
Self-Preservation In Hamlet

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Self-preservation of image or one’s own interests is explored in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The title character of Hamlet undergoes the competing demands of being unconventionally emotional and expressive in a society of celebrated manly feats. When he neglects a part of himself he faces inner conflict until he is able to find a resolution by concerning himself with his own identity instead of the outside forces surrounding him.The role of self-preservation is as an indicator of what competing demands an individual is complicit to, acting as either a hindrance or supplement to their wellbeing, and the only resolution an individual can hope to find when responding to these competing demands is being aware of whether or not their act of self-preservation …show more content…

Hamlet finds his resolution when he does what he vowed to not do in the first act: he allows himself to feel and be the emotional person he was trying to not be. By declaring his grief and love for Ophelia, and declaring himself as “Hamlet the Dane,” (V, i, 271) he has found wholeness in his identity and resolution of the competing demands that have caused such inner conflict in the first place. This declaration is him no longer preserving the image of what a man is meant to be with their guarded heart. Consequently, the self-preservation of his own image in his own head is what becomes important to him. While Hamlet is reflecting in the graveyard he remarks the difference between people who have died and people who are living, saying that “Alexander died, Alexander was buried, Alexander returneth to dust” (V, i, 216) about Alexander the Great. The only difference between a random body in the ground and someone everyone knows the name of is the fact that they have been remembered and the people still alive have given them meaning. As Hamlet is dying he asks Horatio to “in this harsh world draw they breath in pain / to tell my story.” (V, ii, 383-384). This is Hamlet’s final act of self-preservation and it is done solely for himself. He reached the conclusion of what was important, it was not given to him by the society he has been uncomfortable in, and this is what good self-preservation is capable of when an individual is able to know that the demand of being themselves is more important. Hamlet finds his resolution in allowing himself to simply be as he is, not the soldier or the hero,

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