
Semantics And Semantics

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Linguistics is the scientific study of the language and semantics is a branch of linguistics that deals with meanings, meaning of words alone and words in phrases. It focuses on the relation between signifiers, like words, phrases, signs, and symbols, and what they stand for, their denotation. The word semantics came from the Greek word Semantikos which means to show or give sign. Semantics refers to the meaning and interpretation of words, signs in language without context, it may refer to the whole text or one single word. For example, “residence” and “house” “destination” and last stop basically mean the same things, but the study of semantics distinguishes the refined difference between the two. What we speak and how we communicate …show more content…

But the study of semantics tells us about these variation and relationship of words.
It is the opposite, against or anti of a word. For example, “small and big”, “good and bad”. Some more example of antonyms.
 Old new
 Young old
 Ancient modern

There are three types of “oppositeness” or antonyms. These are
• Implicitly graded antonyms
• Complementarity antonyms
• Converseness antonyms
Implicitly graded antonyms refer to pairs of items such as ‘big’ and ‘small’, ‘good’ and ‘bad’, ‘young and ‘old’. In other words, ‘big’, ‘good’ and ‘young’ can only be interpreted in terms of being ‘bigger’ ‘better’ or ‘younger’ than something which is established as the norm for comparison. Thus, when we say that one fly is bigger than another, we imply that ‘big’ is to be understood in the context of flies.
Complementarity means that meaning is complement to the other word. And the denial of one implies the assertion of the other. Thus, if one is not male, then one is certainly female. When we say:
• Jack is not single implies
• Jack is married but to say
• Jack is not bad doesn’t imply
• Jack is good.
The following can be complementary pairs in some contexts. o Food drink o Cat dog o Fast slow o Land sea
Warm-blooded …show more content…

It is related to complementarity and incompatibility. Whereas the relationship of implicit denial is called incompatibility, the relationship of implicit inclusion is called hyponymy. This relationship is easy to demonstrate, the color ‘red’ for example, includes the colors ‘scarlet’ and ‘vermilion’ just as the term ‘flower’ includes ‘daisy’ ‘forget-me-not’ and ‘rose’. The including term in our latter example “flower” is known as the ‘superordinate term’ and the included items are known as ‘co-hyponyms’. The assertion of a

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