
Self Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

When asked to describe myself, I am not solely a one-sided card, I am a decagon of collective interests and identities. I am: an eldest child, a sister, a Latina, a volunteer, a student, and a determined first-generation college graduate. Without one, I am no longer myself. Because of this, each side has molded me into the person I am today and as time goes by I will gain more sides to myself and continue to grow.

As the eldest child, I didn’t have a sibling to look up to, so I became self-motivated and driven. To my parents, I was known as the guinea pig because I learned through trial and error. I was the baby whose first steps followed a nosedive to the floor. Yet, I did not lay there and cry, I got up again and proceeded to walk then fall, until I finally walked without falling. Even though I was so young, I believe because of this I gained my need to be determined, persistent, and optimistic even when there was an obstacle in front of me. As a sister, I learned to become nurturing and selfless. Because my brother was born soon after me, everyone's first thought including my own, was to always worry about his well-being. This sense has been heightened because of my younger sister. In so many ways she has taught me patience, maturity, and the true meaning of selflessness. As I grow I help my sibling’s by being their teacher and counselor for them so they can learn from my mistakes.

Being a Latina has been difficult because I felt like I didn’t fit in. When I attended

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