In this week’s workshop (three), I felt as though I did a lot better than the workshop from the week before. Looking back at how I conducted myself last week, I really struggled to even just keep the counseling session conversation running smoothly. However, this week I felt as though I improved on the areas of my weaknesses. I decided that I needed to become confident when being the counselor in the role-play activity, even if this meant faking my confidence. I found that this helped me do a lot better this week. By doing this I was able to work on my weaknesses from last week, which was mainly summarizing and paraphrasing. One of the student’s in my group was also in my group last week. Having worked with this student previously, I was …show more content…
I did not match what the client was saying; I used the word “nosey” instead of “controlling”. Reflecting of feelings is valuable as it can assist in adding the emotional dimension to the client’s story. It helps to convey understanding of feelings and to gain insight into the client’s emotional responses to life (Pearson, 2010). I think being able to reflect on feelings is important when gathering information and exploring alternatives. Reflection of feelings will me an area of improvement I will work on next workshop, by attempting to match the feelings correctly by pay close attention. I also worked on ‘good use of silence’, which was another area of weakness of mine. This week I was able to make good use of silence by not saying anything when it was okay not too and to fill in the silence gap appropriately. Although, I find this a difficult skill, as at times it makes me feel uncomfortable with silence. I am becoming to realise silence can be a way of reflecting on feelings. Silence can also be good to facilitate reflection, expression, convey empathy and encourage responsibility. It can encourage the client’s self-exploration and can also help the counselors to gather their own thoughts. This is an area of improvement I am working on towards to be a strength (Hill, Thompson & Ladany,
The Film, ‘The Prince of Egypt’ is a not a very accurate copy when compared to the story of exodus from the Bible. The 1998 Dreamworks production ‘The Prince of Egypt’ was created to follow the remarkable story of Moses, Leading his people from slavery but was changed by the directors to give it some originality. The setting, the characters and the storylines are some of the things that have been changed in the animated story. Therefore the Dreamworks Pictures film is inaccurate and does not flow along the same page as the Biblical story of Exodus.
A large number of articles nowadays consistently debates about the way crime is shown throughout the media is in fact incredibly different from what official research and other records tell us, this is showing how the media misrepresents the nature of crime. Below will provide an overview of how the media misrepresent evidence for real-life crime and how they do this. It is seen that the media is the public’s primary source about crime and this has helped to the exploitation of the inaccuracy with presenting the nature of crime.
Reflective Assessment of Outcome of an Interview with a Practitioner in the Digital Arts Domain
The strong leader recognizes that an important part of information management is reflection. This self-assessment should include personal biases, desires, and preferences. Looking past personal perspectives and reviewing the data within the context out of which it arises deepens the objectivity and clarity with which the leader can observe and assess the data. Critical components that should be carefully accommodated in this reflective self-assessment are: personal biases, current mental models, individual needs, past practices, self-fulfilling expectations, wish listing and prescriptive deliberation. As for my personal biases, I have learned over the years that they are very good yardsticks for me to look at an issue and to know clearly how I feel about it, but I have always known what I think and what I feel are often different than my colleagues and my patients. I use this to keep my mind open to others whose views are different than mine and I use them to approach and analyze situations, but never to influence the decisions or behavior of others. A specific example is that of a woman’s right to choose: I am anti-abortion for myself as a woman but I support safe health care for all women. Current mental models vary from facility to facility and evolve over time. My career has spanned 34 years and I too have evolved during this time. Today, I feel I am working in much more of a collegial culture and one which is at least attempting to embrace diversity
This weeks structured journal also was also like reflective journal because I felt like I had to take a step back and really analyze my session with my clients to explore if I have carried out any of the social work pitfalls that were mentioned in the work sheet. One of the pitfalls that I have learned in multiple sessions to draw back from and also realize when I’m performing it is the advice-giving vs the information giving. In being a social work it comes easy to tell a client what to do based on our own perception of the situation. But when a client is seeking advice I have discovered that it is better to explore with the client solutions and possible outcomes that they come up with on their own through my help. There was a moment
This reflective log is a critical self-reflection of the insight gained while developing and practicing my leadership skills in the workshops. In order to start the self-reflection it is important to define the framework to be used. According to Danielewicz (2001, cited by Gay and Kirkland 2003, p.182) critical self-reflection or reflexivity is “an act of self-conscious consideration which can lead people to a deeper understanding of themselves and others…and foster a profound awareness of how social contexts influence who people are and how they behave.” In this log, I will reflect critically on my experiences in the workshop in order to gain a deeper understanding of the behaviours encountered. Additionally, I will use these insights to revise and make changes in future activities.
In this essay I’m sharing with you some of the struggles I endured as a teenager and I explain how I learned from a lot of the mistakes I made.
Teachers can become culturally relevant by engaging in critical self-reflection by utilizing the nine teaching skills mentioned in Chapter 10 to become effective instructional leaders with students. When teachers observe, learn, and use these skills, it creates a sense of transparency and engagement in professional conversations which move’s the educators within the institution forward. However, for a school-wide learning community such as teaching and learning tools to be successful in this endeavor the administrators must ensure that all their teachers are aware that “this is what we do here” Skrla et al. (2009).
Mrs. L and Mrs. V were once again phenomenal with their mentoring continually reflecting and teaching me how to work in the classroom environment. Both praised me appropriately and gave me constructive criticism when required. Mrs. L also made me aware of a personal strength that I myself was not aware of having great behavior management
I chose to base my studies on J because we shared a lot in common; we are both Christians living in a predominantly Muslim country. He is eleven years old. His parents are Jordan nationals who have lived in Bahrain for at least two years. J goes to school at Naseem International School where I work. The school offers PYP programs. Lessons are conducted in English; however, Arabic lessons are also offered per week. Majority of kids in this school are Muslims most of whom are Bahrainis. Other nationalities making the student population are Saudis, Lebanese, Jordanians, few South Africans, and other Arabian Gulf countries. Teachers are a mixture of nationalities. Some of them are Arabs, others South Africans, while some are Europeans.
As a board member, we have been tasked to find a solution to the yearly party by students at a local university. The party consist of students and locals, numbering between 1,000-5,000 attendees. Due to alcohol and immaturity, there were alcohol related incidents at this function and is a nuisance in the local neighborhood. The board’s task is to find a way for the students to enjoy themselves while having minimum impact on the local neighborhoods (Tubbs, 1986, p. 1). Utilizing the reflective thinking process, our first course of action is to define the problem.
As the very first semester of my college career is coming to a close I can’t help but to look back at how much I have grown since the beginning. Coming into college at Valdosta State I read a few things about Freshman Learning Communities (FLC) and decided on the day of orientation to join one. Doing this was the first best decision I had made at Valdosta State. Being in the FLC I was placed in has taught me many things like teamwork in Documenting Student Success, speaking and communication skills in Public Speaking and how to develop and write a paper in English. Although all of those things are important to me one class in particular stood out to me. The English class I was in gave us outcomes which were what was expected out of the students
Before taking this course my writing styles and habits were very different. I was the typical procrastinator because I would wait until the night before a paper was due to start it. This did not allow me enough time to properly proofread everything, which resulted in getting points deducted for simple grammatical errors that could have been avoided if I would have had the time to proofread. My writing styles have many strengths and weaknesses and I have been able to improve my writing because of them. I have learned from my strengths and weaknesses how to become a better writer.
During the course of the quarter, I feel that I have progressed somewhat. I've gained a lot of knowledge on rhetorical strategies and how to present arguments effectively. In the writings I have written, I feel that each writing works towards meeting the course goals. Logos, ethos, and pathos were strategies and ideas we were introduced to (if not already in the past) and were built upon throughout the quarter. The knowledge gained over the course of the quarter weren't only those three types of appeals. Rhetorical strategies like proposals helped reinforce the course and using rhetorical analysis in different situations have become easier throughout the quarter. I believe that I have made sufficient progress towards becoming a better
In preparing for the shadowing clinical experience I have read and reviewed from Garcia, Schager & Schoon (2014) chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, chapter six, chapter seven, and chapter thirteen. I also previously attended an orientation to Washington County Public Health on September 19, 2016. Also, I have read material for Washington County Public Health policies. After this material was completed I was assigned to a local public health nurse that was close to my community to shadow. I contacted the individuals and communicated what information I was looking for in this clinical experience, when and where to meet, and what the dress code would be for the experience.