
Self-Awareness In The Clones By Ishiguro

Decent Essays

Clones such as Kathy and Tommy exemplify their human nature through their self-awareness and their ability to feel compassion that enables both to define their predetermined course. Specifically, in the beginning of the novel, Tommy hits Kathy as a result of his tantrum, but Kathy forgives him and recognizes that this is part of his identity. The next day, Tommy comes up to Kathy and says that, “ I’m meant to say sorry. I mean , I really, really sorry … . I wouldn't dream of hitting a girl, and even if I did, I'd never want to hit you” (Ishiguro 12). Tommy manifests his human nature through his self-awareness and demonstrates that he has the capacity to show concern for those who he has hurt. The fact that he “meant to say sorry” further …show more content…

In the same manner, Tommy is self-aware that his tantrums set him apart from other kids. Because of this, “negative [effects] ensue” causing him to hit Kathy, but only governs him to the point where he is able to embody humanity: the ability to learn from one’s mistakes. Tommy’s relationship with Kathy is further intensified when both come back from Kingsfield and Tommy states that Kathy fails to understand what it means to be a donor. Despite the disagreement, Kathy states that, “[She is] sorry [she] blew up at [Tommy] earlier. [She]’ll talk to them. [She]’ll try and see to it [Tommy] gets someone really good” (Ishiguro 259). Kathy reflects on her inability to control fate and recognizes that she cared for Tommy when nobody would. In addition, Kathy still deeply cares for Tommy, yet she is conscious of how distressed she will be if she continues to care for a loved one that is about to pass. Not to mention, she acknowledges that her strength is to be a carer and understands that although Tommy perceives her as the best carer, it is ultimately best to save that energy to also take care of

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