Thesis statement: Secondary institutions are a great way to get a head start on a successful path that leads to a non-stressful life style, but the struggles and financial conflicts of applying and attending can be stressful within itself. People are constantly on the job, even without college education. Is the higher education even needed? Is it worth the stress?
Supportive points regarding the thesis statement bring ideas to how some people wonder how their education would be paid for because many people do not want the debt that will come along with education. On the other hand many students coming out of high school may have one or two parents at home, but are still unstable financially to pay for their child to attend college. Another
The pursuit of secondary education is worthwhile because it is beneficial in the long run. In the life an individual's career, a college degree will give them the credentials to move to a higher position. For example, a fellow co-worker of mine has built up the work experience that is highly beneficial to a business management team. Even though this
In this chapter of the novel, Steinbeck uses a lot of visual elements, strong dialect,
Play less and study more! Due to global increase in competition, kids today are forced to achieve very high grades or secure very high percentages. Students are so worried about grades and position that neither they have anytime for themselves nor for any extracurricular activities. They suffer from several disorders such as depression and emotional disorders. Academic subjects and extra-curricular activities complement each other and develop a well-rounded, socially skilled, and healthier student. There are so many possible extra-curricular activities that each student can choose one those appeals to him or her personality. Extra-curricular activities help to develop the whole student
1. The American city was changed drastically in the first half of the 20th century with the beginnings of the industrial revolution and the ongoing flow of foreigners into an already crowded United States.
Support for Thesis 1 (Write a topic sentence that supports your thesis and provides a transition between the paragraphs. Then, record at least three details that provide support for the topic sentence.)
Thesis Statement: College is not something to put off until after you have graduated, students need to find ways to pay for college before they graduate.
Achieving a college degree is worth the time and effort as well as the financial struggle because there is more to be gained besides context knowledge. College is something that has dropped in importance as less and less people attend every year. These students are unsure as to whether it is worth it.Parents push their kids towards college and some even tell them not to go because of financial problems. This pressure students to make a life changing decision. This is all things that may keep a student from a secondary education that could kick-start a new and better life.
Thesis Statement: Supporting that undocumented students should have access to in-state tuition will help those undocumented students who want to pursue a college education.
Thesis – Free college education is a necessity because college education is considered as one
Vivian Le Ms.Rose English 3P, Per.2 14 May 2015 College Is Worth It High school graduates attend college for many different reasons whether for career development or increasing one’s knowledge. Students who do graduate from college with a degree have increased job opportunities and financial advantages. However, more and more graduates are rethinking going to college because they are not “college material” or don’t have enough money to pay for their tuition. Although many people believe that college is not necessary to be successful in the future, in actuality attending college is critical because obtaining a college degree allows students to gain more knowledge and advantages for their future.
Society has put so much emphasis on attending college after high school, making it a social norm. During the last two years of high school guidance consolers, teachers, parents and their children begin meeting and have discussions on whats next after high school. Many parents such as the ones in the study conducted by Holmstrom, Lynda Lytle plan to send their children to college after high school. One parent stated “ what kind of economic future do they have if they are not educated.” Participating parents were from different socioeconomic backgrounds, and those who’ve attending college and some that did not were in agreement that the benefits were everlasting. When asked what they received from attending college parents gave responses such as “ I was well served, it was a tremendously exciting place, along with gaining new prospective on the world, boosting self confidences and broadening and opening their minds. Other parents expressed the ability to obtain a job they were about to provide for their families along with gaining personal benefits like health care. The parents in this study were faced with the truths of having to pay for their children’s higher education and overall they were willing to go the extra mile so their children were able to go to college and not be struggling to make ends meet in the years
The elements of a thesis are generally stated in a single sentence. A topic is not covered in a thesis, but opinions are expressed. A thesis indicates that there is support to follow, and often organizes supporting material. Effective thesis statements are precisely worded to draw in the audience. The location of a thesis is very important because if it appears at the opening of the essay, it starts the essay off with a strong statement providing clear direction and an outline of the supporting evidence. If a thesis statement appears in the middle it allows the writer to introduce the subject and guide the reader into accepting a thesis that is explained, as well as defended. The thesis being presented at the end allows the writer to close the thesis with a strong statement. The types of evidence that can be used in a thesis vary from personal observations to statistics. Evidence should support a
Throughout all of high school, and especially during their senior year, the only thing students seem to hear about is college. They have to attend tours, fill out application after application and decide what school will be best for them as a person and their career path. But what most people seem to stress over more than anything else is being able to actually pay for college. College tuition is high in price and increases every year, making it almost impossible for students to graduate without extreme debt. There are scholarships, financial aid, and loans to help out those who cannot afford to pay high tuition prices, but these loans are not desirable as they lead to this debt immediately after graduating. There is the help of financial aid, which is based off the parent’s income unless you are 23 and over, but financial aid can be difficult to obtain as there many requirements a student must fall under. Scholarships are another viable way to get financial help but it can be extremely difficult to find ones that you qualify for, especially without the help of an advisor or school counselor. Therefore, financial aid and must become more accessible to students so that future generations are not graduating with overwhelming student debt made worse by their interest rates. If we could minimize the fear of student debt then more of our youth would be pursing their degrees of interest.
High School students don’t need to pay tuition; government-funded. Don’t need to pay for residence, rent or other accommodation such (e.g. can live at home for free don’t need to pay for books) books are provided by school in high school. Student has fewer assignments on average of 1-3 assignments per week. Student don’t nee Body Paragraphs (A) College (B) High school (1) Cost Topic sentence College is more expensive than
Water pollution has had devastating effects on the environment, which include irreversible effects to the ocean's ecosystem, health problems and abnormal conditions.