Alesia is a 14-year-old Caucasian female. She resides with her mother and is an only child. Alesia does not have a relationship with her father as she indicated he is a sociopath and abusive. She has ½ brother and a ½ sister, but does not have any communication. She was observed to be healthy, clean, and no marks or bruises visible. Alesia denied being touched inappropriately. She takes Adderall 30 mg for ADHD, birth control to regular her period, and Melotin to sleep.
Alesia is currently enrolled in virtual school online and is completing her 2nd semester of 8th grade thru La Amistad Behavioral Center. She completed an inpatient program for a month at the facility and was discharged to a PHP outpatient program, which is helping her with school. She is also receiving counseling as she used to self-harm, but has not since a year ago, and does not feel self-harming at this time. Alesia has been seeing a psychiatrist once a week and receives therapy once a week. Cathleen (therapist) expressed that Alesia has improved while in the program as she has a history of self-harming, but has not had any episode since at the facility. Cathleen indicated Alesia has made a lot of progress.
She denied domestic violence and drugs in the home. She has witnessed her mother drinking
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She does not exhibit behaviors that are indicative of abuse and does not have any developmental/ medical/ physical or emotional disabilities that increase her vulnerability. She was observed to be free of marks and bruises. She seems to be introverted, but engages well with others. She does not show serious emotional symptoms requiring intervention or lacks of behavioral control and did not exhibit self-destructive behavior that her caregiver is unwilling or unable to manage. Alesia is involved in activities in the community and in La Amistad Behavioral
A report was received on 06/05/2017 alleging that the mother (Hermionne) left Ashante (C-V 17) with a non-relative since 02/2017 without any legal rights. According to the report, the mother refuses to take her child back home and will not engage with Ms. Aarons (caretaker) to provide legal documentation for the child to be enroll in school and taken to a Primary Care Physician. Ashante has not been is school for the past 4 months and are unable to enroll in school without paperwork. According to the report, Ashante self mutilates her arms, and the mother refuses to get counseling. The report indicates Ashante was to follow-up with a Cardiologist for a chest pain and the mother refuses to take her to the doctor.
Antazia does display age appropriate behaviors. Antazia does have tantrums and get verbally aggressive towards peers and adults when unable to have her way.
Per report from mother pt have demonstrated erratic behaviors and unstable emotions since the change in living arrangments. Per report from mother the Pt have been demonstrated violent behaviors (e.g. kicking, hitting, spitting, throwing items) towards mother and (13) sister. Per report from mother pt have been demonstrating self injurious behaviors (hitting self in the head, pulling hair out). Per report from ther pt have been demonstrated property destruction in the home where she has thrown items and taken them apart. Per report from mother pt does not have any triggers for maldaptive behaviors or mood swings. Pt reports her anger
Neveah reports a history of physical and sexual abuse starting at age “three or four,” with the most recent sexual abuse occurring approximately two years ago. She reports distressing dreams about the most recent trauma and difficulty falling and/or staying asleep six out of seven nights per week. Neveah displays avoidance in discussing details related to the trauma and reports blocking thoughts and memories of the most recent event. She reports the inability to remember aspect of the most recent trauma and reports remembering “small pieces” of her childhood trauma. Neveah makes statements such as “I will always be crazy,” “This will never fully go away,” and “I bring this on myself” when discussing herself and her symptoms. Neveah displays irritable behavior and angry outbursts when a peer or family member causes her to feel “mad”. Her behaviors include yelling, throwing objects, and making threats. These symptoms have been present for more than one month and are affecting the relationships with her
The patient returned to the clinic after his admission to Johnson Memorial Hospital twice. The first admission was from 10/31-11/3/2017 to address his major depressive disorder and substance abuse. It was recommended for the patient to seek a high level of care-outpatient psychiatric services, PHP/IOP. Then the patient was readmitted on 11/4/2017-11/06/2017 due to a bicycle accident and alcohol consumption on 15 shots. Its also documented that part of his admission was for suicidal ideation of which the patient denied having suicidal ideation during the second admission, but admits to having sucidial ideation during the 1st admission. The patient is scheduled to attend an appoinment through CHR tomorrow at 8:30am to complete an assessment
history of depression, ADHD, substance abuse and anxiety disorder on both sides of her family.
Alex said she was pushed off the counter in which she was climbing onto. When the teacher asked who had pushed Alex she hesitantly said, “Daddy.” When Alex was asked why she was climbing onto the counter she responded with “I looking for food.” Alex later disclosed that she had not eaten breakfast or dinner at home in two days. After investigation of the 51A, it was later found supported. The third 51A was filed by a Brockton police officer who responded to a domestic dispute call from a neighboring apartment. When the police officer had arrived to the apartment there were drugs, needles, and alcohol all in reach of Alex. Tiffani and Dakota had also appeared to be under the influence of alcohol and methamphetamine’s. An emergency removal from deemed appropriate. After Alex’s removal both her biological mother and father wished to terminate their parental rights (Alex, age 4). Thus making the goal of reunification to adoption. Alex’s foster parents Savhanna and Matt would like to adopt Alex into their family.
Please state if the minor showed signs of (PTSD, personality, or mood disorders)? Attach Psych Eval, Diagnosis in AXIS, and medication list. (If
Annalisa is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and is prescribed Adderall (30mg once per day) and Intuniv (2mg in the morning, and 1mg at night). Annalisa is currently inpatient at South Oaks Hospital since July 2nd, 2015; Annalisa ran out of her replacement foster home, ran around the block, re-entered the residence, and attempted to exit a second time through the window. 911 was contacted to assist with the matter and Annalisa was initially transported to Long Island Jewish Hospital. During the discharged process, Annalisa began displaying erratic animalistic behaviors resulting in her inpatient at South Oaks. The agency reported
Mr. Morris is a 36 year old male who presented to the ED with Suicidal ideation without a plan. Before the assessment QP received a call from the patient's mother who informed QP her primary concern with her son is his substance abuse and recent thought of self harm. She reports he has expressed suicidal ideation the past few weeks since he has returned to her home. At the time of the assessment Mr. Morris denies suicidal ideation, history of attempts, homicidal ideation, and symptoms of psychosis. He does reports a history of PTSD from seeing his uncle get killed in 1999, however no mental health hospitalizations. Mr. Morris states, "No, Not really thinking about harming myself, just situational stuff." He continues to state, "I just don't see the point of living sometimes, with all the stuff been going with me these past few months, but I have 2 daughter to live for and the people who do care about me." He reports consuming alcohol most of the day and feelings of depression for the past 3 weeks. His
Susan is an 11 year old Latina/ Caucasian female who currently has been referred due many issues inside and outside the home. Susan is a victim of sexual abuse by her father. Susan is being put in adult situations of caring extensively for younger siblings, caring for the mother, and being a partner for the alcoholic father. Susan witnesses a great deal of violent behavior between her parents. The violence leads to the father becoming sexual with Susan. He looks to her for consoling and support. As a result, Susan is experiencing feelings of depression to the extent where she has attempted suicide and she reports that she cuts herself with safety pins when she witnesses her parents fighting. Susan has not learned appropriate interaction cues and due to the violent nature in the household,
When asked to describe her childhood, Ms. A reported she has "blocked out most of her childhood" due to extensive sexual and physical abuse. She disclosed being sexually molested from 5 to 12 years old. She also disclosed being raped several times by her father’s friends while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Ms. A statedaid she left home at age 16 and began supporting herself. She indicated that her parents remarried other partners, and she gained 5 stepsiblings with whom she currently maintains a "good" relationships. The patient reported having a close bond with her biological mother during childhood. She described
The guideline chosen for this discussion is the: Self-harm in over 8s: long-term management. This guideline discusses the long-term psychological treatment and management of single and recurrent episodes of self-harm. This guideline is a follow-up to a clinical guideline entitled Self-harm: the short-term physical and psychological management and secondary prevention of self-harm in primary and secondary care. This guideline was concerned with the treatment of self-harm within the first 48 hours of the incident. Both guidelines were developed with the help of multidisciplinary health professionals, individuals who self-harm and their families to help clinicians provide and plan the highest quality of care to people over the age of 8 years old whom self-harm (National Institute for Health and Care
I used to be a cutter… but shh, don’t tell. Society didn't allow me to express my pain that way…Today’s society refuses to acknowledge many problems that teens deal with. People would rather believe in ‘happily ever after’ than face the truth, children are suffering. While it may seem to others that the problems are made up, its very real to the one dealing with them everyday. This suffering can leave permanent scars, and damage (if not ruin) their future. By remaining ignorant, self harm becomes more and more common, but at what cost? If educators and medical personnel were to be more educated on self harm and how to deal with it, teens and young adults would be more comfortable asking for help. Getttig rid of the stereotypes that
Deliberate self-harm is a term that covers a wide range of behaviours some of which are directly related to suicide and some are not. This is a relatively common behaviour that is little understood. This essay provides an overview of the nature and extent of those most at risk of self-harm, including causes and risk factors. Examining some of the stereotyping that surrounds self -harm, and looking at ways in which self-harm can be prevented.