
Self as a Writer: Building Writing Skills upon Basic Foundations

Decent Essays

Picture this: an aspiring pianist has just mastered their basic set of scales; they can play them moderately well and have a strong feeling of accomplishment at having mastered this difficult task. This young pianist is then asked to play Ludwig van Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. Overwhelmed, they attempt to sight read this exquisite piece of music and to their ultimate frustration they cannot play it. It is at that moment when the pianist realizes that though they have put forth all possible effort, their resources and previous knowledge prevent them from playing this piece to its full potential. After practice, trial and error, and dedication, they will be able to successfully play better in time. This same approach can be used with …show more content…

I was conscious of my vocabulary from having read numerous books daily as a child, but was negligent in the field of theme statements, theses, and all other writing techniques. Now, I feel confident that I possess the necessary qualities to write a formal essay. I have always felt distain hearing improper grammar; therefore, I never use it myself. Before, I felt self-conscious using line after line of description while setting a scene in a creative story, having now read Nathanial Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, this fear of overdoing description has long passed. Although strengths determine the success of an author, their weaknesses are just as prominent in their work. The converse of strength is weakness, which is defined in the Dictionary as “an inadequate quality.” Though it is no excuse, my generation has grown on the idea that spell check solves all problems. That theory is untrue. Due to the excessive use of spell check as a child, I am underdeveloped in my ability to properly spell words or phrases. When given a list of choices, I am able to pick out the correctly spelled word but when given a blank page and a pencil I cannot remember how to spell it. It is because of this reason that the weakness that I struggle most with is my spelling. Spell check has become an invaluable tool of success for me and without it I would frustrate my teachers and peers. Other than spelling, my other weakness is procrastination. I will procrastinate while working

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