• Describe the essential aspects of a self-directed, intrinsically motivated, active learner? A learner that is self-directed and intrinsically motivated asks questions while learning, and seeks out those questions. If you instinctively go out of your way to learn, on your own time, just for the indulgence, that qualities yourself as a self-dedicated learner. More aspects include, scheduling instances to study, on a consistent bases. This also includes figuring out precisely how much time they can set aside and when goals are met, find it gratifying (Cobb, 2018). Additionally, they also incorporate different ways of learning which include passive learning activities. I remember a fellow High School student I once knew, who now that I look back, had a most admirable study regime. He would polish his …show more content…
They will be used as reminders for studying. ◦ Change Mindset: Reading empowering/uplifting statements first thing in the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. Having a specific mindset geared to completing goals and being productive is a huge advantage and priority of mine. ◦ Change Priorities: The good percentage of my free time has to be devoted to studying. I have to make sure that a good chunk of the beginning of the course week is spent on completing assignments. That allows me to spend weekends days with my family. So far I been getting up at 7AM on weekends to complete assignments while my family is still sleeping. ◦ Additional Sleep: Before work I have been getting up early to study, which leaves me with less sleep. To account for that, I have to make sure I'm going to sleep earlier the night before. I've also been taking lite naps randomly one or two times a week, which also helps (Cobb, 2018 January
As a busy mother, partner, worker etc. I find it hard to allocate appropriate time especially for studying.
In my self-regulated learning survey results, I learned my strong points in the way I learn and the way I prepare myself to learn. I received a high range in most categories. One high area was metacognition. Metacognition is defined as thinking about your thinking, according to DAACS. It involves being aware of your thoughts and controlling how you approach learning. I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses; therefore, I believe this analysis is true. I know how to fully make myself receptive to what I am learning. I tend to like to plan and prepare myself for what is to come. Another strong area was strategy. Strategies are the procedures people use to enhance their learning, according to DAACS. It connects with planning and knowing your
The initial shock of the significant workload and expectations can take their toll, but good time management skills can prevent multiple late nights in a row to get assignments done on time. Kelci Lynn Lucier has worked in higher education for ten years, and has experienced students struggle to try and find the balance between extracurricular activities, personal activities, and education priorities. Luckily, Lucier has four tips to help best use the time provided in a day. Lucier’s first step focuses on managing ones academic time and how it needs to be the top priority above all other curricular activities, stating: “It's important to remind yourself why you're in college in the first place: to graduate” (Lucier). Lucier’s second step is be able to manage personal time, she talks about how unrealistic it is to always be working, studying, or learning, she wants students to try and find time to do something fun with friends or a club. Lucier’s third step is to wkeep the students health in mind, it does no good to stay up until two in the morning studying over a history mid-term, only to be half asleep for the test anyway; sleep is important and without can only increase the stress. Lucier’s fourth and final step is to not be afraid to seek help with your time management, she states: “The most important thing to have for time
As we discussed in class, motivation plays an intrinsic role in creating successful self-directed learning. Those who practice this form of learning, in various ways, are driven by personal or external incentives, such as the desire to learn something, or simply for curiosity 's sake, self-esteem and self-efficiency. Because of this self-directed learners are known to take initiative, view issues as challenges to overcome, become confident, have a desire to evolve, and appreciate and seek out learning opportunities (Taylor, 1995).
As I look at my life and my daily activities I decide to choose the least important one and the time I spend doing that, I offer to my studying and school work. Take the time to study more, rather than watching TV. To help me study better and frequently, I must improve on my note taking skills. Memory is not as good as it used to be so good note taking is a good advantage to this.
I noticed that I spent more time than I had originally realized during my free time and also spent a larger amount of time on coursework. Since regularly I do have work to consider, I have realized that I needed to make some changes based upon those three days. My first change is that given that with work considered my free time is roughly about 3 on a shorter day, I decided to dedicate a portion of that time towards reading so that I can read a
These chronic and systematic harms place a heavy burden financially, logistically, and psychologically. With these three components you will first start managing your time by making a list of your daily schedule followed by responsibility for your assignments and matters. Any decision to leave all of your assignments for another time closer to the deadline will only help to accumulate work that you will end up not having enough time to do. Time is a very important resource in life, so you have to manage very wisely.
Self- Discipline and scheduling effectively are critical factors when it comes to successfully managing your time. Having self-discipline is a vital necessity, when you are preparing for college success. Deciding to study for an important exam, or hanging out with friends, will need to be carefully decided. If you chose the obvious, Studying, you'd eliminate unwanted stress like, cramming days before the exam. Being self-Disciplined means you have control over your behavior and you do not make decisions on impulse, instead you make your decisions logically. Accomplish everything you can complete today and do not put it off for tomorrow. Creating an effective schedule will be a helpful tool when it comes to your college success. In order to plan
As students progress through their post-secondary studies, they often begin to feel stressed. Students can successfully overcome obstacles and stress by managing their time properly. In order for a student to achieve academic success, their main priorities should be to keep track of assignment due dates, to make a schedule for reading and completing course work, to get enough sleep, to consult with their instructors when they need assistance, and finally to recognize that their instructors want them to succeed.
I have poor attitudes towards managing time, such as managing time to study. Developing effective study habits is important as they will help me to use my study time more productively and will also help to handle stress. Therefore, learning some effective memory techniques, developing a good support network and working with other class members will enhance our study habits (Anthony, 2012). So it is important for me to make an action plan about time
We are able to begin to develop abilities in self-directed-studying during our first-year in the college, to be an effective student. We will be spending a considerable time getting information and learning the continuous creation of new information, new skills due to the fast pace of change in culture and technology, and an access to info. Much with this learning will happen at our own initiative. We as a person will have the main responsibility for implementing, planning, and even appraising our learning effort. This what we should understand as self-directed learning.
My situation has to change as soon as I can; I have to eliminate my problem by setting and using realistic schedules based on my own goals and sticking on them, organize and monitor my use of time. I have to avoid procrastination, deal with scheduling problems. I need to focus on my interesting and important goals by maximize the time on completing them and minimize the time I waste on not important activities, in addition to being organized to approach the academic and life difficulties.
Keeping a personal schedule or calendar can assist in prioritizing important dates, deadlines, and goals (Martinez Tucker, 2002). Asking for assistance from friends, family, and neighbors can also provide support. Finally, engaging in various stress relieving activities may prevent students from feeling overwhelmed.
Time management is the key thing of successful. I am not good in managing time because I don’t organize my study time carefully and not use my time wisely during work. I always leave everything until the last minute, and sometimes I do unimportant things like playing games, surfing internet and watching movie, but actually I know there a lot of work to finish off. I get to the bottom of this crisis and try to systematize my study and set up my work. I make a schedule of revision, and I put a date where I need to complete the schoolwork. I also make a small target, for example, I want to understand the concept of heat transfer by the end of this week, and I have to achieve it no matter what. I
How I manage time is a reflection of what I value. Managing my time corresponds to how successful I will be in college and throughout life. Knowing and setting priorities to meet goals, carrying out plans, taking control of time, and staying focused are some events that are involved with time management. For many of us, balancing school with work and family is the greatest challenge involved with prioritizing. Good advance planning will help in meeting these challenges. Staying focused is usually difficult, especially for first-year students. Staying focused entails remembering and dedicating to the most important purpose for being in college. Sacrificing unnecessary commitments and keeping my