Self-Reflection The word “community” can be used in various contexts. In this case, I will use it to describe what I experienced throughout the quarter as a Learning Assistant. Furthermore, I will discuss several aspects of what I saw in the Learning Assistant (LA) program. The word community, to me, means the interaction and collaboration between members of a group to achieve a planned goal. A community functions well because every member believes in a common goal, and because all contribute towards the integrity of the whole. The LA program is a community in which all members aspire to help physics learners reach deeper-level thinking and meet lecture goals. The LA community functioned great. The LA class instructor was always there pushing
Community is defined as a group a people living in an area under the same conditions. Realistically, a community is so much more than this definition. It is people and their different beliefs that form a community. In the town of Milagro, Amarante Cordova, Ruby Archuleta, and a town coming together to rescue a fellow community member from jail exemplify the true spirit of what community is.
Community A community is a group of people interacting in a meaningful way with regard to something they share in common. It used to be that a community, in order to function as a group and interact, had to be in the same geographic location or at least within driving distance. Since the internet has now become so widely available we find that people with common interests and goals are reaching across vast distances to interact with each other. There is even language translation software available that can translate other languages into one's own.
The final piece of creating a new definition of community for me was being exposed to the Community dialog participants words. During the question and answering panel, I created a different definition of community by just listening to enriched experiences that the ladies had over the years. One of the presenter said, “ Whatever happens is yesterday.Today, we try. Tomorrow is a new day.” From this quote and the speaking of the relationships that had been created by community partnerships in this area, I felt my definition of community was bringing small part or resource like, Sister Carmen together to provided more for the whole, the children of Boulder County. I enjoyed listening to the stories of never giving up on a child even, if his or
A community is where a group of people with many different backgrounds are united by one common thing. College and universities think putting young adults on a campus where they eat, sleep and learn together will make them become one community. Communities are made from within not from outside forces smashing people together. Florida Atlantic has many communities inside of it created by people who have the same interests in life. FAU doesn't have one set community as a whole because they are mostly characterized into different smaller groups and when brought together they form smaller cliques that don't usually interact.
Community... what does it mean? In my opinion it means to be part of a group with people who want the same thing that you want and care about you. These people in your community often share a common goal with you, win a game, solve a problem and many more situations. A community I have been in is the Saint John's football community, even though I have not been in it long I know what it feels like to be in it. This football community isn't just a team it's a brotherhood. The reason I am writing this essay is to talk about the values of Saint John's, humility, trust, zeal, compassion, and simplicity. These are the values that the Xaverian Brothers sponsored schools follow, these values are important to Saint John's as a school.
Communities play an essential role in the development of the self and learning about the stranger. Through communities, individuals are able to socialize and gain a greater understanding of each other. A community can be defined in many different ways based on every individual’s experience with it. Developing a strong community takes time. Some people, like Jeannette Walls, do not have the opportunity to develop strong communities throughout their childhood.
The definition of community when I google it, is “a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.” I would describe community as a group of people who have common goals, thoughts, or interests.
A community is a group of people that share a common or similar characteristic with each other. Some communities can also consist of people living together or practice worship. My essay will include the communities that I am part of which are my dance, school and church communities.
Interpretive communities have lasting effects on the lives of the people within them, changing the way they think about situations that they may face. Many people go through multiple interpretive communities during the day, for example, a student goes through the student body, to multiple classes, to extracurricular activities, and finally they reach their families. All of the different interpretive communities someone is a part of will help shape their personalities as they grow up. I have been a part of many different communities as I have grown up, but the one that has influenced my life the most has been the junior bowling program that I have been a part of for about fifteen years. The values that this group shares, shines through the children
1. Answer: “What does community mean to you?” in 2-3 sentences. Explain your stance on the idea of community as “virtual” with the advances of technology in our culture. What does this mean for our society?
A community is an unstoppable force of people who have come together based off a common objective that they all share, but not similarities in personalities. They end up changing the environment around them in small ways at first, but the ideas that are created spread and allow other people to join. In the visual text a picture from the show “Community” was incorporated to show a diverse collection of people that work together in the show as a study group. This shows that it doesn’t matter whether if someone is old or young, black or white, or in the minority or majority, they are still able to be in the community. The next element in the visual text that was chosen was lyrics from a Talking Heads song called “People like us”. Throughout the
A community is a group of people who live in the same area, interact with each other, and share certain norms and values. A community is defined as a locality-based entity, composed of systems of formal organizations reflecting societal institutions, informal groups, and aggregates that are interdependent and whose function or expressed intent is to meet a wide variety of collective needs (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012).
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, there are many definitions of community. I believe that one definition best describes the immense value of the UVA community. A community is, "the people of a district of country considered collectively, especially in the context of social values and responsibilities." UVA as a physical place is essential, but it's the values and characteristics of the people that truly create the greater UVA community. Some of the values and responsibilities that members of our community share are well-known: student self-governance and honor. There are important, less explicit values that we additionally share.
Throughout my life, I have been privileged to know a strong sense of community. My understanding of community has been carved out and shaped by each community that I have been a part of and the subsequent life experiences that I have had by being a part of these communities. To me, community means a sense of belonging with people who have some capacity of like-mindedness. When you belong to a community, you feel like a piece of a larger puzzle that comes together to create a whole. Each community you belong to both influences you, and is influenced by you. Moreover, your belonging to a community generates a sense of unity and shares a common goal, value, or outlook.
I believe a successful learning experience is engaging and valued by the students. I believe students’ will value what they are learning if they believe what they’re learning is relevant. Relevance is important to teaching and learning because it is directly related to student engagement and motivation (Frymier & Schulman, 1995; Martin & Dowson, 2009). Marsh (2008), states a positive classroom environment provides a sense of security, community, belonging and identity (Marsh, 2008). Based on my experience as a practicing teacher, I have found establishing clear expectations within the classroom assist in maintaining control and discipline, to create a safe learning environment (Fatt Hee, 1996). I believe within all classrooms, students’ diversity should be valued. This creates a discrimination free environment and ensures students feel safe and included (Philips, 2010). According to Stanford & Parkay (2007) students are more engaged in class when learning experiences are satisfying, challenging and friendly.