
Second Vocab: A Short Story

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Second Vocab It was a sunny day when Piper went out to play. She was a great girl. She was so excited, her friend from Arizona was coming to visit her in Iowa. When she got the phone call she was so pumped she couldn’t wait. Until it was the next week. She was running around WARP SPEED, or you could say she is running super super fast all around the table. Than she heard the phone ring. She was super ready she had the whole day planned out. “OK mom I am going to get my tea party ready!” Piper said with excitement than her mom looked at her in grief. Than the news came out “Piper Lori was in a car accident on her way here. She won’t be visiting you. Piper ran to her room it was three pm. Piper’s mom did not see her until the next afternoon.

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