In “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” Buffy is a attractive teenage female at Sunny Dale High School. A secret hero known to slay vampires and demons. Buffy is the main character in the show. Buffy excels in her agility to fight with strength, leadership, psychic abilities, super strength, danger senses and great super speed in order to fight the villains in town. This is a life about a teenage student who is characterized to play two roles but is stuck between trying to save people from vampires and trying to have a normal teenage life. In Buffy's life we see a teenage girl who wants to have a normal life and do teenage things with friends, frat parties, secretly drinking, cheerleading and dating etc. In the the article of “Multidimensional Family Functioning: Predicting Personal Growth Initiative says: (Ryff, 1989; Ryff & Keyes, 1995) resulted in a model of psychological well-being that consists of six dimensions: self-acceptance, positive relations with others, autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth” its clear Buffy craves the acceptance of these qualities of self- acceptance, positive relations, and …show more content…
so she surprises her emotions and hold in any kind of emotions towards her father like it doesn't bother her, and as usually she plays the tough role and set all emotions aside. I feel like her personal growth has as normal teenage inflicted with her being a slayer a women with independence and not need any protection from any man or person. in the show “Helpless” she expresses that she can take of her self with any protection of anyone but also being vulnerable to vampires since she lost her super strengths. but in t`he mist she was lost and wanted her power back to not feel vulnerable to the darker world. I she she scared of loosing her powers of fighting vampires for two reason of be vulnerable and yet aging not know how to live a normal
Throughout the book Enrique is troubled by his motherless childhood. This has lead him to be risky in life because he feels like he has less to live for. This is how he felt on the first few chapters and these feelings stayed with him for the rest of the book. When Enrique was in honduras mentally he was falling apart. This lead to drugs and stealing.
herself to not have to ‘suffer’ her mother’s fate. She almost seems to be developing anxiety and
With each thing her father does including punishing her for her owl, and losing his temper frequently, she finds her self more independent because she has her own thoughts and beliefs that are different from her father.
When she gets into arguments with her parents that’s something anyone can connect to i know i can but i don't argue with my parents as frequent as she but when you're a teenager they just don't want to see grow up so fast on them and lastly the most main thing i connected to was that she wanted to make decisions for herself and she feels that her parents are holding her back from that and i completely can relate to wanting to make your own decisions instead of having my parents make all the choices for me i would rather take charge and decide for myself what to do, and she struggled with that throughout the story because unlike me she couldn't handle
Katharine Schwab (2015) states that the popular T.V. series Buffy the Vampire Slayer has been reviewed in academic context over 200 times. This is due to the complexity of the characters; they emulate real people which ensures the public can relate to situations and underlying messages throughout the series. It has been argued that this show carries feminist undertones, which may connect to the common belief in equality amongst this generation of viewers. The social media website Twitter
Sinner or saint is a significant dichotomy in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Several characters are able to bridge this: Spike and Buffy being two of the notable examples, playing both roles throughout the series. However, the female vampires of the series consistently fall into the latter category of sinner, and not only that, but a sexually deviant or hyper sexualized sinner. There are no recurring female vampires in the show that do not become categorized in this extreme way. Drusilla was once a nun, but once turned, all of that religious devotion disappears.
be again as she was as a child, free to wander, free to experiment, and
who always been deprived of father-figure, she feels the need to acquire attention from boys in
. The problem is that she feels like she is not special. Her dad left so she thinks it is because she’s dumb. She thinks that is why nobody except for her mom likes her. She feels like she invisible and does not exist.
She allows herself to believe all she is told. She also allows herself to believe that being treated as she is is going to make her better, when in fact it is only making her worse. Her being sent up in a room, like a penitentiary will add loneliness to her illness. Her being told not to write or not to go and see family and friends, again, adds to her loneliness. She is separated from society. Therefore, she feels as though she is alone in society. She gives into the fact that the male-dominated society would rather her alone, than be with lots of women and cause chaos. She gives into everything the world wants instead of listening to her inner self. She ignores herself, causing her to act out in madness. When one does not listen to one's inner self, he or she is then turning away from his or her conscience. It's like the "devil and angel" episode that has been seen in numerous cartoons. If the person listens to the little devil, it will end up being the wrong decision. It the person listens to the little angel, it will be the right decision. The narrator listens to almost neither. She allows what is happening to happen and does nothing but sit back. This would cause anger inside anyone.
Furthermore, he told her to embrace the true evil that she is (76). This made her furious and filled her with hatred, but she had to suppress it, or else her father would beat her up. Under her father, she was left powerless and weak due to fear. This produces an everlasting darkness and hatred in her and makes her connect with these emotions, allowing her to feed on others’ fear to create illusions. Using her powers also makes her feel a sense of control and as though she is finally getting revenge after a long period of helplessness, making her merciless when she is using them.
When Buffy realizes she is the “chosen one” to battle evil forces, she is unwilling to accept it because of the major responsibility that comes along with it -self-sacrifice. But soon enough, she comes to the realization that her decision of choosing whether or not to become the vampire slayer, can potentially affect the inhabitants of the Sunnydale community; so she is left with no other option than to accept reality. Buffy sacrifices the hopes of having a normal teenage life, being a good college student, and social life to kill powerful vampires that cross her path in order to protect and guard people. At night, she always puts herself in even more danger when she patrols the cemetery to get rid of these vampires, but she does it attempting to protect. Fulfilling the role as the vampire slayer is not as easy as it seems, but Buffy chooses to sacrifice her own life to provide an easier and healthy environment life for the people in her
The death of Sabrina’s maternal grandmother affected her deeply. She had formed a close relationship with her as she was her primary caregiver. Her parents are not able to provide the same level of care as her grandmother due to their work and study commitments. Sabrina compares herself to her younger sister and feels that she is less intelligent. She displays characteristics of low self-esteem such as being easily upset by difficulties, lack of self-confidence and feelings of incompetence (Lawrence,
Growing up in an overprotective environment never gave her the chance to become emotionally mature and independent. In addition, her parent's demands were always in first place and they were very strict.
As the well-known television series called Buffy the Vampire Slayer is meant to portray the life of a teenager and her friends who kill monsters and vampires to protect the life of others, it can also be interpreted in many other ways. It was known to be one of the best t.v shows in history, and it continued to retain that title even as books. Its educational value lays the foundation for college courses being taught all around the states and has continued to do so over the years. Since it has been interpreted in different ways, some may think of it as a resemblance of teenage life and their struggles, while others may think of it as a metaphor of life’s problems. The “Hush” episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer alludes to Biblical stories relating