
Secular Vs. Biblical Worldview

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The Bible was inspired by God and given to people in order to give guidance and clarity on how to view the world. A biblical worldview can be established by looking at the Bible, specifically at certain passages such as Romans 1-8. These chapters in Romans explain a biblical worldview in four categories: the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and culture. The secular worldview has immense differences in these same categories. The biggest difference between the secular worldview and the biblical worldview is that the biblical worldview is founded on the truth of scripture. A Biblical worldview can answer the question of the natural world with many scripture verses. The very first chapter in Genesis explains that God created the world and spoke things into existence. Romans 1:20 speaks about how the natural world is evidence that points every spirit to God as the creator of the complex and beautiful world we …show more content…

In Romans 3:28-30, Paul explains that people are saved by faith, not by the law. During that time period, it was a big adjustment for Jewish culture that the law was not the main focus anymore. Many Jews were still so focused on the law that it took away from their opportunity to witness to the Gentile cultures around them. Most Jews at this time had beliefs about the gentiles that they were not worthy to be justified, because of their life styles and ideas. The New Testament addresses this and points to the fact that Jesus died for the World and all its cultures. Christians are appointed to interpret and understand cultures in order to minister and share the gospel, without discrimination based on gender, race, orientation, religion, or nationality. A Biblical worldview remembers that all people and all cultures were made by God and should be treated

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