
Self-Motivation And Public Education

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The American education system was founded on the notion that all members of society, regardless of class, should have access to free and public education. The primary motive of the public education system is to further develop the capabilities of future generations. To ensure that the original motive of the public education system is not lost, every student is given goals to strive towards. Being self-motivated and accountable are among the goals needed in order for students to take an active role in their learning at school.
Self-motivation is essential for students to partake in an active and responsible role in their education. Self-motivation allows students to perform at their best and to learn without any sense of limitation. With this, students will find a reason to work — and as a result, they will give their best to every assignment. In addition, students will take an initiative to participate in class. Studies made by Csikszentmihalyi and Nakamura state that, “activities will not continue unless they are enjoyable—or unless people are motivated by extrinsic rewards” (602). Motivated students …show more content…

Public education in America is a given right, and can help build the framework for future success in students. However, education would be meaningless if students decided not to partake an active and responsible role in their learning. The attributes of accountability and self-motivation allow students to flourish under the public education system as they produce quality work at assigned times and learn to better understand the concepts of hard work and time management. Because self-motivation and accountability are not things which can easily be taught, the students' dedication to being responsible and active in their learning plays just as big a role in making successful students as teachers' devotions to

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