
Self-Reflective Paper

Good Essays

This semester in English 1302 my perspective on writing has immensely changed. In the previous semester I struggled and nearly passed by a hair because I did not clearly understand the objectives that were given. In this semester, my mistakes had to be fixed. Although it was a process, I finally got around to clearly understanding what the objectives were for English 1302 and how to apply them to my papers for this course. The first objective that is given in the syllabus is to meet the requirement of 20 pages total by the end of the course. The objective includes being able to revise and edit papers in a proper fashion. There was a time where revising and editing did not seem important, however, it can make a significant difference in a grade. Being able to revise and re-edit can have its impacts because it causes you to see the mistakes that you could constantly be making and not realize. It can also help you to become a better writer. Roughly I have met 20 pages in this course after turning in this paper, and not including citation pages. In paper 1 I was able to write 4 and a half pages and that was due to my interest in the topic, arguing about the significance of paragraphs 14 and 15 of Martin Luther King Jr’s Letter from Birmingham Jail. For paper 2, which was choosing a topic of choice to argue about, it was easier to write more due to the fact that arguing the topic was so engaging to me. My topic was whether or not congress should allow abortions for girls from

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