Perception is the way we view the world around us. It helps us understand others and life. There are three main steps to perception: Selecting, organizing, and interpreting. These steps help create our perception, and happen so quickly that most of the time we aren’t even aware that we are doing it. The step of selecting is one of the most important, it involves selective exposure, selective perception, and selective memory. The things we select determine how we perceive life, and our behavior. Although the other steps to perception are important, this essay will be focusing on the concept of selecting. Selection is the first step in how we perceive things. The mind is such an amazing organ, that it selects certain things, without us even being consciously aware of it. The concept of selection implies that we select what we expouse ourselves to, what we perceive and what we remember. Although most of the time we are unaware of it, we can become more aware by learning about it. Learning about how we perceive things, and how we select things, will make us become aware of when we are doing it. The more that we notice when we do it, the more we are able to identify and stop bad selection habits, and enforce better ones. …show more content…
I have a friend who I am pretty close to, we talk often. Talking and listening are important to our relationship. I have realized that I often expouse myself to friends of my own views. And when I talk with my friend I find the things that have to do with me, and don’t really listen to the rest. This hurts our relationship in a big way. It might make her feel that I don’t care as much about her personally, I only care about what obtains to me. Although this isn’t true, it would seem that way. And that is why an understanding of this concept could help me become more aware of the things I am selecting and how it might affect myself and
(11) Individuals use the perception process to select, organize, interpret, and retrieve information from the world around them.
The average human is born with the five common senses: touch, hear, smell, sight, and taste, but there are a few individuals who are born with a supernatural sense. One of the rarest supernatural senses that a human may be born or diagnosed with is a psychic ability. Psychic is defined as a supernatural or magical power that is viewed as extraordinary. Television broadcasters, scientists, and other skeptic individuals will interview the people who possess these psychic abilities. The public questions these individuals’ abilities for true or false answers; therefore, they can provide evidence such as an experience or encounter. Psychic abilities take on many forms such as telepathy, synesthesia, and telekinesis.
This discussion is all about perception and how we look at things. Everyday we use our senses to improve our ability to see, hear, and become aware of something either good or bad. You can also use perception as a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something as well. During the watching of this video, there are some key points your wanting to know and understand.
Perception checking is a cooperative approach to communication that provides accuracy instead of assuming our first interpretation is correct. It minimizes defensiveness through face saving and requires both nonverbal and verbal elements to match. The benefits of perception checking is to help us have a better understanding of a message, so both persons can mutually relate and to reduce conflict so we don 't jump to conclusions. In the perception process reality is constructed in two ways. The first order realities is physically observable qualities of a thing or situation. For example, if your friend calls you a “bone head”. On the other hand, second order realities cannot reside in objects or events but rather in our minds. It involves our attaching meaning to first order things or situations. For instance, your friend is being critical is an example of second order realities. Perception checking has three parts: description, interpretation, and clarification. Description is describing a behavior that was noticed. Interpretation is providing interpretations of the behavior, Lastly, ask for clarification from the person about the behavior and interpretations. These three parts are important because they help an individual how to prevent assuming something that is probably not the intention of the other person which is why clarification is needed in a situation like this. It is better to gather more information about the situation then to think the
A person’s thoughts, feelings, emotion, and beliefs often shape ones decision-making process. Other components, including perception, memory, introspection, and reasoning also assist in the formation of opinions, shape our knowledge, and transform an individual’s viewpoint (Feldman, 2003, p. 3). Perception is how one sees the world around them, the sights, sounds, smells, and other senses creates an understanding of the external environment creating a mental image and often places an attachment to it.
Selection process of perception begins when one or more of your senses are stimulated, rather than pay attention to all the stimuli you engage in selection, the process in which your mind and body help you choose certain stimuli to attend to. (109 Floyd)
Although the little girl in this picture is very cute, I did make some observations right off the bat. The first three things that I observe in this picture is that the little girls finger is in her nose, it looks like an older type of picture, and it seems that she is getting a professional picture taken. Her finger in her nose demonstrates that she is a young child and she is most likely trying to be funny or she is getting bored with sitting there. She looks like she is about kindergarten age so it does not seem untypical for her finger to be in her nose. I notice it seems to be an older picture. Things that make me think this is even though it is in color it is in a shade of pink. When I say this, I mean that there isn't much difference
Have you ever wondered how someone could see things the way they do? A very good amount of people such as Phycologists say that being able to see another person’s perspective is a very good skill. Not only are you able to see their perspective on how they view things, but you really engage and make it to seem as if you were them.
Before one makes knowledge their own, they have already subconsciously chosen what they will retain. The Principle of Selection is what we know through observation. The Principle of Selection serves as a filter before the knowledge observed is put into words, written or
Perception is a crucially important way for most of the organisms to observe and react to the environment. Its definition in Oxford Dictionary of English is “the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses” (“Perception”). However, for human, the most intelligent organism on earth, perception has an another meaning: “The way in which something is regard, understood, or interpreted” (“Perception”). People can not only be aware of the environment through senses, but also gain new knowledge by interpreting the observation.
In chapter 3, I've read up to page 123. I learned that perception is a process that makes these words meaningfull. The brain senses the indirectly, because the sense organse convert stimulation into the language of the nervous system, and neural messages. the retina is the thin light-sensitive layer at the back of the eyeball. An afterimages sensations that linger after the stimulus is removed the gate controled theory eplains why pain can sometimes be blocked or facilitated " top down " by our mental state.The ability to see an object as being the same shape from different angles or distance is just one eample of a perceptual constancy. I've also learned that the laws of perceptual grouping eemplify a more general
When your baby could talk, you may likely having similar arguing about everything you and she see because adults and babies brains are very different in ways to interpret images.
Selection refers to creating personal goals and committing to those goals. The goals that we create are based on the opportunities and restrictions or barriers that play a part in our life. The resources available are what we use as building blocks to make these goals attainable and achievable. As we reach certain ages in our life we notice that certain resources begin to demur and fall by the wayside. Selection plays a vital role in the organization of behavior, which in turn helps with goal setting and follow through.
Throughout this essay I will be discussing the strengths and weaknesses of sense perception as a way of knowing and how this works in our day-to-day lives.