
Self Regulated Learning

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Self-Regulated Learning

"Learning is what most adults will do for a living in the 21st century." (Alfred Perlman). As he said, there is no doubt that learning is a very important skill especially in modern society because of the knowledge explosion and rapid developing of information technology. However, there are different results with different learning methods. Good learning method can lead to success easier, on the contrary, poor learning method means wasting time and energy. Therefor, self-regulated learning is presented by numerous eminent scholars as a excellent learning method. "Self-regulated learning is not a mental ability or an academic performance skill; rather it is the self-directive process by which learners …show more content…

And many researches have proved that learning strategies can help students be more successful. Pei-Shi. W(2012) has found that most successful students use learning strategies more frequently and effectively than unsuccessful students. We can explain the research in this way. A learning strategy is a student 's approach to learning and using information. However students who do not know or use good learning strategies often learn passively and ultimately fail at study. Learning strategies are used by students to help them understand information and solve problems. Successful students are good much good at using it, meanwhile, learning strategy can make the students be more active and effective, because the students know how to learn and how to use what they have learned to solve problems, and lead them to success.

At last, motivation is another important component of self-regulated learning to help students be more successful in their academic endeavors. Motivation in common is defined as an internal process that activates, guides, and maintains behavior over time. In other words motivation gets you going, keeps you going, and determines where you’re trying to go (Slavin 2000). Particular in self-regulated learning, motivation is the sprint to encourage students to drive their academic goals toward the finish line directly, the sprint is initiative and voluntary. Motivation can help students

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