Second Vocab It was a sunny day when Piper went out to play. She was a great girl. She was so excited, her friend from Arizona was coming to visit her in Iowa. When she got the phone call she was so pumped she couldn’t wait. Until it was the next week. She was running around WARP SPEED, or you could say she is running super super fast all around the table. Than she heard the phone ring. She was super ready she had the whole day planned out. “OK mom I am going to get my tea party ready!” Piper said with excitement than her mom looked at her in grief. Than the news came out “Piper Lori was in a car accident on her way here. She won’t be visiting you. Piper ran to her room it was three pm. Piper’s mom did not see her until the next afternoon.
When she woke up on the day of her big day she was feeling ecstatic, but nervous at the same time. Ecstatic, because she was happy that her party is finally here. Nervous, because she wants everything to be perfect and not want to mess up any of her dances. Finally, getting out of her bed, she went to the bathroom,
Crunching rocks filled the girl's ears as she woke up. Allison was unaware that she had ever fallen asleep. She opened her eyes and glanced at her phone, which had stopped playing music about an hour ago, based on the fact that it had reached the end of the playlist. "Wake up honey, we're here," Allison's mother whispered. Allison sat up straight and looked out her window. The sun was shining bright for the first time in ages. Allison suddenly spotted her friends walking their horses to the stables.
She hadn’t imagined the charachters so vividly. She hadn’t realized just what she had written or how much she had overestimated the challenge of finishing it. All she had to do was exctly what she had already done - in just a few weeks - again. She had thought she was too young or too inexperienced to write somthing amazing or intricate or meaningful, but as she read over her novel she realized that she already had.
One time she decided she was going to write a kind of book. It is going to be a small book, but it was still going to be a book. Most days after school, and when she wasn’t playing with the yellow monkey, she would sit out in her playhouse. She had a nice playhouse in the backyard with a window seat and plenty of light in there. It was warm in the spring
“Good,” was the girl’s reply. They walked out of his house and climbed his his run down car. The paint was chipped, and it needed new tires, but he adored it. They had decided to go get frozen yogurt, as a cool treat on a hot summer day. The frozen yogurt shop was packed to the brim with sweaty, smiling faces, in for their favorite flavor. As he sat down next to Paige on the curb with his slightly melted dessert, he thought about all the hard times he had just been
A month slowly crept by, Dorothy sat in her living room listening to the soft music on the radio with a blank expression on her face. She didn’t know what to do with herself. Suddenly there was a pause in music and a commercial came on.
7 years in the future we return to Dinkles and his 1-year mission to travel to different realities, experience odd things, and to be the main character in my vocab stories.
Barely comprehending what Rose is saying because she is talking so fast, her mom responds with “ You are telling me that she is all alone in the woods and even worse in the dark??” with a stern face she continues talking “I told you to never go out there and look what happened. Everyone gather together we have to find Cheyenne before the coyotes find her first”
I had heard enough for the day. I silently prayed that Aunt Joyce, Trudy, and the boys would be back soon. I knew that I needed to get my plan together about Levi coming over. It was
Once upon a yesterday, there were two kids, Hayden and Lily.Lily was a nice girl with brownish, short hair and blue glasses with diamond-shaped sides.Hayden was a funny kid with brown eyes and hair dyed yellow in the middle.One day, they were going on a field trip.They loved field trips but they didn’t know where they were going.They soon found out that they were visiting lake Catch-a-fish. They had lunch and played games about the nature at the lake. Then they were told that it was an over-night stay because the bus was broken.They decided to have fun by playing games in the games room. There was Pac-man, a pinball game, and table tennis. Soon it was time for dinner and some stories. Dinner was hot dogs, and dessert was cotton candy. While
Oh no! Mom told me to go to bed 10 minutes ago! I better hit the hay! Mila thought. She rapidly slammed her Junie B. Jones book and bundled up in her wooly blankets. But then she remembered something! She had soccer practice tomorrow morning! Mila shut her eyes, excited for the day ahead. When Mila awoke in the morning, she excitedly got dressed, brushed her hair, and ran downstairs to eat a delicious breakfast, when all of the sudden, her phone started to dance in her pocket. Buzzz Buzzzz. She knew immediately that it was her friend Maddie calling!
Adriana has made great and notable progress this school year. It has been a joy to witness how much she has grown and learned since the first day of school. This past month Adriana’s vocabulary has bloomed! She is engaging in conversations with adults and her peers, she has been socializing more, she likes to participate in group activities; singing, dancing and reading books are a joy for her.
PIPER JANE LATIEVA (17) was abandoned at the age of 8 years old by her mother and has lived in several foster homes, until she came to Mary-Jesus Youth Center. Piper is angry and has abandonment issues. She excels at Martial Arts wearing fighting gloves with pink stitching.
It was Lilian’s big day. Dr. and Mrs. Vandertramp were thrilled that Lillian was so happy on her 9th birthday. Her smile was so bright when she went down(Desendre) the stairs that day. They were throwing her a party with all of her friends coming. The party didn’t start till 1:30 so she still had plenty of time to get ready. She wore a big pink dress with a plump pink bow on the back. She went out(Sortir) the back door to the backyard and all her friends were there. She looked on the present table and was so excited to see all the big packages. She had no idea what could be in any of them. Her parents had said that she couldn’t open them until they had some fun and ate cake. So Lilian had some fun playing games and eating the awesome
It was a bright sunny day and Anna was wearing her new shoes as she waited for the bus outside her house. Anna was a tall, skinny, shy girl that loved her new shoes, and could not wait to show everyone. The bus picked her up and took her to school. She walked into the school very confident.