
Senior Project Ideas

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1. Explain your project idea.
My proposal for my Senior Project is to transition and streamline the Evans City PTO digital infrastructure for the next PTO Board. My mother has been the PTO President at Evans City Elementary & Middle School for the past six years. When the school became paperless, the PTO needed to change what they were doing to adhere to the policy. As a result, I was asked by the Board to aid in the transition to digital. In doing this, I designed and created a multipage, comprehensive public website and digitalized all PTO documents and forms. I also investigated and came up with solutions for data management and transitioned it to a new email service. Also in this transition, I set up the PTO’s social media platforms; essentially I “modernized” the Evans City PTO. Over the years, I have always been a big help in managing the data, …show more content…

Which Pathway best describes the research and project? (Engineer Certification Program (ECP), Career Exploration, The Arts, Self-Development, Community Service/Help SV)
Community Service/Help SV

6. Name one possible mentor (at least 21 years of age and not a parent or relative) whose expertise could help guide you through this project. Briefly, explain how this person’s knowledge can help you. (This should be the same person who completes the Mentor Commitment Form.)
One possible mentor would be Lauri Pendred, Principal at Evans City Elementary School. She is the natural choice for a mentor as she has extensive experience working with the PTO. Also, she will be able to give additional insights from a school-oriented perspective, those of which the PTO Board may not have considered or overlooked. Obviously, the school is a very important element of the PTO’s role as the goal of the PTO is to enrich the school environment for students.

7. What, if any, expenses are involved with this project? How will you be able to pay for these expenses?
There are no monetary expenses associated with this

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