time like Haydn and Mozart, which helped to create a new type of music. This new music had full rich sounds created by the new construction of the symphony orchestra.
Ludwig van Beethoven was, and remains today, an influential figure in the history of classical music. Perhaps no other composer in history wrote music of such inspiring power and expressiveness. His influence on the last 150 years of music is unequalled.