From taking the quizzes, I discovered that my primary learning style is visual, and my secondary learning style is auditory. I wasn’t surprised that my primary learning style is visual because I already knew that about myself before I took the learning style quiz. I’ve always been someone that needs to have visuals in order to learn. I’m not saying that I can’t learn without visuals, but I feel that I have to work extra hard without them.
When discussing the topic of aural learners, our book states that, “They clarify their thinking by making the words come out of their mouths.” (Beebe, Mottet, & Roach, 2013, p. 41) This characteristic doesn’t sound like my personality at all, which is why I was surprised to see that my secondary learning style was auditory. I usually like to keep to myself, especially when it comes to learning, whether it be at work or at school. I don’t consider myself an aural learner.
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41) I see this characteristic a lot in myself, and unfortunately it has affected me negatively, especially when it comes to school. I find it hard when I have a professor who doesn’t have power points to accompany their lectures. I easily get distracted and I miss out on important note taking.
My learning style impacts my approach to teaching and training in a positive way because as a visual learner, I would provide my trainees with power point presentations, handouts, and maybe even videos. I believe that visuals make training more interesting and that helps the trainees to become more interested in what is being taught to
Secondly, the teacher gave us a test for my learning style. The results show, my learning style is visual. I was not surprising in the result because I know myself very well. I love to watch the video and we read books to help me on study. There are unique characteristics of Visual personality As Spanella T (for
“Just as students have different personalities, they also have different ways of learing (Slavin, 107).” Learning styles are another important factor to incorporate when implementing the best learning environment. Learning styles are defined as an individual's mode of gaining knowledge. The most common learning styles addressed are auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Auditory leaners understand information through hearing. Visual learners need more visual aids in the learning process, such as diagrams, webs, or pictures. Kinesthetic learners learn better by using manipulatives or by being physically involved in the learning process. Learning styles is a piece of the “backbone” of differentiated learning. Both are used to individualize instruction to help students achieve the most success.
This almost seems like one of those times that discussing something and hearing about a similar idea later is more than coincidence. In an almost serendipitous turn of events, I have spent the week discussing with teachers the importance of differentiation, and more importantly, the adherence to presenting material in more than one way through our professional learning communities. This was along similar lines to Gardner’s work with learning styles as discussed by Hattie in Visible Learning (2012). The connection stems from Hattie’s assertion that not all learning styles are equal and that visual and auditory are more prevalent than others in our society. This is not to say that others are less important, but rather that some occur as strengths
Everyone has their learning style auditory,visual and kinesthetic. These are all different learning styles for different people auditory is a learning style for people who learn easier through listening to something. visual is when somebody is a visual learner meaning that they learn through sight the best.Some people have more than one learning style they could be visual and auditory or kinetic and auditory or all of them.
I am a mixed learner and surprised about it too, my scores on the test were 50% auditory, 10% visual, and 40% tactile. To be an auditory learner I use sounds and have a hard time remembering things if they were not spoken aloud in some way. I am a talker that sings and hums to myself when I get bored or nervous, though I am paying attention or understanding what is being said, it does not seems as I am. There are many ways in helping bring out my learning style. These include sitting where I can hear, read out loud and have things read out loud to me such as tests and questions I do not understand or use flashcards to practice new words or the questions, also being read aloud. Being
All learners have different learning styles. Using materials at the initial stage of the learning process can highlight preferred styles. Honey and Mumford show four learning styles – activists, theorists, reflectors and pragmatists, while VAK highlights visual, auditory and kinaesthetic preferences.
My primary learning style is by visual and hands on methods since I scored the highest in those two areas. The scores in these areas were very close to each other with the visual score being an 8 and the hands on score being a 7, while my listening score being the lowest; a number 4. I believe that it is important for me to know this information about myself because it gives me insights on what my strengths, habits, and weaknesses are while at the same time, enabling me to find learning styles and strategies that are best effective for me. Without knowing this information, I could study for an endless amount of hours on a subject and still fail the exam because there is no point in learning or studying if you don’t absorb and retain the information
(Learning Style Inventory and Learning Style Scales) and I agree with that results because I get the same results about my Learning Styles is Visual because that indicated I prefer using images, pictures, color, and maps to organize information and communicate with others.
From the reading of week 8 Lecture 1 “Learning Styles”, I agree with the second sentence in the last paragraph, where it says that people can be a combination of more than one learning style. I feel that I learn from both a visual and kinesthetic learning. First, I like illustrations that incorporate the use of pictures and diagrams, it helps to stimulate my mind and aids in understand of what is going on. Frequently write things down that I feel is important and want to remember later, as well as see demonstrations of how things are done to understand them better. When I am doing my course work I have to go to my office at home facing the opposite direction of the window, as the window in the room is a huge distraction for me. Often I use
Evaluation of my learning style - Assessing oneself and knowing what you are as a professional and individual can help in developing your skills in the precise direction and in a more effective manner. After assessing myself as a learner – I realised that I’m more of an auditory learner than visual and my strength lies in learning by hearing and listening as this keeps me active and focussed during the learning process. This helps me in retaining information for a longer duration and I’m able to use information more effectively. MBTI suggests that these types of learners should read information aloud to themselves to grasp it more effectively; this technique certainly helps as reading aloud makes me re-iterate information
Auditory learning style involves the transfer of information through listening this is normally done in group discussions and group activities through toolbox meetings and performance appraisal meetings.
With Visual styles, I can access what I am learning efficiently. As a Visual Learner, I must learn by expressing the subject repeatedly. Pictures, projects, and presentations are the most effective way of learning for me. Furthermore, it can help me during tests or assignment. Usually, visual learners study alone and listen to soft music to focus on our work. We would also use highlighters and flashcards to focus on the main idea of the assignment. Also like Kinesthetic learners, we can process our work do hands- on. For instance, if I was to be an architect, I would have to use a blueprint to visualize the house we are constructing. Other occupations such as graphic designers, mechanical engineers, and photographers use the same technique.
I enjoyed reading your analysis of the learning styles article. Comparable to your viewpoint, there are learning styles and information regarding the different concepts that I agree with. What I find interesting is despite the lack of evidence supporting the ideal that learning styles improve learning continues to be widely researched. Personally, I have had the opportunity to complete a learning style inventory from the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) website ( which determined that I am a visual learner. Visual learners attain understanding by reading and seeing pictures. Visual aids that improve understanding include maps, graphs, diagrams, and charts. As a visual learner, information
I know that I am a Visual Learner, and everything I learn is through what I see. I learned that I am able to learn through different teaching styles and still learn the necessary information that is being given. Most people can relate to being a visual learner as it helps to see the information and retain it as well. Another type of common learning style is bodily kinesthetic which I feel I also learn well from as well.
The first activity in this evaluation was the Learning Style Inventory. After completing this activity I was informed that I am a visual learner which I do consider to be true. Throughout my life I have always been the type of person that likes to be able to see what I am learning rather than just hearing the information. I love to take notes in my own handwriting because I feel that writing something down and seeing that information, helps me absorb what I am learning. When I take notes I also like to bullet, circle and star things that may be important. Since I am considered to be a visual learner, I also learn best by seeing what I need to do. For example, if there is something I need to