
Self Checkout Progress Paper

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Results of Research

In this progress report, I will present the completed work of Task 1. I will show the progress of Tasks 2-3.

Task 1. Hiring technicians to install the software for the self-checkout system
Self-checkouts have made their way into the business world in 2012. Since 2012, self-checkouts have seen a lot of popularity among stores (The Pros and Cons of Using Self-Checkouts – BusinessBee). I have researched the pros and cons to this topic; and I see more pros that can come from this implementation that cons.
Since the technicians have done their job of installing and preparing the software and register for implementing a self-checkout the store is one task closer to using the system. I am a firm believer this will result in additional success and happy customers. I have researched the pros of self-checkouts and found three areas of success that include:
• T.J. Maxx, Fargo ND will save money with the self-checkouts.
• Customers will save time with the self-checkouts.
• The efficiency and speed of checkouts will increase with the self-checkouts.
I found the advantages of self-checkouts on a website …show more content…

These associates will be trained to engage associates who are using the self-checkout. This is an important key. I have noted in my proposal the main disadvantage of a self-checkout is the lack of human conversation with the store’s associates. Most conversations with front line associates tend to be very short and vague. However, those conversations are helping customers be emotionally engaged while shopping. There was research done that concluded, “By 2020, the customer will manage 85% of the relationship with an enterprise without interacting with a human” (Raza). With this knowledge, it is crucial to train sales associates on how to engage with customers who are using the self-checkout

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