
Self-Harming Case Studies

Satisfactory Essays

Alesia is a 14-year-old Caucasian female. She resides with her mother and is an only child. Alesia does not have a relationship with her father as she indicated he is a sociopath and abusive. She has ½ brother and a ½ sister, but does not have any communication. She was observed to be healthy, clean, and no marks or bruises visible. Alesia denied being touched inappropriately. She takes Adderall 30 mg for ADHD, birth control to regular her period, and Melotin to sleep.

Alesia is currently enrolled in virtual school online and is completing her 2nd semester of 8th grade thru La Amistad Behavioral Center. She completed an inpatient program for a month at the facility and was discharged to a PHP outpatient program, which is helping her with school. She is also receiving counseling as she used to self-harm, but has not since a year ago, and does not feel self-harming at this time. Alesia has been seeing a psychiatrist once a week and receives therapy once a week. Cathleen (therapist) expressed that Alesia has improved while in the program as she has a history of self-harming, but has not had any episode since at the facility. Cathleen indicated Alesia has made a lot of progress.

She denied domestic violence and drugs in the home. She has witnessed her mother drinking …show more content…

She does not exhibit behaviors that are indicative of abuse and does not have any developmental/ medical/ physical or emotional disabilities that increase her vulnerability. She was observed to be free of marks and bruises. She seems to be introverted, but engages well with others. She does not show serious emotional symptoms requiring intervention or lacks of behavioral control and did not exhibit self-destructive behavior that her caregiver is unwilling or unable to manage. Alesia is involved in activities in the community and in La Amistad Behavioral

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