
Self Communication Analysis

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Self Esteem is defined as a feeling of having respect for yourself and your abilities. Change is a part of life. In order to successfully cope with and adapt to these changes, you need a healthy level of self-esteem. It is therefore absolutely essential than in order for you to successfully survive through these changes, that you create a sense of stability within yourself. This stability comes from having a clear sense of identity, confidence and self-worth, Or in other words, self-esteem (Erupting Mind). Communicating effectively is important for a healthy self-esteem, Communication is a skill that needs to be learned and it will get better with practice. As you improve your skills, you’ll communicate with more confidence and your self-esteem …show more content…

Individuals who have an Emotive style of communicating are expressive and willing to spend time maintaining and enjoying a large number of relationships. Some examples of Emotive Style of communication also include expressing highly emotional opinions, Stop to listen to the other person, trying too hard to promote own point of view, becoming outspoken to the point of being offensive (Gerald). This assessment gave me some reassurance of what I had already assumed of what type of communication style was. My goal after discovering this information is to try to improve on my self-esteem to be more effective at communicating with my style of …show more content…

Not adequately listening is one of the biggest obstacles and it’s a common issue. To be properly listening, it’s important to be fully present in the moment. This is particularly difficult when you’re anxious or your negative thoughts are overpowering. Some ideas on managing this are practicing mindfulness and focusing your attention on the other person.
In conclusion, the goal essentially is in other to communicate more effectively, you have to be willing to improve your self-esteem. Now that I am aware of what style of communication suites me. I intend to try to improve how I communicate with individuals who have different type of communication style, by understanding what method works with communicating effectively with them. The exercise that was conducted earlier provided me with information on how to be able communicates with others outside my communication style. I intend to research what was the main component to improve communicating with others, and self-esteem seemed to be that main component. Then my next goal was to figure out how to improve my self-esteem so I can communicate effectively with other. This exercise has been good and knowledgeable; it is always a great experience when you learn more about yourself and how you are able to interact with

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