For my Senior Seminar Project I explored religion through photojournalism. I did this by attending a Christian, Buddhist, Islamic, Unitarian Universalist, Mormon, and Jewish Service. During the service I would take pictures of my experience but if I was told I was not allowed to take pictures inside in order to respect people's privacy, I would only take them outside. I photographed things that I felt captured the religion as a whole and embodied my time there. While completing my project I have learned various things about all of the six religions. The religions I valued learning most about was Mormonism because it is the religion I was the most unfamiliar with. I have learned the importance of doubt and questioning through looking at the
Before attending college here at Seattle University, I never necessarily thought that I would be interested in learning about religions other than my own. Throughout my life I was raised to follow the Christian faith. Everything that pertained to my life revolved around my faith. Although I do not regret being born and raised in a Christian home, some occasions have risen where I felt a sense of being “forced” into the religion. This caused myself to ultimately grow a disconnection from my faith. Coming to Seattle University with a sense of disconnection from my religion in actuality provided me the motivation and inspiration to possibly learn about different religions in order to compare and contrast their views from my personal ones, which
Fresh from Truman, just starting out, I must admit I was at a loss on what to do with my Biology studies. Furthermore, in this economy I had doubts as to whether I could obtain a job lucrative enough to support myself with the degree once I received it. This is why, heartbroken and disappointed as I was to have learned that I had not received my degree, I consciously put it off for a while until I figured out exactly what I wanted to do. It turned out that what I learned majoring in Biology not only gave me the tools to save my own life but helped me to do what I believe I was put on this earth to do.
For the first time, I was taught the basic beliefs and values of Mormonism. I was both shocked and intrigued to learn both the main differences and similarities of Mormonism and Christianity. I learned that the community of Latter-Day Saints are dedicated individuals who are strongly committed to both their faith and fellow members. From this experience, I learned to take assumptions and stereotypes about other communities with a grain of salt. Not all of the original assumptions I had about the Mormon community were correct and the ones that were had bigger meanings behind them than what I had originally thought. In the end, I believe I gained a new sense of openness and understanding of Mormonism by attending these
From hard work, comes success. At the beginning of the year, I did not know how I was going to be successful when it came to Senior Project. I had multiple ideas with what I wanted to do, I was struggling to find connections, and I was even going to be a part of a completely different group. I tried one idea, that failed. I tried another idea, that failed. I thought to myself, “What am I going to do???” All my ideas had one thing in common: photography. I knew for sure I wanted to use photography as a way to help others or bring awareness to a certain issue. It was not until late September when I figured everything out. It was the end of cheer practice and Ms. Korba was handing out pink cheer bows for us to wear during the month of October
It is still so surreal to reflect back on my first semester as an incoming college student in the ENC1101 course, analyzing at my progression as a reader and writer in literacy. Since the first day of class I set in stone my goals for this class: receive a 4.0 GPA, develop my connecting theories skills in writing, and become more aware of objectives for each Unit throughout the course. All of these goals became achievements that not only make others proud but most importantly give me self pride. In order to earn the grades and achieve these goals, I went after every opportunity that I was given as an incoming college student, such as office hours and extra credit. By taking this course I have gained confidence with the utilization of literacy, and made an addition to my group of impactful literacy sponsors. Once students are finished with high school they assume that there is nothing else to learn beyond the stereotypical five paragraph essay, but they are so wrong. I was able to obtain so much knowledge about numerous course concepts from Writing about Writing, articles, and my professor. These concepts will carry on with me throughout a bright future of writing courses, job interviews, and any other skills that require literacy. The four outcomes listed below will help illuminate how I improved as a writer, by being a driven college student and going out of the way to earn my achievements in this course. In the first outcome I improved comprehending scholar texts,
Throughout the time that I was in high-school I have taken many English classes leading up to this Ivy Tech class. During my freshman year I was required to participate in English 9 which required students to do more reading than writing. During my sophomore year I took English 10 that involved more reading. Then last year I took AP Language and Composition for college credits. Reading and writing were split 50/50. We were required to read a new book every nine weeks and be quizzed. We also wrote a total of six MLA formatted essays to prepare for the AP exam at the end of the year. I think my classmates and I were taught well which resulted in a good score on my exam.
My decision on a major field of study at Western Michigan University was a process that took much thought and reflection. With my high school teachers’ strong leadership, they inspired me to possibly pursue anything as a career. The long process of finding out what I want to do with my life started in the summer when I was trying to figure out what career would best suit me for the future. Im that kind of person where I need entertainment in my life, so I narrowed it down to some jobs I can't do, such as being a business major and sitting in a office my whole life, and accounting, because I despise math. During my thinking process, I utilized what subjects I enjoyed in high school that I’d like to learn more about in college. I came to a
I have learned and changed much from when I first entered college. There have been many events and situations that I experienced that aided in making more mature, and improve as a person. The past year has been somewhat of a transformational period.
I feel that I haven't impacted Suitland High School per se in the most ways that I could have but I have worked my hardest to impact the whole Prince George's County Community but some of the different times I have impacted stool in high school are my volunteer participation with National Honor Society and my volunteering Girl Scouts and creating opportunities to Girl Scouts.
In the past four months, I am glad to have invested my time in senior studies by volunteering in the NICU at Sky Ridge hospital, attempting to teach myself guitar, shadowing various positions at a local veterinarian's office, as well as doing related research and reading books. This was all done to further expand my success as a student and continue to understand my personal goals for the future. During this project, though the overall outcomes have changed from my initial expectations, I have gained valuable people skills, expanded multitasking capabilities, and a greater understanding of my interests in the type of person I want to become.
I didn’t know what to expect on my first day of English 202. I had no idea what English 202 meant or what exactly I would be doing in the class. I quickly learned and began to understand what being an English major was all about. In my fall English 202 class, I did well with inward-looking theories and discovered that was my preferred way to approach a literary text, though I still enjoyed some out looking theories like psychoanalytic. Going forward in my major I would like to work on my time management skills and applying the notes from the professor and TA to my paper.
I went to Ning’s informational speech section. The classroom is located room 209 at Williams Building (WMS). It took me a while to find this building because I seldom go to the area around Westcott Fountain. Williams is large compound building that served as lecture halls and classrooms for undergraduate’s general education courses. Room 209 is where the public speech class took place. It is a middle-size classroom in the corner and next to a lounge area. I saw some of the students rehearsal their informative speech at the lounge when I arrived early and wait for Ning to come. Ning’s class has 15 students with varying major background. On the day I visited, most of the students came to class on time. Three students arrived about 5 minutes late, and Ning said she would mark them as “late.” Ning told me that too many “late” marks would negatively affect the student’s participation final grade.
I have completed courses in philosophy, creative writing, community-based cross-cultural experience, cultural psychology, psychology, theology, old and new testament and world history. These courses have helped me to understand human nature with regard to human logic, moral reasoning, and social norms that vary between cultures. Upon completion of these courses I have learned that health outcome is influenced by multiple factors including the environment, level of health literacy, and how one interacts with others and solve problems based on social and cultural norms.
During the first semester of this English course, I have discovered that it was a challenging and exhausting class because of the constant learning and discipline. Although this class was not what I expected, I began to realize the importance of the academic challenge because it was for my own benefit. Although I have failed to meet many of my own expectations, such as my writing exams and assessments, I believe I overcame my comfort zone and I created more opportunities for myself and my PIE. I have supported myself and my PIE in every aspect. I experienced many challenges due to many issues regarding assignments or exams, but it is evident that I have shown growth through my academic improvements and work ethics. I strongly believe that I deserve an A- because I have proved my understanding throughout this semester.
Patience is the key in accomplishing anything. My most challenging class this year would be my Math Analysis Honors course. My main struggle was fully understanding the curriculum that I avoided my sophomore year, with Algebra 2 Honors. The curriculum was knowing the domain and range of a graph, I assumed that this notion would stay in Algebra 2 and not follow me into my next math course. Starting off the year, the class was simple as it was review of Algebra 2, however days later I am faced with domain and range. I took tests that dealt with this concept and would always get those specific questions wrong. I remember, my teacher saying how most concepts in math would never go away and would be there when taking math in college. My first thought was getting help right away and was exactly what I did. I stayed after school in the Godinez Grizzly Lounge where I got aid from a tutor who took her time in fully explaining the essential way to understand domain and range. After a couple of weeks attending tutoring sessions with her I felt more confident in working with domain and range and was able to get these questions right on the next test that I had. Learning how to figure out these two concepts on a graph was harder as a result of giving up my previous year. I knew, however that I needed to address the issue differently and that's what I did. Although I may not be an expert, I can now figure it out without having to guess or give up on the question. Aside from a challenging