To determine if a person is considered to be an educated person, we must first know the definition of an educated person. The definition of an educated person is someone who can, “Listen, hear, read, understand, talk with anyone, write clearly, persuasively, and movingly, can solve a wide variety of puzzles and problems, they respect rigor not so much for its own sake but as a way of seeking truth, they practice humility, tolerance and self-criticism, they understand how to get things done in the world, they nurture and lastly, they empower the people around them. Education is an endless growth through trials and experiences as stated by Eleanore Hanrahan, from “Seeking My Education,” out of the novel, “Criteria.” In order to claim a proper education I believe one must make independent decisions, balance life well, take opportunities, push through failure, and step beyond the normal measures of life by experience. Going to college is a significant change for many. Not only is college an escape …show more content…
To get the most out of your education one should engage in lectures, not be a bystander in the back. Take advantage of the office hour opportunities given. Asking questions and learning the material is on the right path of becoming an educated person. It is mandatory to be self motivated and to stay on top of your studying habits. Choose to make good grades because you want to, you want the degree, you want to be successful, not because your roommate had the answers to the test. The other day, my friend skipped class because she was feeling under the weather and wanted the answers from me for the online quiz. First, that is against Academic honesty rules, and second, I worked hard in class to take notes, and she should not be rewarded with the answers for skipping
When the definition of education is looked up in the dictionary it comes out as “a degree, level, or kind of schooling”. While attending a university or obtaining a degree is largely viewed as being educated, there are many other ways to become educated rather than a degree with your name on it. Gerald Graff, and Mike Rose show their personal experience of being educated without a degree. Being educated is different for everybody, and regardless it’s the person’s personal experiences and lessons that lead them to thrive for an education in their own unique fashion. Mike Rose, professor at the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, comes from a family of blue-collar workers.
Ever since Rachel McBride was young she was taught that without education you won’t become anything in life, and she strongly believed in that. When Rachel’s kids grew old enough to start school she made sure that education was one of their top priorities. All of her children were A students and if one of them got lower than an A she went down to the school to find out for herself why. The reason why the McBride family relied so much on education is because they didn’t have a lot of money. They all work so hard so that they could have bright future which evidently happened .they all graduated from college, to become doctors, professors, teachers, and
In earlier generations when you were born you were told to stay in school, go to college, get an education, and have a successful career. However, this was mostly told to the boys. Girls, on the other hand, were told to dress nice, be lady like, and fix their hair for they can find a husband with a successful career and be a mother. Although more and more women are going to college and becoming very successful in a “man’s world,” they still are not being taken seriously. In the essay, “Claiming an Education,” written by Adrienne Rich, she talks about how women are not looked at in the same way educational wise or even fully respected academically. Rich’s essay applies to experiences in my life as a teenage girl in high school.
In chapter one titled “The Meaning of a School,” Mara Casey Tieken begins her book and the chapter by providing a vivid account of her experience in Vanleer, Tennessee, a rural school district, and how living there influenced her as an educator. During this time, Tieken became acquainted with ‘country living’ and adapted to many lifestyle changes. Through her experience, the author challenged the written misconceptions that educators and politicians create due to their lack of knowledge regarding rural school systems. Tieken further discussed the lack of attention that rural schools received in the political and educational sphere. Unfortunately, legislative policies, politicians, and educators geared their attention towards urban school
I believe an educated person should at least have some background knowledge for a job he or she
Knowledgeable, educated, and wise have become descriptive characteristics that have become seemingly interchangeable in today’s society. However, what does it mean to be educated, wise or knowledgeable? In the article “The Educated Student: Global Citizen or Global Consumer” by Benjamin Barber, he says “…young people were exposed more and more to tutors other than teachers in their classrooms or even those who were in their churches, their synagogues-and today their mosques as well.” (417). It is suggested that the places where these characteristics are obtained have changed with industrialization and capitalism. “The Student and the University (from the Closing of the American Mind)” by Allen Bloom directly postulates from the vantage
What does it mean to be an educated person? An educated person is a well-rounded person that is knowledgeable in not just one area. It is a person that is open to new ideas and able to interact with various people. Someone that is educated is able to learned about our background and history and passes it down for future generations to learned and obtained that knowledge. Culture is the most important part of ones education. Many of the customs, attitudes, and beliefs of one group is what let one person be able to acquire the knowledge others countries, educators, and society is trying to teach them.
A huge detriment to the long, rocky process of English colonization in the New World was conflict with the Indians. Before the English settlers and the Indians first met on the James River, both already held strong ideas of what to expect. Both were confident in their abilities to overcome and control the other group, and both expected to use the other for a trading opportunity. However, the English saw the Indians as an advanced, highly developed group, while Indians thought the literal opposite of the foreigners settling onto their land. Inflexible assumptions between colonists and Indians were one of the main contributors to violent conflict between the two groups.
In his essay “What Does It Mean To Be Well-Educated,” Alfie Kohn challenges the current standards that people consider crucial in order for a person to be considered well-educated and explores some interesting questions that help provide the reader with a completely different understanding, perspective, and possibility for standards of good education. At the beginning, Kohn explains how people can argue about the purpose of education, but then fail to realize and recognize whether or not education has truly been successful. Then, Kohn provides the reader with an example of his wife, a successful physician who completed her study for doctoral dissertation in anthropology from Harvard, yet still lacks some educational basics that people consider necessary factors to possess in order for a person to fit in the defined group of well-educated individuals. (Kohn 231-232). After that, Kohn explores some definitions that people set as essential measurements for determining whether or not a person is well-educated and explains why all these standard definitions fail to either evaluate a person’s knowledge or make a person knowledgeable. For example, many people consider test scores, seat time, job skills, and memorization of facts as indicators of well-education. However, Kohn explains that sitting in class for a certain amount of time, “reducing schooling to vocational preparation…to suit the demands of employers,” receiving high results on tests, and memorization of pieces of
What does it mean to be well educated? To be well educated it is a balance between academics and practical knowledge. Throughout this paper I will show that one does not necessarily need a college degree to be deemed as well educated. I will explore both aspects of academics and practical knowledge and how it affects individuals.
What does it mean to be well-educated? Is a well-educated person someone who went to a good school? Does it apply to someone who got straight A’s is school and did well on standardized tests? Does it mean that they are smart or just good at memorizing their material and requirements for tests? If they are good at passing test by memorizing all the material but then forget it as soon as the test is done then what good was taking a test in the first place? Is a well-educated person the same thing as a smart person? If a person went to an adequate school and receives a good education then it would be concluded that they are well-educated but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are smart. It might just mean
Education plays a very significant role when it comes to completing the identity that you would want to be in the future. It’s a cloth that we wear in order to make an appeal to everyone we meet on a daily basis. It serves as our identity that will carry your name in any establishment you may go. Education is considered as a vital component to say that you’re a rational being who’s capable of competing with the ever-widening and toilsome challenges along the road as we grow up. It introduces us into different aspects of what we call life in order to hone us and shape us into the best person that we could become. But what makes a person educated? What makes a person successful? Does education really make one person successful? Is the correlation
In his essay, Blue Collar Brilliance Mike Rose claims that competence was synonymous with physical work. He addressed this subject because working class citizens were often looked down on for not having a college education. His mother was a waitress at a busy restaurant and from a young age he and his father often watched her at work. He learned his mother had the ability to multitask, manage her time at work and also observe the psychological needs of the people she both worked for and with. I fundamentally agree it does not require an academic education to be considered intelligent.
Education is not defined by knowledge, but rather by how one uses it to improve. As stated by Angela Lee Duckworth, “In all those very different contexts, one characteristic emerged as a significant predictor of success. It was grit.” This is an effective statement because we think that a person’s success is defined by their college degree, but people have never thought beyond the fact that someone without a college degree is more educated than someone who had graduated from college. People who learned from observations and make creation from scratch were more likely to make a difference even when they do not have a high school and/or college degrees. Those who went to school and earned A’s for their schoolworks would be less likely to make a difference because their passion is to get good grades rather than learning new ideas. The motivation to be smarter
The term ‘education’ can mean many things. An education is the collective knowledge a person has, but what does an education mean? Although an education can be paid for, no one can physically give you an education, so it is not a gift. There are societal situations where an education is a necessity, but not many globally. Education is a tool to be utilized differently in every part of the world. Knowledge is power, but some knowledge is more powerful depending on your region. If you are part a primitive tribe in New Guinea, a person that is considered to be educated may be illiterate. Whereas in America, an illiterate person would have trouble functioning at all in society. Education is a tool that is to be