I believe the most challenging aspect of working in protective services is personal safety. At times, I will feel uncomfortable intervening in certain situations, such as when called upon to investigate a case that involves an anger caregiver who starts to act out. I understand some clients will have no place to direct their feelings and will only have me as an investigator to express their frustration. During the investigation, I will need to know how to effectively interact with clients and beware of whether a situation threatens my personal safety. My experience in education and people skills prepared me to deal with the demands of protective services. My experience did not only prepare me for my career, but it also prepared me for life
If you examine a vehicle, you may agree that it is greater than the sum its parts. Individually, the engine, battery, tires, steering wheel, and steel body can’t haul a teen to school or an associate to work like they can when they are all working together as a cohesive unit. Just like any vehicle, the common wealth of a community is greater than the needs of the individuals that make up the community. When the individuals of a community entangle themselves in a web of wants and selfish desires, they tend to loose sight of the well being of the people who surround them, the environment in which they thrive off of, and, in the long-run, themselves. In conjunction, author Scott Russell Sanders’ article titled “Defending Our Common Wealth” highlights these points as well as emphasizes creating a new vision of wealth, encouraging community over consumption and consumerism to his audience.
During and immediately after my undergraduate course, I had the opportunity to work as a volunteer at the American Counseling Association and as a houseparent for an institution that houses mentally ill individuals. The association welcomes students and encourages them to offer voluntary services while they have an opportunity. My experience at the association, as a houseparent, and currently as a paraprofessional for mentally ill adults and children with behavioral problems provided me with a solid footing as well as the necessary resources to prepare for my career in counseling. The experiences gave me an opportunity to attend several conferences and workshops where I had the chance to meet and interact with other professional counselors. These opportunities opened me up and exposed me to numerous challenging situations that helped me to grow both personally and professionally. Interacting with more qualified and experienced people in the association, institution for the mentally ill, and agency that I currently work for has helped me to develop confidence in my work as I sought their assistance and guidance whenever I needed help. The experiences gained while working at the association was helpful to me as I could apply that knowledge and the skills learnt to help my church members. At my church, I was a youth leader and
|As adults in positions of responsibility it is important to be aware of the importance of protecting children and young people from harm. While |
In this paper, the role of a social worker will be addressed. A Human Service professional has, in its hands, the responsibilities in the life of the clients and families they meet. The tremendous and arduous responsibilities they take on include, but are not limited to, the well-being and care of people and their communities. Such roles can be helping others manage the care of a family member, assisting individuals experiencing problems with family relations and conflicts, dealing with changes that come with growing old, aiding those suffering mental illness and or those individuals struggling with addictions. Briefly
* Sources and advice, support and information to help social care workers understand their own role in safeguarding.
A significant element of a practitioner’s role in protecting themselves would be to read policies and procedures that are put in place to safeguard them and children or young people in their care. In a care setting a professional can protect themselves by:
At the start of the health and social care course I knew that I wanted a career working within the health or social care sector. From working with local authorities (such as schools, elderly care home) I have learned how to communicate effectively with different service users. Professionally I have learned the importance of guidelines within a health and social care sector. I know and understand the relevant that I am able to promote later within my career with working with service users.
In each workplace there are child protection policy and procedures that set out the settings Safe working practices. As one of the past critics according to Laming inquiry is that professionals do not understand each other’s roles and did not work together in a multi-disciplinary manner. This term makes reference to how practitioners work to protect children and to protect themselves from accusations of abuse.
This paper presents the effects of expansionary monetary policy to macro economic variables in the economy. The United States of America recorded a mortgage crisis since 2007. The financial sector issued out massive amounts of money to individuals to acquire homes. This was in line with government campaigns for equitable housing of US citizens in the United States. This led to an increase in loans offered to citizens to purchase homes, leading to an expansionary monetary policy. Though this strategy brought equity in home ownership, it also brought financial imbalance in the
Of the many conflicts that can arise between the authoritative and supervisory roles of a human services professional, one conflict that can occur is when a worker may have questions about how to perform certain tasks, but due to the worker only seeing the professional in a role of authority, they may choose to please the supervisor, may not give voice to her concerns and she may or may not seek information from other sources. Assuming a fully authoritative role undermines the creation of safety in a supervisory relationship and without safety, those seeking supervision will undoubtedly, avoid the unknown and the proper solution may be lost (Bogo & Drill, 2008). The most effective
I believe that the most challenging aspect of working in protective services is separating work from home. Being able to "leave work at work" is difficult to do for any position, especially when considering deadlines that must be met and paperwork that must be completed. Working in protective services provides the additional challenge of leaving the horrifying images and circumstances that a service worker will see and face at the door before entering the home. Protective services appeals to me specifically because I want to assist children and families in facing some of the darkest moments in their lives. While it is difficult to separate work from home, working in protective services is one of the most worthwhile things one can do and one
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (2000) shows that 48% of all non-fatal work related assaults and acts of violence have occurred in health care and social service settings. Violence against mental health and health care workers has the potential to cause major physical injuries and psychological trauma. In return this poses serious consequences on employers such as increased turnover, medical and psychological care, increased absenteeism, decreased morale, job dissatisfaction, legal issues, and worker burn-out. Agencies and clinicians are encouraged to evaluate and identify the risks that are potential barriers in their agencies. Safety plans need to be implemented and strategized along with re-evaluations on a continuous basis (Taylor, H. 2013).
The first incident I talked about in P4 was suspected or actual abuse, the responses I listed for this incident include first and foremost keeping and maintaining the dignity of the victim as they are your main priority. This is the most effective and satisfactory response for this type of incident because maintaining the dignity of the service user allows them to stay confident regardless of the situation they’ve been in. This would help medical professionals and individuals from higher authorities figure out more about the incident if the victim is more willing to share information and details which can help catch the individual(s) at fault and prevent this from happening again, but this can only happen if the service user is helped to a successful road to recovery after their
I have often exaggerated the workplace and lifestyle of a social worker. After meeting with a fellow social worker, I am now able to understand their busy lifestyle. A social worker has to consider the struggles clients have experienced and hear their narratives. At the same time, these social workers need to keep their life in order in a professional and healthy way. A social worker I had the chance to meet, has endured four years of training at Thompson Rivers University: he received a bachelor degree off social work with a child welfare specialization, and two practicums, as well as regular training introduced by the government; that broadened his understanding on domestic violence, child welfare, and interview training. He stated six particular duties: provide child safety, child welfare, family care, community development, assisting individuals and being a go-to person to fellow clients (personal communication, January 27, 2016).
My professional experiences thus far have enabled me to learn a great deal while reaching my