
Segmentatijon and Target Market

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Running head: SEGMENTATION AND TARGET MARKET Segmentation and Target Market University of Phoenix Applied Business Research and Marketing MKT/571 INTRODUCTION Apple, Inc is a company that provides Mac computers, iPhones, iPads, iPods, and Mac TV, in addition to numerous other technical products and services. The company was founded and started April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in Steve’s dad’s garage. This was the beginning of a company that would take the technology and communication world by storm. (Kumar, 2013). Apple creates products that are innovative, first to market, easy to use, beautiful, and powerful. Apple is a company that considers itself a leader with environmental …show more content…

Apple will serve all these groups with the products they need including the new app, which could promote consumers to purchase additional products. Apple’s scope is large enough, similar to GM, Coke, and Microsoft to handle full market coverage. DEMOGRAPHIC, PSYCHOGRAPHIC, AND GEOGRAPHIC BEHAVIORS Demographic segmentation divides the market into smaller categories related to age, family, size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, generation, nationality, and social classes. Apple phone and iPad owners tend to be younger, better educated, live in urban areas, and have an annual average income higher than $60,000. In addition, Apple customers choose to buy premium products and are attracted by style, fashion and form (MetaFacts, 2009). (MetaFacts, 2009) Psychographics is the science of using both psychology and demographics to understand consumers (Kotler & Keller, 2011). Psychographics divides the consumers into different groups on the basis of psychological/personality traits, lifestyle, or values (Kotler & Keller). The most popular commercial psychological program is Strategic Business Insight’s VALS system, it signifying values and lifestyles, classifies U.S. adults into eight groups based on answers to a questionnaire featuring 4 demographic and 35 attitudinal questions (Kotler & Keller). Consumers are motivated by three ideals, achievement, and self-expression,

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