
Self Reflection Essay

Decent Essays

With the activities centering primarily on perspective in Chapter 5, I found myself enjoying the text. When writing the lifeline, I saw the variety of experiences that have shaped who I am emerge. At first glance, it seems as though I have gone through the most transitions during the last 10 years of my life, moving to new states, starting new jobs, etc. However, taking a closer look, I realized the transitions before then were perhaps just from a different perspective. I married, had children, and started to establish my own identity separate from my parents. Overall, the pattern I see is one of continual growth, being open to new opportunities, and taking paths leading to expanded learning. Socially, my web showed numerous relationships; however, there were several dissonant ones that gave me pause. I realized I often spend a lot of energy on those relationships, which is draining. The importance of balancing the resonant and dissonant relationships became very clear in the exercise, giving me a broader perspective. For the self-study activities, I choose to complete, “clues about me in my environment”. I looked at both my physical areas at home and my work. My physical surroundings have always been important to me and I like my areas to look aesthetically pleasing and to be comfortable. For example, at work I have added a lamp in my office, not for light, but to add a warm glow to the room. I also have removed a bookshelf full of old papers, showing that I like to focus

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