Before I went in to the evaluation, I wanted to collect my thoughts about how I thought I had been performing for the week. I had not received much feedback on how I had been doing and all of it had been positive. On several occasions, I had been told, “good observation” or, “I was hoping you would pick up on that”. During one instance, an OT was asking me how I would modify a child’s goals based on his progress, and I answered based on my knowledge that I have gathered through LEND, the OT program and my personal experience. The OT I was speaking with and the two OTs who overheard were impressed with my response and commented that I was ahead of some of the other level I students they have had before. Regardless of this positive feedback, …show more content…
There was one instance that I think we had different perspectives on. This instance was when I administered an assessment. My supervisor thought it when well considering I was a level I student. I met her expectations by preparing for the assessment, asking questions, and doing the best that I could do. She thought it was great that I was so flexible to do the assessment especially considering it was my first day at the facility. As I reflected upon my performance, I thought that there were definitely improvements that could be made. I think want to push myself to be better, which was good. In the context of this week, however, my supervisor wasn’t expecting me to do the assessment perfectly, but only to do the best of my ability. In the future though, I will be expected to be able to perform many assessments in a standardized manner and be familiar with them so I will continue to practice. This is definitely an area of growth that I identified this week as well as being able to complete documentation in a concise …show more content…
After a lot of theory, research and classroom learning, it was great to be in a clinic setting applying some of the knowledge I have gathered. As I mentioned above, I am going to focus on assessment administration and documentation. I take a long time to write up case studies and assessments and as I saw in clinic this week, that is just not feasible. These writing skills and familiarity with assessments will be what I will continue to work on for my next fieldwork
Phoenix’s speech in book 9 of The Iliad is widely viewed as more of a prophecy and foreshadows on what happens to Achilles later in the book. Phoenix says “Revere the daughters of Zeus when they come, and they will bless you and hear your cry. Reject them and they will ask Zeus to have Folly plague you.”(523) This quote delineates that the daughters of Zeus are actually prayers and that if Achilles ignores the gods and doesn’t pray then he will be plagued with sadness and this undeniably happens when Patroclus (Achilles best friend) dies which in turn made Achilles fall into a great state of depression and to blame himself for the death of Patroclus. This was exactly what Phoenix was admonishing Achilles about and due to him not adhering
This standard says, “Teachers reflect on their practice and assume responsibility for their own professional development by actively seeking and participating in opportunities to learn and grow as professionals.” This means that teachers consistently seek to improve their practices and teachings by eliciting feedback from peers, more experienced educators and even the students themselves. In this lesson, I was asked to reflect on what I felt went well and what could have been improved upon. After teaching the lesson, I remember wishing that I had another class period. Therefore, I knew that I could have improved the time management of the lesson and that I could have encouraged faster transitional periods. I also asked my cooperating teacher how she felt the lesson went. She had agreed that the lesson went very well and that it was educationally valuable for her students, but that I could also improve on transitioning the students from task to task. I was lucky enough to have a student come up to me by the end of the class to ask about college and the courses that are offered at our university. He also expressed which areas of study he was most interested in. I was surprised when he thanked me for the lesson and said, “that’s the kind of stuff I want to be learning and talking about.” While I do greatly value the feedback from the teacher, I will always remember what this student said because it solidified my desire to continue doing
Healthcare is a necessity that not everyone has. How can it be provided to everyone? A majority of people, 62%, say it is the government's responsibility to provide health care coverage for all Americans, while others, 37%, say it is not. Editorials from and use various types of effective evidence to support both claims.
Self-Evaluation allows an individual to do an appraisal of self. Individuals are able to access ones strength, weakness and reflect and re-evaluate situation. It is important to evaluate self after each action, course or activities completed. Often times we take things for granted. This leadership course as informed, re-enforce and given me the opportunity to reflect on self and practice.
•After I completed all of these self assessments quiz, I learned a lot about myself. I learned that I am more of relate to art more than science. Even though I said that I want to me a Dentist for my future, but it was just a plan. Future can be change. Something that surprised me was the knowledge quiz because the occupations that listed were mostly related to my interests.
I felt more comfortable during this speech than I had in my previous two speeches. I’m not sure if it was because of how much I love the topic of aviation, or if it’s because I’m getting more and more exposed to public speaking. Nevertheless, I haven’t yet viewed my speech as I’m writing this, but I felt that I hit my goals of limited uh/ums, more movement, and staying organized in order to hit every point.
Erik Erikson 's explanation of psychosocial development is one of the best-known theories of personality in psychology. The term "psychosocial development" is the pattern of change in emotions, personality and social relationship (“A Child’s World” 10). Erikson believed that the achievements and failures of earlier stages influence later stages, whereas later stages change and transform earlier ones. His theory shows the impact on social relationships throughout one’s entire life. Each individual goes through eight developmental stages, and each stage is characterized by a different “crisis” in personality- a major psychosocial theme that is above all important at that time but will remain an issue to some degree throughout the rest of life (“A Child’s World). “To Erikson, the sequence of the stages are set by nature. It is within the set limits that nurture works its ways” (“Erikson’s Stages of Development”).
I chose to assess myself positively in all of the categories because I felt that I did a good job of thoroughly responding to and completing each of the requirements. I came to the discussion with a several page response to each of the four questions that I posed in relation to the text, complete with a highlighted and annotated copy of the story to use as a reference point. During the discussion itself, I referred to how the specific actions of each of the characters in the story might be interpreted and related in a more broad sense to the meaning of the work as a whole. For example, I spoke at one point about how the actions of the wife seemed inconsistent with the continuous importance placed on the value of honor within the story, as her
There was also a good sense of teaching that was done by the presenter to the audience for any person that had any questions that needed to be answered.
I have been working towards Standard 2 by making improvements on learning objectives and outcomes by using the Blooms Taxonomy. I have started to incorporate the All, Most and Some into all lesson outcomes so pupils can push and challenge themselves, and I can distinguish which category each pupil falls in. I am still using self-evaluation forms within my Year 7 lessons this allows me and the pupil is able to check where they are up to within their progress of the lesson. I have also been given the opportunity to mark Year 7,8 and 9 exams and Year 10 homework. This has allowed me to give feedback back to the pupils and allow them to progress within lessons.
Throughout each fiscal year a majority of source is used to determine quality improvement such as
In this self-evaluation my greatest strengths are I prefer to use a computer to take notes, listening to soft relaxing music while studying, and I learn by doing something. On the other hand, my areas that need improvement are rewriting my class notes and review them before completing an assignment, studying for a test several days before the actual test date, and studying right before bedtime. What I have learned from this assessment is that I need to put more effort into rewriting my class notes. I understand repetition helps improve speed and confidence in which we learn. I know that for a fact because of the songs we hear over and over again to sing every word. I will try the repetition method of my notes to the beat of some soothing
To determine the effectiveness of the evaluation process provided for the volunteers in their pledge to help provide care for the victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or abuse it could be determined by feedback and performance evaluations. The evaluation is evident in the victims that continue to show comfort and confidence in the Pee Dee Coalition. The victims entrust the volunteers with aiding them in getting through the process of what they have endured and through their feedback we will be able to effectively determine the impact of the plan within the selection and evaluation process. Through evaluation and positive or constructive feedback from staff and victims that we would be able to determine how effective the plan is and
I have found that self-assessment of my knowledge and personal skills will keep me on the right path in order to achieve my development needs. I have to aspire to achieving the skills and knowledge I identify that I require. Monitoring this is important, as it will be the difference in achieving skills and not being competent. Taking any opportunity to learn, or build on my current skills is essential in progression. I need to take advantage of technology that may help me in accomplishing and achieving goals and skills. Recognising that I have potential to do and be anything if I put my mind and effort to it, it will help me reach my aspirations. This is where setting goals comes in to affect. As I set goals and apply my success and failures
Mexico is one of the United States most critical trading partners. Being its third overall trading partner, Mexico has come to be a big part of the United States globalization. in this section, we are going to explore current trade policies that affect the lives of millions of people in both countries.