Writing skills are an important part of communication and teachers in training should develop good grammar, spelling and punctuation. The self-assessment of my writing skills was not difficult, because I know I need to improve all of them. As an English learner that I am, it takes longer to write a document not only because of the pre-writing process but, because I have to make sure I am writing my ideas in a way that the reader can understand the correct message. In addition to it, in today’s electronic age, we communicate more often through written words and it makes imperative the use of good writing skills. Furthermore, the way I write can impact the respect people have for me as a teacher in training and future professional. The first English …show more content…
Besides it, my reputation as a professional is important. As a special education teacher in training I want to acquire a good name based on the respect of the parents of my students, colleges and superiors. That respect will be earned only through my professional skills. The profession of a special education teacher requests to write Individualized Educational Plans. An IEP is a legal document where goals and objectives are written and through them an educator makes a deep impact in a child’s life. I have to improve not only grammar, spelling and punctuation but also acquire the technical vocabulary used in special education. Success is made up from a great number of little steps each of them may be seem so small and insignificant to some people, but those steps for me dictate my future. I will do my best to keep improving my writing skills and practice is the only way to do it. I know, prewriting is essential to create a good document. In addition, the proofreading to clarify mistakes is needed too. I am aware of the importance of having good writing skills to produce good IEPs. Practice, and more practice will be the only way to improve my writing
Christine Love Thompson discusses strategies that she believes are the foundation to “good” writing in the article, “A Dose of Writing Reality: Helping Students Become Better Writers.” Thompson discovers that it is not correct spelling and grammar that makes a “good” writer; it is the voice of the student. She uses sources to support her claim that methods such as using graphic organizers and her constantly making corrections are not as effective as they seem. Thompson organizes the article to ensure better understanding of the process she went through to help her students become better writers.
My writing skills have fluctuated throughout the semester. I feel, although, I have mastered leads and headline writing. Leads and headlines were the first writing skills we practiced and have continued to practice throughout the entire semester. The continuous practice of leads and headline writing throughout the semester, I feel confident in my ability to write concise, eye-catching leads and headlines. For writing assignment three I needed to provide a follow-up headline and corresponding lead for a criminal case. The headline had to focus on the upcoming sentencing hearing because it was the newest information about the case. In order to do so, as I mention in my blog entry, I had to write several drafts for both my headline and lead. [INSERT BLOG PICTURE] After many drafts of the lead I settled on a summary-lead because the article was a follow-up story about an established criminal case. I wrote the headline after I wrote the lead because the headline had to be a shorter, more intriguing version of the lead. After many drafts I finally wrote a six worded, eye-catching headline that was about the sentencing hearing. [INSERT WRITING ASSIGNMENT
Writing is a practice that most of us were taught when we were young. We were taught the basics of grammar, how to form a sentence, conjunction words, how to write paragraphs and more. Although we have learned this skill while growing up and have used the skill every year after entering kindergarten, this does not mean our writing process will ensure the best work. The authors that I chose each encourage their audience to excel in the art of writing in their own way to help with the writing process.
While attending writing class, I learned about the 4 steps in writing, bases for revising, organizing, and connecting specific information, and I also learned about the different types of essays such as descriptive, narrative, process, cause and effect and argumentative essay. I have been a student at Milwaukee Area Technical College for 1 semester, and over the course of my enrollment I have grown and learned more that I knew prior to attending this writing course. Participating in this writing class has taught me so much more than stuff about literature and language, it has taught me another way of expressing myself. I have learned here how to write and express myself, how to think for myself, and how to find the answers to the things that I don 't know. Most importantly I have learned how important technique, outlines and organization are. My goal in this paper is to inform writers about how my writing skills have improved.
A learner’s ability to communicate effectively through writing to his/her target audiences is a major prerequisite for academic success. It is also a major pillar of success in one’s career across all areas of practice. Even though, writing clearly is critical to one’s academic and career success, I have not always loved writing. In fact, for a long time I despised writing. At one point, I had a feeling that my writings skills were bound to remain stagnated throughout my life. However, time has proven that I was wrong. My attitude and outlook towards virtually all genres of writing has changed positively. The various helpful methods I have been exposed to by my English teachers through different grades have helped me
I plan to build my weaknesses in writing with practice. “Good writing is an acquired art, and it takes practice” (Bethel University, 2014, p. 4). I hope to see improvement with each essay I write. With practice and guidance from my facilitators, I hope to one day list my writing skills as a “5” on the self-assessment survey.
Throughout my year in HFLC, my writing skills have increased. I started with the knowledge I had from previous years, and ended with even more skills and knowledge from this year alone. Even with all these skills, I still have strengths, weaknesses, better writing pieces, growth from throughout the year, and goals for years to come.
When looking back five weeks ago, I struggled with confidence in my writing. I had much trouble expressing my thoughts on paper. Through time, I feel that I am stronger in my writing abilities and my writing skills have improved greatly. So far, I have learned to be more confident and I no longer struggle with getting started. There have been many instances where I have thought long and hard about submitting a document fearing that it was not good enough. Now, I realize that preparation is the key to great writing. When writing, many times I would write one section of the paper and immediately would start to revise before completely finishing. I soon realized that this method is a very long process and it’s
I immensely struggled when writing. Taking my scrambled thoughts and uncoordinated analysis and converting it into clean and understandable words on a page was arduous. I could not express my thoughts in proper academic format. I understood the importance of writing to every subject. It was essential that I learn to condense my ideas and feeling into coherent written word. After much debate, I decided that the best way to improve my writing skills was to take an advanced English course.
This semester I was surprised by how much I actually learned and developed my writing skills. I was given the opportunity to learn the many steps that it is required to become a good writer. Writing requires a lot of work. It consists of various steps; prewriting, drafting, rewriting, proofreading and publishing. . All of these components are extremely important, and necessary, and will need to be follow to improve student’s writing.
Though my experiences with writing have not been as great throughout the years, I am beginning to improve. I still have notable weaknesses, but then again everyone does. With that being said, I am looking forward to improving my strengths and weaknesses in writing this semester.
My writing skills which I have worked on over the few months I have been in English 102 have changed quite a bit in my opinion. There are many things which I have improved upon that were amongst my weaker writing skills when the year began. On the opposite side of that point, there are also many things which I still need to improve upon if I want to truly elevate my writing to a level that I will be confident in. Finally, I have gained new skills outside of writing from this class, particularly the activities which we did in class at various points throughout the year. These things all cumulate together to give me an appreciation of English courses which I did not previously have.
In order to provide students with the best education and future possible, writing in schools needs to be focused on more in depth. Everyone needs to have a basic understanding of grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and other writing aspects. This is so they can communicate correctly when they get a job in the future and be confident in their writing and communication skills. If someone is not comfortable speaking and/or writing to communicate with others, they are not going to be willing to go out of their comfort zone when they have to communicate with others. With this being said, teachers and schools need to take larger steps to ensure that their students are receiving the proper writing skills needed to be successful in the near future.
English is a hard language to learn, for there are numerous elements of effective usage and writing. Many people, including me, struggle in writing because of a lack of knowledge. Since middle school, English was not a strong suit of mine. I struggled with the simplest of tasks often taking a considerably longer time to complete a task than the other students. Unmotivated teachers and a lack of interest resulted in remedial writing skills. To put it simply, I had little confidence in my writing and I dreaded taking the class because of the writing involved. In spite of my fears, I took the course and I was able to perfect and challenge my mediocre writing skills.
Writing is one of the four basic skills to be taught for the students. It is a way for students to express their idea and opinion. The important of writing can be seen in daily activities when they need to write short texts such as memos, invitation letters, sympathy notes, brochure, article, business letters, applications letter and many others. Through writing students can transfer their experiences and knowledge to others. So, they should be able to produce sentences and develop it into paragraphs and essays. It is active thinking process of the students to plan, arrange and express idea in order the text could be understood by the readers. A good writing helps avoid misunderstanding between the writer’s idea and the reader’s opinion.