This week we conducted a self-assessment to identify our strengths and weaknesses. Based off of this assessment of 30 skill areas, we had to rate ourselves on a scale of 1 to 5. 5 being good and 1 being poor (Bethel University, 2017). When honestly assessing myself with this assessment I was surprised on what I was choosing as to what was good and what was poor. Some of the areas I don’t think I pay too much attention to when it comes to skilled areas that can affect my education or everyday life. Doing this assessment has honestly made me see some of the weaknesses that I can develop and improve on, while at the same time continuing to focus on what I am strong at. The five strongest areas are, ability to conduct research, curiosity, honesty …show more content…
Being that they are areas that I don’t pay too much attention to and know that they can be a significant benefit to me if I took time to develop them more often (Bethel University, 2017). Of the five, money management was my lowest skilled area. I have never taken the time to establish those retirement funds, stocks and bonds, or other financial gains that will be a benefit to me when it comes to retiring from work. Although I have plenty of years to work it is something that I have not taken into consideration or made it a goal. This ties into goal-setting, something that I don’t do very often. Sometimes I don’t set realistic or achievable goals and this causes me to sway away from making any goals. At the same time trying to prioritize those goals can be difficult when you have several goals that you are trying to achieve. Writing and speaking were on the higher side of the rating for being weak skilled areas. I believe that I do well at writing and speaking but know that I can improve myself in these areas. A great tip that I learned this week was to read more often to help improve on the way we speak and in turn will improve how we write (Bethel University, 2017). I plan on reading more often to help myself improve in those areas. This curriculum with Bethel University will also help me with my reading and writing skills. This being one of the reasons I choses this
This week’s assignment started by directing us to complete a self-assessment, which I felt was a well laid out chart with established skills and a level in which to rate yourself from 1 being poor up to 5 being good. I think it was a good exercise, giving us a better insight to our strengths and weaknesses. I do in fact think that I learned something new about myself and could more easily answer the question of “tell me your strengths and weaknesses”, which is often asked at interviews or promotion boards.
Bethel University provides students with a self-assessment survey. (Bethel University, 2014). The comprehensive manner in which the survey is designed provides students the opportunity to explore their strong and weak skills. This survey is advantageous for students who desire to improve on their weaknesses as well as their strengths. Honesty and integrity are required when responding to the survey, otherwise, self-improvement diminishes. Completing the survey enabled me to discover my weaknesses and strengths. Observing my results caused feelings of competency to inadequacy. However, these feelings soon subsided, and I began to realize the potential for self-improvement. Clearly now I see my strong skills and the dearth of skills in my
Based on the Clifton Strengths Assessment my top five strengths are strategic, deliberative, learner, maximize and individualization. As an individual, I rarely look into my weakness. I believe that when your too focused on your weakness, you forget about your strengths. Everything the book said is true, and we need to take the time to look at our strengths and make it perfect. It is true that in this world or the school system, we are taught to look at our weakness and correct it so that we can become stronger in our life. This book brings out the truth that I longed to hear for a long time. Invariably, I hear my professor tell their students that for them success in life, they must practice and look at our weakness. This book proves it wrong because for us to become successful, we must stay to our strengths’ path.
Which by fault are the areas that I want to improve in. The steps in which I would take to improve these scores would be to take the initial step and talk to Mrs. Pendergrass, who is my CSUA advisor. Then decide which Key to Success workshops I should attend. I picked one for time management on Monday, September 18, 2017, another for reading Monday, September 25, 2017 and one more for test taking skills on Monday October 16, 2017. I also decided to get a tutor to help me study for exams and organize my notes. Another step I am going to take is putting time aside to go the library to study without
After assessing my strengths and weaknesses from the self-assessment survey, I am not surprised by the results. Prior to this survey it has always been clear on my weaknesses and my strengths pursuing a career as a therapist. I am a very sensitive person, particularly when it comes to people being violated. Often when people are emotional around me, especially telling me something that they are going through, I tend to cry with them or get as emotional with them. I don’t know how I will be able to sit and talk with a person if they are telling me about being raped, kidnapped or beaten. I know that I can overcome this because in the past I have been put in situations where people have come to me about matters such as being raped or seeing
Over the quarter, I have completed 14 self-assessments that have opened my eyes to who I perceive myself to be and how this can affect my future career path. All 14 of these assessments focused on an aspect of my personality that is embedded and seen in how I view situations and how I conduct my daily life. I took the self-assessments very seriously and asked my family members and current housemates for feedback throughout this process. Some of these assessments confirmed my personal thoughts on the matter and few of the assessments opposed and revealed new qualities about myself that I had not thought of. Overall, this was a revolutionary experience and I would suggest thing process to anyone who wants a clear vision of him/herself.
3- Bethel certainly brought us an enlightening exercise this time. I found that in the areas of “Critical thinking and reasoning” and “Creative problem solving” I graded out as a five, both from myself and Wanda: (Bethel University, 2014, p. 17). I always like to give the good news first. On the other hand, in the areas of “Reading” and “Time management”, I need a little work. Actually, I need more than a little work, I need an extensive remodel. Yes, this was unanimous with Wanda as well. However,I do not see this as a bad thing because the purpose of taking this test was to figure out my weaknesses as well as strengths. Now that I know what both are, I can get to work on the weaknesses. The first thing I am going to do is to practice
In this self-assessment my overall scores for writing skills, reading skills, speaking skills and, listening skills. For writing my score was seventeen, reading was twenty-two, speaking was a twenty-five, and listening was twenty-four; my highest score was speaking skills and my lowest was writing skills. I believe that speaking is my strongest skill because of my experience in speaking in front of people since my sophomore year of high school. I was involved with DECA and, JROTC; now I’m a student ambassador which really can make you outgoing. My weakest skill would be writing.
We don 't usually transition our personalities, morals and commitment established on what we reviewed about ourselves. A conception of our personalities can help us find character in which we will do well, and assist us staying away from circumstances in which we will have an occurrence to have much stress. For example, if you are a highly reserved person, you are likely to experience more stress in a your life in a complicated position than a highly outgoing person would. So, if you are highly reclusive, you should either learn skills to manage with the demands of a intense job that requires extravert-type behavior patterns, or you should find a position that is more compatible with your personality. Knowledge of your personality helps you determine such a conclusion.Self-awareness helps managers identify gaps in their management skills, which promotes skill development. But self-awareness helps support stress management and motivation of oneself and others also helps managers find situations in which they will be most effective, assists with intuitive decision making. Self-concept plays an important role in leadership. Leadership self-concept symbolize a leader’s perceived ability to perform for the accustomed leadership tasks of advising, resolving and defeat obstacles. More specifically, it refers to the leader’s judgment that he or she can favorably make use of leadership by setting the route for the work group, build
The self-assessment questionnaire revealed a lot about my outlook and my understanding towards different cultures. This first section of questions was based on ethnocentrism, which is described as being “ignorant of the relation of culture to behavior and self, lacking competency in understanding cross-cultural issues, and lacking appreciation of the effects of historical and contemporary racism” (Winkelman, 2009). My answers scored a value of 2 on a range from 0-12, where 0 is described as normal and 12 as being fully ethnocentric. This result shows that I do have a very slight ethnocentric tendency since it’s not a score of 0, but for the most part, that I do not have an ethnocentric personality. Therefore, I do not consider my culture superior to others and that I am aware of the various differences in cultures. To me, this part of the questionnaire seemed accurate to my personality since I have made friends in elementary school up until now that were of different cultures than my own. When I was growing up, my first language was French and I was surrounded by the religion of my mother and father’s families, which was Catholicism. I found going to school where not every student had the same background or culture really opened my eyes to the fact that everyone has different rituals and routines associated to their cultures. I was lucky enough to have religion classes in both elementary school and high school, which showed us how different some religions or cultures are
In self-Assessment III the first sections talks about what type of organizational system I would prefer. Organizational Structure is a system that defines the levels of hierarchy within an organization. The organizational structure classifies each job, explains its function, and who it reports to within the organization. Based on my scores they suggest I prefer to work in a mechanistic structure rather than a organic structure. In a mechanistic structure people work separately and specialize on only one task. Also within a mechanistic the hierarchy of authority is well-defined. The first section also measures my ability to delegate in the work place. According to my score I need to substantial improve on my ability to delegate. Based on the analysis delegating authority are what many managers have difficult doing. My ratio for being able to give feedback is a four out four. This means my self-perceived strength and weakness are equal, but I could work to improve ratio to be more self-perceived in strength.
It is vital when looking for a new job or career that you know what skills and qualities you have. Knowing what you can or cannot do will alter what employers and positions there are for you. Throughout my higher education at Full Sail University, I have been able to overcome weaknesses that I have and raised other strengths beyond what I thought I could. Matching what you are good at and not so good at can help shape what your life path will be. Looking deeper into my personal capabilities, I have discovered three strengths and three weaknesses that I have and I’m working on eliminating or improving. If you are not good at something, improving even slightly can have a nice positive impact on your overall quality of
My current strengths include; my honesty and passion towards my work. I have always been positive and confident regarding my aims and targets. Along with these, I am a good decision maker, due to which I can make right and quick decisions. Moreover, I have ability to motivate others and do team work. I am also a responsible person, when I make a target; I work day and night to achieve my goal.
I find it hard to self-assess oneself. I do not feel I do poorly in any category, but I know I am not great at every category. The weaknesses I have are in areas that I already feel need improvement. Now we will dive into some of those weaknesses and strengths.
I was able to take three assessments that were able to tell me about my interests, skills, possible jobs and education degrees that I could potentially pursue. The names of the three assessments are the: Strong Interest Inventory, Myers- Briggs Type Indicator and StrenghtsQuest. I’m going to take a look at my results for each assessment and compare the similarities as well as the contrast.