Self Analysis
My junior year I was pretty nervous hearing the word college class, worrying that it was going to be harder than any other english class I would of been able to take. But I knew I needed to take the class it would look better on college applications and would get me a better idea how a college class would be, so I would be ready for next year. Something I have learned so far in my English 1101 class, to always read your paper two or three times because you could always miss a mistake that could make or break your grade peer editing is so important. There has been some challenges throughout the semester my biggest thing has been in my papers I have had many run on sentences that I had no idea to fix. If my teacher didn't teach me how to check for it. My papers have improved a lot since I have seen the actual mistakes that I have made because I never had a teacher that peer edited and then showed me how to fix, I never knew how to fix it until now. I plan to improve on my organization in my papers because sometimes I get off track i’ll be talking about something then go straight to a complete different topic. I’m hoping I will improve on that by the end of the year. I plan to improve on many other things in my papers, I know that I have a teacher that will help with my papers.
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I want to improve my structure of my papers being able to have it better organized and putting topics in the appropriate spot so the paper sounds good. To accomplish my goals or to improve I will keep asking my teacher for advice on how to make my essays better and to learn from my mistakes. To change in order to accomplish my goals, try not to procrastinate on my papers and make sure they are good enough to be a college paper. Ask more advice from my professor and see what I need to
Hays (2008) discussed privilege and biases based on culture and how these privileges and biases can affect a therapist’s work. Having a healthy understanding of self-identity can help understand the role of privilege and biases. In order to help self-reflect, Hays (2008) presented the ADDRESSING model which includes age, disability (born with), disability (acquired), religion, ethnicity/race, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, indigenous status, nationality, and gender. This ADDRESSING model will be applied in this paper.
The final weeks of my first semester in college are coming to an end. My Columbus State english class has written a total of three projects, and a total of four papers. There are a lot of grammatical issues that, at the beginning of the year, I had issues on. However, I have improved on these errors drastically, and have become a better writer because of it. Even though I am still working on many aspects of my writing, I do believe that I have become a better writer. I believe that my biggest issues while writing are run on sentences, making a strong thesis statement, and having quotes stand alone at the beginning of a paragraph.
Entering the class, english comp. one, I had many fears as to what the class would be like. I had no idea what to expect as a senior in highschool. During the past english classes I had, we wrote papers, just not a different one every day. Going into english comp. one, I figured it would be the same method in english just like the past classes I had. On the very first day in the class, I quickly found out that I would have to buckle down a little more than I have been in the past. I knew then, from what Mrs. Garth had told us, that I was going to have many weaknesses while writing my papers, but I would also have many strengths from what I had learned in the past about writing.
My work with writing has always been some kind of issue for me in a way, but in some weird way I have always enjoyed it. Throughout this course I built more skills in my writing than ever before, I got better reading and writing skills, and I was able to get some successful essays while using proper grammar. English has always be some kind of struggle for me in high school that I had to take tutoring for a couple years in it, but with the marks I have got so far in this class I’m pretty impressed about how far I have come with my grades in this course, than what I got when I was in high school English class. At the beginning of this course, for my “This I Believe” final draft, I put the best effort I could do into
I am currently a student at the University of Texas at San Antonio for almost a whole semester now. I came to this school straight out of high school, not knowing what I was getting myself into. During my high school years, I was good at every subject except my writing class. Coming to UTSA, I knew I was going to struggle in my writing class, but that didn’t discourage me from not trying my best in the course. Going through the English program, I realized that I have some strengths and weaknesses in the class, and it encouraged me to do better. The essays I have written for this class demonstrate that I have developed a strong thesis, organization skills, and detail; however, I still need to improve on grammar, keeping the POV, and citing.
This English course was a vastly informative class. We covered lots of criteria material and discussed topics during class. During the course, I have accomplish a variety of goals I once thought were unachievable. I still have a little ways to go to become the best writer I can be but by taking this course I have been able to expand and learn as a writer, editor, and analyzer of my work, peers work, and academic work. I have learned from others as others have learned from me. I have tried to improve particular aspects of my writing but continue to struggle with other aspects. I have found new strategies and breakthroughs that have allowed me to improve my essays. However, I am still learning how to write and believe that I always shall
Before English I had only taken a nursing college class and it didn’t really feel like a college class because I was doing something I really liked. In the English class it was like a real college course and I had to actually sit there and listen to a professor, it was so boring at times; but writing the papers was fun. I had learned to write fast and efficiently. I didn’t know what deadlines were and how serious they were until this class. If you missed one assignment another would be quickly following, and soon you would have five papers to write and they would all be due the next day. I learned this the hard way when I missed doing an assignment and had to stay up all night writing papers. It was hard to adapt to college life but I got the hang of things after a while. I feel very much prepared for college thanks to this course. I learned to manage my time wisely, having to juggle college courses as well as my high school classes. At first I didn’t know if I really wanted to continue my education at a college, I didn’t think I was ready to transition into that life. I still have to improve on things needed to be successful in college, but I believe I have learned enough to make it through the next level. Now I feel well prepped and ready for whatever life throws at
English 101 is much different than any English class I have ever taken. The theme of the class is to help you with your overall English skills. It is different for our class because while our class work is done online, we have the help of an in-class teacher who oversees our work and gives us tips and advice on how to do some of the work when we have questions.
Coming into this class, I wasn't sure what to expect. Of course,I expected to be writing a lot but was unsure of the type of writing and the style. I was looking forward to writing challenging pieces that stretching me creatively as a writer. I wanted to explore how to express myself in my writing because it had been a long time since I'd written a creative essay. One of my main hopes for this class was challenging myself to become a better editor of my own papers. I often find it a tedious and laborious process to find and edit the grammatical errors in my papers. However, this is an important skill that I need to develop for my future as a successful writer.
Throughout the class I was given feedback on needing to work on the structure and organization of my paper. I feel that it has improved but more work must be done. I have worked on how a structure my papers and the way I make them flow. I sometimes will begin with an outline when I begin to write a paper. At the beginning of the semester I didn’t use outlines because I felt that they were a waste of time and it made the process of writing a paper too long. After I did an outline it made it more clear what I was writing about. The outlines have helped and I will continue to use them on future papers. I have learned that I can’t try to complete a paper in sections. If I do it that way the paper tends to not flow like it would if I complete it all at one times. It seems as if my thoughts change when writing in sections.
I remember when I first came to the Wilkes University, one of my edifier (?) (Friend, teacher, mother) told me "Don’t judge your class in the beginning, judge your class at the end of course”. In the beginning of my classes I was very nervous about how to write an essay. However, I believe my writing skills has effectively improved. To be honest, English 101 wasn’t an easy class for me in the beginning. College writing is entirely different from high school writing. I always have trouble with grammar when I write English essays, and it’s harder for me to learn and improve my skills in a short amount of time.
This paper is a work of self-examination to find out what influenced my development from birth to this my 56th year. I will delve into my past and try to honestly and without judgment describe what events and actions led me to become the person I am today. I will look at the way in which the culture and family I grew up in build the frame-work of the person I have evolved into.
At the beginning of the semester I entered General Studies Writing 1110, not knowing what to expect. I knew the class was solely based on writing and perfecting personal style, but I never anticipated the valuable information I would learn throughout the course of the year. The only advanced English class I have taken in high school was English Honors in eighth grade. That class gave me the base knowledge of writing, grammar and form that has helped me through my four essays in this class. Starting out, I was not sure what the standard for passing was; even though it was unclear to me what passing was, I strove for perfection. By the time the second essay came around I realized my writing was never perfect. Peer editors and family played a
Before taking this course my writing styles and habits were very different. I was the typical procrastinator because I would wait until the night before a paper was due to start it. This did not allow me enough time to properly proofread everything, which resulted in getting points deducted for simple grammatical errors that could have been avoided if I would have had the time to proofread. My writing styles have many strengths and weaknesses and I have been able to improve my writing because of them. I have learned from my strengths and weaknesses how to become a better writer.
At the beginning of this class I was nervous on how this semester will go and whether or not I will succeed to my fullest potential in English. With that in my mind I still was trying my best to work at getting better, despite how much it made me cringe at the thought of it. My perspective of writing began to change as time went on, the assignments were based on interesting topics which made it a bit bearable for me. I’ve learned that you have to make the steps to get to the perfect paper. A paper requires you to brainstorm, make an outline, and writing your rough draft to get that feedback you need before finishing up that final draft. During this class I have also learned where to put my thesis and that I don’t need to have that three point subtopics of what you should talk about. The writing length started getting longer and I was a bit skeptical on how I can get to the word count or what will I talk about within my papers, but I have