
Seneca Orator And The Red Coat

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Seneca orator was known as the Red Coat, he sent and received messages during the Revolutionary War. Seneca had many indian names, although the only one we know by heart is Sagoyewatha, which means roughly “he keeps them awake,” and apparently alludes to his abilities as an orator. After the War of 1812, he was involved in successful negotiations with the Americans to protect Seneca lands in western New York. He gave a memorable outstanding speech that was directed toward the missionary Jacob Cram in 1805. Cram came from Massachusetts to Senecas to build up a mission station. He told the people including the Red Coat that there was only one religion and one way to serve God. If you don’t serve God right you will forever be unhappy. Jacob use a person to translate what he was saying. The Red Coat’s decided to reply back to him saying that the rules of a white Christian may not be the same as the non-white indigenous people. Even though the non-white indigenous people don’t have the same religion or beliefs as everybody else. Doesn’t mean they should immediately shut down their religious beliefs. After the speech the Red Coat’s started to think that Jacob was a separatists. He said that he thanked the Great Spirit for letting them have a meeting and also for helping them to open up their mind about things.Then they went to add thanks for letting him speak so freely and from their hearts. The audience listened to what they had to say. He didn’t want to hold them up, so he went

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