Self-assessment assignment Strengths 1. Creativity I believe if there is a need, there must be a way to fix it. I enjoy testing different thoughts e.g. reverse the working time at night in summer to benefit from cooler environment (evaluate the net benefit of working at nights). The process of creation is strict as follow: Whenever I feel there is any needs retrieved from my personal issues, I would try to figure out whether it can be generalized into public shared issues. If so, I will come up with one or several initial option(s) that could possibly solve issues and then evaluate it/them based on my knowledge. 2. Logical thinking My thinking pattern is structured, since I’m preparing for consulting application by practicing case analysis.
Template 1 - Self assessment Criterion Comments How will I improve? CLEAR FOCUS I conveyed my purpose; identified my principle issues; made a clear argument; related development to a purpose; responded directly to questions Purposeful Structure I provided an intro, key points, supporting detail and conclusion; I summarised major points, made connections among ideas; and used appropriate examples Appropriate Style I spoke clearly & concisely; used appropriate mechanics, grammar & sentence structure; I was professional, poised, lively, interested; held attention; my style fits in with the audience and goals; I used my audio and visual aids well, my body language suited the audience and content. Content I used relevant information, presented
After taking the assessment, my top five strengths were identified to be: restorative, empathy, developer, adaptability and strategic (in that order). A person that is restorative enjoys facing new
This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of student self assessment in clinical environments and the importance of health professionals utilizing self assessment throughout their careers. Self assessment is the technique by which a student or professional rates and judges his or her own work thereby motivating him or her to work on improving any aspects of their work they feel may be lacking. It is an assessment technique employed in a diverse range of settings worldwide from the school room to the professional arena.
Everyday we ask ourselves, “Did I make the right decision?” Whether it is in regards to family, friends or co-workers we constantly do self assessments. Self-assessment is defined as a process through which individuals gain knowledge about themselves. This includes information about their likes and dislikes as well as their reactions to specific situations. By knowing more about themselves, individuals can be able to determine the work situations and occupations that are most appropriate for them. There are several lessons that can be learnt from self-assessment in relation to individual decision making. This research paper will examine reveal the lesions learned from self assessment. We will observe of the influence of the American
I chose to assess myself positively in all of the categories because I felt that I did a good job of thoroughly responding to and completing each of the requirements. I came to the discussion with a several page response to each of the four questions that I posed in relation to the text, complete with a highlighted and annotated copy of the story to use as a reference point. During the discussion itself, I referred to how the specific actions of each of the characters in the story might be interpreted and related in a more broad sense to the meaning of the work as a whole. For example, I spoke at one point about how the actions of the wife seemed inconsistent with the continuous importance placed on the value of honor within the story, as her
I will provide clarity in my direction toward others, as well as toward each individual’s awareness of their role and key objectives.
When I looked at Exhibit 5.7 Self Awareness first struck me as the most important aspect, largely because it included Accurate Self-Assessment. I think that being able to accurately see yourself would allow a leader to understand their shortcomings and work to better them and/or hire the right people to ensure success. However, looking at the list posted above by Dr. Barb, I believe self-management is the most essential component. The ability to balance emotions, which allows for clear thinking is critical to success. When snap judgments need to be made, their needs to be clear thought and not simply and emotional response. Trustworthiness and adaptability are a major component I would seek for a leader in my organization. Does the leader have
Being self-insured is a privilege, with this privilege we are given safety goals by our captive insurance representative. In efforts to meet our goals and maintain safety awareness at the local level as in the field level we ask you to take a few minutes and do a self-assessment of your work area and jobsite. I have attached a checklist for guidance, use the checklist that best suits your position. Once you have completed the self-assessment please return it to me for recording purposes.
For one to establish a stress free life, one of the most important aspects one should pursue together is having a balanced healthy lifestyle. Paying attention to the level of changes in once life over a period of time requires a full attention and cooperation of the individual’s daily activity towards achieving this goal. As an individual , it is a priority to pay proper attention to my lifestyle by adopting a measuring scale that will help to determine my motivation ,emotion and the state of my stress level in my daily activity.
Quiz 11-1: The self-assessment quiz aimed to explore my creative skills and define my creativity level. I scored 21 points, which means that my “personality and attitude are similar to those of creative people, including creative leaders.” I am very satisfied with this score because I consider myself a very creative person, especially at the workplace. Every day in the workplace, I look for more ways of self-improvement, which would allow me to deliver great results dealing with shorter deadlines.
Every person has his or her own unique style of working. After reviewing all of the self-assessments, I believe I have a solid understanding of what it take to interact collaborate with my co-workers, I am able to establish good working relationships, resolve conflicts, and institute good leadership skills. Although, I have good enough skills to be effective, I need to continue learning to advance my skill sets. Just as every person is unique, every organization has its own unique style of working. The type of culture that controls the way employees work and behave in my office is very different from other organizations. By its nature, working for a staffing firm is all about adapting to the need of the client and candidate. As a recruiter
For “standards and objectives”, I rated myself 3 as I need to be more aware of connecting lessons to each other. This indicator (Aligns with the InTASC standard 1, learning development, as the teacher designs and implements a lesson that is connected to what students have learned. I rated myself 4 in “motivating students” because I believe that motivating students affect their learning positively; this indicator aligns with standard 8, instructional strategies, as the teacher uses several strategies to encourage students to learn. Regarding presenting my “instructional content”, I give myself 3 because I don’t use all the materials used to teach students for a single lesson. I usually utilize the most effective materials or methods with considering the class time; this indicator aligns with standard 8, instructional strategies, because as a teacher, I should present the lesson the way my students understand by utilizing the most positive strategies for their learning. For “lesson structure and pacing”, I think I already come to the class preparing what I should give my students and how I move from a part to another smoothly without wasting time on useless topics or actions, so I rate myself 4; this indicator aligns with standard 8, instructional strategies, as the students’ attention should not be distracted from the target lesson,
In the activity of self-assessment, I learned that developing emotional intelligence is my highest score. I scored high in this category because throughout my life I have seen shows and movies that talk about the different emotional problems a person goes through and how it should be handled. My parents would often talk to me about how they handled their emotional problem by talking about how they dealt with death of a friend or when they feel troubled to help me in my time of need. Out of all my highest scores one that surprised me is discovering self-motivation because I’ve never found purpose in my life yet. I disagree with self-motivation because I don’t have a meaningful goal to pursue yet. I only follow what society tells me which is
This semester I plan to use my resources to earn the best possible grade I am able to. There are many techniques that can be used to make sure you get the grade you want. I plan to take responsibility for myself and do the work I need to do to get what I want. Responsibility is the key to success if you can’t be responsible you won’t get anywhere in life. Part of being responsible is making sure you go to things you need to go to, so I plan on going to every class possible. You won’t know what is going on in class if you don’t show up, which could easily lead to a bad grade.
The results of my self assessment were pretty accurate to what I know about myself. I have strong intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. I maintain strong relationships with others and think deeply about my life choices, goals, and ambitions. The only score that I thought would be higher was my musical score. I can play a musical instrument and I enjoy listening to music, but I don’t like to sing or play for others. Thinking back to my childhood, I was a linguistic learner. I followed directions well, if someone modeled how to do something, I could follow it and explain it back. I liked talking with someone personally to understand different concepts. The older I got, I was able to adapt to how my teachers’ taught. I had one teacher who loved using bodily-kinesthetic activities, I had other teachers who loved to sing and use logical-mathematical thinking. If I didn’t adjust to their styles of teaching, I wouldn’t have been successful in their class. I believe learning patterns can be altered because my learning pattern was altered. I’ve learned many different things from teachers who have different teaching styles. Teaching is an art and all teachers should use different teaching styles. Having a wide variety of teachers with different teaching styles made me a well rounded learner.