
Seed Of Destruction

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Israel: Seed of Destruction

There is little contradiction to the fact that no modern day dispute has its roots more deeply entrenched in history, than the Arab-Israeli conflict. With claims of sovereignty being drawn from biblical text dating back 3,000 years; effectively merging thousands of years of human civilization and blurring the line between the past and present. Nevertheless, in such contested part of the world, there is one credible argument: The illegitimate creation of Israel by the Zionist movement, claiming to establish, “A Jewish State in the Promised Land” is a denial of local Arab majority to exercise their rights of self-determination and pursue a peaceful political solution involving all parties under which there would …show more content…

The point to note here is that “hostility between the Arabs and the Jews is largely a product of the events of the last eighty years, rather than being traditional enmity.” Now before going on any further, it would be wise to clear up some common confusion. Many people have an understanding that Judaism and Zionism are two faces of the same coin. In reality, the Jewish faith and Zionism are two completely different philosophies. The latter is an “attempt to change the nature of the Jewish people from that of a religious entity to a political movement.” The drum rolls to a conflict that would tear apart generations to come started beating in the closing chapters of the first world war. Prominent Zionist working with the British government lobbied the British Parliament to approve the creation of a Jewish homeland in return for their help during the Great War. But many British MPs at that time knew that they couldn’t simply hand over Palestine to the Zionist; where 90% of the locals were Arabs. Truth be …show more content…

Using his power as Prime Minister, Lloyd George persuaded the British Parliament to adopt the idea of the Zionists. Ultimately, the British government became the “recipient of the poisoned chalice of Jewish Palestine.” Subseqiently, the support of British law makers would pave way for the creation and publishing of the “most notorious document in the history of the Middle East: the Balfour Declaration.” The document produced in 1917 and encompassing obvious colonial ambitions, would set to liberate Palestine from crumbling Ottoman rule and place the land under the control of Great Britain. But that was just the literal meaning of the document. Underground, the British and the Zionist had come to a far more sinister agreement. According to Arthur Koestler, the Balfour Declaration meant that “one nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third.” Nonetheless the declaration received majority approval and thus the period from 1920 to 1948 is known as the British Mandate era; during which the British failed to maintain peace and security throughout Palestine. Britain’s inaction and discharging itself from securing political stability in the Holy Land would result in the illegitimate creation of Israel. With the train now in motion, the World Zionist Congress went onto phase two of their plan and took

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