1. Independent: Ever since I was a small child, I loved independence; I was always the child who refused to hold my parents’ hands in crowded plazas and adored exploring foreign locations alone. The moment my mom announced that my brother and I would have to stay at home alone while she worked at her part-time job, I immediately rejoiced over the new bestowment of responsibilities. By the time I entered 10th grade, I had more freedom than a lot of my friends in terms of curfew and financial spending, because I was independent enough to finish all chores and achieve my academic goals most of the times. Although there are times in which I burden myself with too much goals to achieve alone, I am constantly striving to find a healthy balance …show more content…
By skipping the time spent on wallowing in sadness and put on a positive attitude instead, I can effectively breeze through challenging situations with a calm mind that is constantly generating a variety of solutions. Although this optimism cannot necessarily be applied to tests, I discovered it is incredibly useful in situations of extreme volatility, especially in managing club fundraisers. Ambitious: An individual is defined by their source of their ambitions, whether it be in familial love, money, or power; in my case, my love for what I intend to major, environmental engineering, is ultimately what makes me stay up late into the morning with espresso shots and sacrifice my weekends to volunteer. I continually search for ways I can challenge myself in regards of my intended major, with online programs and planning environmentally related projects. I strive to achieve the best in the field I enter and worked extremely hard to move forward to my goal to be a future environmental
First, the physical self on the medicine wheel consists of how well one is meeting their physical needs. Fulfilling these needs helps to maintain a healthy body and consist of adequate oxygen/air quality, water, food, exercise, rest/sleep, shelter, and clothing. (Eden & Golanty, 2004; Mussel, 2005). Personally, due to where I live and my socioeconomic status I can fulfill these needs. However, I do not because it is difficult to find balance in my life. On most days I do not consume enough nutritious food or drink enough water. Instead, because it is available, I eat a lot of junk food which causes me a lack of energy throughout my day. Another deficiency that affects my energy level is my lack of sleep. I get enough rest throughout the
Throughout this year in college an important challenge I faced was getting through the two semesters of Physics that I needed to fulfill my pre-med requirements. Having last taken physics freshman year in high school and only covered very elementary material, I realized very early on in my first semester that this was going to be my most difficult and time-consuming class. As a result of lacking a solid background of physics from high school, I began going to office hours two to three times a week and staying on top of the material. I then began to give myself more than enough time to complete assignments so that I could go to office hours and conceptually understand difficult concepts such as Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, electrical circuits,
Fall 2015 semester was the first time in several years that I drove. I had serve anxiety surrounding driving as a result of a car accident. This affected my attendance greatly as I either missed classes from not being able to leave my driveway or was late from pulling over to calm myself down. I did not want my issues with driving to adversely affect others on the road, hence, I had to rely on family and friends to drive me when they could.
Overall, I would use the words: ambitious, hard-working, contemplative, disciplined, and independent to describe myself. Personally, I believe that being ambitious is one of my most redeeming traits. While contemplating what item in my room could serve as a representation of my finest trait, I immediately thought of the trumpet mouthpiece that sits on my
“Teamwork makes the DREAM work” is the motto that Raquel Tellez, Service Chief II for the Community Counseling and Supportive Services a Prevention and Early Invention program within Behavioral Health Services (BHS), lives out every day with her team at the clinic and with her approach to client care.
New Zealand is occasionally described as a “country of immigrants” mainly for the reason that most of the people who are living here came from a different place.(Jones 2008). Migrating to a different country is already a challenge, starting a business and managing people in diverse cultures would be much more. It is everyone’s dream to be an entrepreneur. Success stories like Bill Gallagher in the 1930s where he got an idea from watching his horse scratching itself from the family car and thus becoming the foundation of Gallagher Power Fencing Company are always in our minds. (Derby 2017). The vision is to have the perfect business but in order to achieve this one has to face the tasks of having to manage people from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Self-awareness is important in everyday life, for certain individuals, it can conduct an entire day of activities and decisions. This reflection of my self-awareness is based off personal positive and negative attributes which are a direct reflection of who I am as a person. To have an outside view of these attributes, I interview my girlfriend Stephanie Russo who is also my best friend. Stephanie has been close to me for the past three years as we grew as individuals. Because of this growing process, I believed that Stephanie would provide the most accurate account of my true inner qualities and weakness. Stephanie started with my strengths which described me as a hard-working individual who is determined and both kind and very caring of
Have you ever wondered what others may think of you or how you act with certain people? Within this paper , I’m going to explain how I see myself and how those around me see me as a person. This should be interesting in the sense that who I’ve asked to complete this with me are on two different spectrums of my life. I’ve asked someone who has known me since birth and someone who has known me for a short amount of time compared to the other. I’m going to expand on how my interpersonal communication skills are influenced by my personality traits.
I have lived in Unit 3879 for the past six months. For six months (possibly more because I have reason to believe the respondents followed me from my former residence in Maryland), the occupants (or their guests) of Unit 3893 and Unit 3881 are purposely being a private nuisance to me. They have been illegally monitoring and following me obsessively and in an intimidating manner. The respondents have also been shocking me with some form of technology, in a way that I deem tortious, offensive and demeaning.
In high school, countless obstacles are thrown your way that can decrease motivation, happiness, and overall mental well-being. Jobs, dating, friendships, and other high school normalities can have a substantial impact on a student’s life as well as their motivation to maintain favorable grades and perform well in extracurriculars. These have the power to diminish a person’s self-esteem and even induce harmful tendencies or thoughts. In response to these unfortunate realities, I continued to remind myself of those who built me up during my life as well as those who tried to bring me down. This mentality helped keep myself on track with where I desired to be when I graduated. During the process, I even learned that people or events that damage or pain you, can become one of your greatest motivators.
I remember giving myself goals and tasks throughout the day as a child. One of the earliest goals that I recall setting for myself involved showering and getting dressed after singing one of my favorite songs ten times. As aforementioned, I had to resort to singing because at that point I wasn’t able to tell time yet. However, I knew that setting and reaching this goal made time go fast and I felt happy. In reviewing the reading materials, I related to the main concepts of: emotional well-being and pursuing goals in innovative and positive ways as a formula for happiness; I appreciate the self-control theory and how it was linked to depletion of resources; and finally, processed my feelings about personal disclosure of persona on the internet.
It is amazing what you can achieve if you believe that you will be successful; I found this statement to be true pertaining to myself over the process of these past few months. And that more than ever, if you really want to do something you’ll go ahead and do it. Motivation is self induced and drive is something that will come naturally when you’re doing the things that you love.
Its easy to forget the significance of independence and how different our lives would be without it. I had the opportunity to meet a young woman, who was in the middle of the hardest time of her life. She had just had all four of her extremities amputated as the result of sepsis, due to rejected pregnancy complications. After spending three helpless months pinned to a hospital bed, she was brought to the semi-acute hospital I was shadowing, where I saw her every day for four weeks. Her initial physical impairments, stoping her from lifting what remained of her arms of the bed, was just scratching the surface of what she was dealing with. She was suffering immensely mentally as well. Over the last three months her independence had been striped from her, and she was completely dependent on the aid of the hospital staff and her therapists. The therapists working with this patient showed the highest level of professionalism through communication and accountability.
When I came out to my mom I was feeling anxious and scared. She took it badly and scheduled an appointment for us to see a therapist to try and fix me . My family is catholic and believes who I am is a sin. I was misunderstood and judged for my actions and embracing who I was. I was still trying to process in a way to find happiness through all this. I wanted to express myself through fashion,hairstyle,sexual orientation. My community that identify myself with is the lgbt group. What connects me to this community is their diversity of sexual orientation,race/ethnicty, age. I believe that the community I am apart of encourages my individuality because I can count on support from this community with guidance. It has helped me to accept myself and to build confidence also to have a relationship with friends,family. For an example, My high school I went to encouraged me to be openly and diverse with the gay community. I developed friendships with people who supported and accepted me for who I am. Another example, I become closer with my cousin who was also gay. She helped me advice of how to communicate with my parents, to not be ashamed of the way I expressed myself, to stand up for myself.
To be strong is to strive to be the most formidable person you can be without hesitation. It also means to know you’re not actually strong, that it’s okay to rely on people. All of my experiences in my short sixteen years of life taught me this. When asked who made me the person I am, I cannot simply tell you one person helped me to turn out this way. Every person I have ever met, every experience I’ve had with them has contributed. However, I can tell you who I relied on when I knew I wasn’t as tough as I’d like to be. I can tell you of my beloved mother who taught me some of the most important things in my life and is still encouraging and influencing me.