Self Esteem is defined as a feeling of having respect for yourself and your abilities. Change is a part of life. In order to successfully cope with and adapt to these changes, you need a healthy level of self-esteem. It is therefore absolutely essential than in order for you to successfully survive through these changes, that you create a sense of stability within yourself. This stability comes from having a clear sense of identity, confidence and self-worth, Or in other words, self-esteem (Erupting Mind). Communicating effectively is important for a healthy self-esteem, Communication is a skill that needs to be learned and it will get better with practice. As you improve your skills, you’ll communicate with more confidence and your self-esteem …show more content…
Individuals who have an Emotive style of communicating are expressive and willing to spend time maintaining and enjoying a large number of relationships. Some examples of Emotive Style of communication also include expressing highly emotional opinions, Stop to listen to the other person, trying too hard to promote own point of view, becoming outspoken to the point of being offensive (Gerald). This assessment gave me some reassurance of what I had already assumed of what type of communication style was. My goal after discovering this information is to try to improve on my self-esteem to be more effective at communicating with my style of …show more content…
Not adequately listening is one of the biggest obstacles and it’s a common issue. To be properly listening, it’s important to be fully present in the moment. This is particularly difficult when you’re anxious or your negative thoughts are overpowering. Some ideas on managing this are practicing mindfulness and focusing your attention on the other person.
In conclusion, the goal essentially is in other to communicate more effectively, you have to be willing to improve your self-esteem. Now that I am aware of what style of communication suites me. I intend to try to improve how I communicate with individuals who have different type of communication style, by understanding what method works with communicating effectively with them. The exercise that was conducted earlier provided me with information on how to be able communicates with others outside my communication style. I intend to research what was the main component to improve communicating with others, and self-esteem seemed to be that main component. Then my next goal was to figure out how to improve my self-esteem so I can communicate effectively with other. This exercise has been good and knowledgeable; it is always a great experience when you learn more about yourself and how you are able to interact with
Most people think they have good listening skills, but this rational is far from the truth. Why? Because according to Petersen (2007), “We must understand ourselves, how we think and feel, to fully engage in effective communication” (p. 65). However, often we do not understand ourselves and as a result, we tend to get ourselves in misunderstandings and even painful circumstances in life for lack of good listening skills. Dr. Petersen provides a clear guide to improving the interaction we have with others and also provided an answer to the question inscribed in the book title.
My personality type is INFP according to (citation of website), they describe this type as “the true idealist always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, INFPs have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine.”(citation) this resonates with me because I do see myself as an idealist and I feel that it is my idealism that allows me to communicate as I do despite being an introvert. While I generally do prefer being alone, I have this need to share my ideas and discover other’s ideas which allows me to be perceived as more of an extrovert
Edmondson (2009) discusses four different basic communication styles. The first style is expressive which have a tendency to speak quickly, focus on the big picture, and have a high energy level. They can be perceived as unpredictable, vain, or excessively jovial. Next are systematic who tend to focus on small details, not on the larger picture, and try to avoid conflicts. The third type listed is sympathetic. These individuals focus on people and relationships. They are good listeners and so concern for everyone’s needs. Sympathetics also do not like be at odds with others. Lastly, the fourth communication style identified is directs who generally keep dialogue short and are perceived as a multitaskers. The study recommends that the individual discover her own communication style and adjust the style according to the situation.
MindTools, n.d. Introduction to Communication Skills. Retrieved July 20, 2014 from [Accessed 18 June 2012]
“Confidence, self-esteem and self-image affect the way we all interact with other people, so this will necessarily affect the development of communication skills.”(Cache Level 3, Children and Young People’s
My personal communication philosophy includes two factors that will support improved comprehension among those attempting to connect. The following paper will discuss these two elements: merging communication styles to aid in understanding and communication intent vs. perception.
Being competent in interpersonal communication is one of the most vital skills to have not only in the professional world, but also in everyday life. By being competent in interpersonal communication, a person is able to effectively communicate with other people, enabling them to build better relationships with the people they surround themselves with. In order to be considered competent, one has to be able to be appropriate, effective, adaptable, involved, managing the conversation, and using empathy. Each of these skills helps to create enjoyable conversations for all parties involved. When ranking myself, I found that I am mostly competent in interpersonal communication, but could work on improving my effectiveness and involvement in
I chose the topic of self-concept through interpersonal communication because I had an interest in it. This interest is because I didn’t understand that one’s self-concept affected the way one is perceived by others. I learned self-concept through class discussions, but I wanted a better understanding of how communication affects one’s self-concept and how it affects one’s perception
"The power of vision is the starting point. Once you have established your goal, you need to develop your communication skills so that you can share your vision with the rest of the world and create something unique," Tips on starting your own winning business. (2011, March 9). This statement is true. I consider my communication skill good to excellent. As the daughter of two school teachers I have an excellent command of the English language and they taught me how to present myself in such a way to adapt to my audience and have a confidence in my words. These traits have allowed me to be successful in a number of various professions, but I find my ability to communicate with
Interpersonal Communication Competence is defined as constantly communicating in a way that is effective, appropriate, and ethical (McCornack, 2016). When a person is communicating competently, they are following social norms, are able to accomplish their goals, and treating persons in an unbiased manner. In my paper I will be discussing my own interpersonal communication competence and the evaluations that I, and my close companions, have made about my ability to communicate proficiently. I will begin my essay by explaining what effective and appropriate communication consists of, and follow up with my argument on how effective and appropriate I am in my interpersonal relationships. As I continue I will examine my empathy and why I am strong in this aspect of communication, followed by my deliberation of my conversation management and why I am weak in this category and how I could possibly improve. As I near the conclusion of my paper I will focus on my interpersonal communication motivation, knowledge, and skills. After reporting my scores in each category I will reflect on my skills, my lowest score, and explore why I am poorest at this quality and how I can grow in my capabilities. Overall I am a competent communicator, but enhancements can be made in my conversation management, effectiveness and skills in order to build up my competence.
Our ability to communicate well with others is important to personal and professional success. The interpersonal communications course is planned to help us in being familiar with the system of effective, and to assess our own interpersonal ability to sharpen our critical understanding of the communication, also to improve the interpersonal skills. Mainly assess our interpersonal skills and to put in goals for improving our communications ability. To development of self-concept and identity are examined as basics for understanding personal communication. We explore our own communication behaviors and to identify areas of personal strengths and
Throughout our whole lives, we spend the majority of our time communicating in some way or form. Many people in today’s society are uninformed of all the key concepts and importance of communication, such as interpersonal communication. One major concept in the field of communication is Interpersonal Communication. Many concepts of Communication can be demonstrated in everyday life or even in our favorite movies. This analysis is from the movie, “Blind Side”. There are many concepts of Interpersonal Communication included in this film. Self Concept, Self Esteem, Stereotype, Perception, and Stages of Relationship are just a few concepts that are utilized throughout this movie.
Will you be able to survive socially in an informal environment with friends or with someone you love? Will you allow yourself to be pushed aside having nothing to say. Communication is something you have to when conversing is a social environment. Having that skill enable you to function socially and to maintain relationship maintain your important relationship. (Hybels, Weaver 2007) When gaining knowledge of interpersonal communication for relationships examine oneself as well as social surrounding are just a few steps that can be done to improve interpersonal relationship. When conducting a examination
In the 21st century our communication mediums have changed, know we Whats App Facebook or email rather than calling or visiting in person. What hasn 't changed is that when we communicate most of the time another human being is on the other end and. This chapter will discuss not only how to communicate with diplomacy but how messages of communication are interpreted. In the workplace communication is probably one of the most important factors as people need to receive clearly communicated messages to be on the right track. It could be that you need to so some public speaking at the workplace and not only is your confidence being shook up, your nerves are on edge worrying how to communicate you message. Not only how we communicate with others that impacts our success what’s also a key part is how we communicate with ourselves and overcome internal negative dialogue. Did you know that only 8% of our communication is based on the words we say? Also did you know that 37% of our communication is based on our tone of voice? Did you know that the remaining 55% comes from our facial expressions and body language? If you find this hard to believe just think of when someone says something to you and they come across as rude. More often than not it was the way they said it vs the actual words they said. When communication is open and employees are connected
Well how do I go about improving myself in communication competence? Communication in relationships could make or break that relationship. Depending on a variety of factors to be effective at communication, one has to rely on the areas of self-awareness to include personality, values, habits, needs and emotions. In using these to develop a better understanding of how we ourselves communicate with others. We will be analyzing the intercultural communication competence by looking at developing knowledge, motivation, and skills to improve my communication competence in intercultural communication.