
Seized By Truth: Reading The Bible As Scripture Is Written

Decent Essays

Seized by Truth: Reading the Bible as Scripture is written by Joel Green, a New Testament scholar, and Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. Prof. Green, has participated and contributed greatly on a wide range of topics related to both New Testament scholarship and theology.
In Green’s book, he states Reading the Bible as you would read any other book does not support a reading of the Bible as Scripture (2). “This way of engaging the Bible cannot sustain the people of God” and is not the same as reading Scripture, no matter how well planned (2). This point is interesting for ordinary Christians, because for so long ordinary Christians have confused memorization with …show more content…

Reading the text as if it were addressed to God’s people in all times and places, would help us to “make ourselves at home and allow the texts to shape us” (61).
Under resources, Green states that theological disciplines must be put back together. This would include seminary curricula and the “practices of Christian formation such as corporate worship, instruction, prayer and hospitality” (63). To help with the task of putting these disciplines back together Green points to some needed resources (65). First, reading Scripture must be ecclesially located. “For those seriously interested, an important practice is to cultivate interpreting Scripture with others who share the posture of standing under” (66). Standing under implies that the bible based material need their origin and structuring inside the community of God’s people (66). Second, reading Scripture must be theologically shaped in making sure that the old Testament and New Testament interpretation is incomprehensible without each other (79). Thirdly, reading Scripture must be seriously involved in discerning the varieties of possible readings of other biblical texts (89). Lastly, reading Scripture must be Spirit filled. “To invite the Holy Spirit into the interpretive process is to deny our autonomy as readers of

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