The last thing I been waiting on for my entire life is to finish high school. I been waiting on this day for the longest and it arrived so fast and now I hate that I rushed it. My senior year is so stressful trying get everything done and pay close attention to everything. I have to stay on track about doing my scholarships and dealing with college stuff so I’ll be ready in the fall. I have to make sure I don't have any balance to knock out before I graduate. And the most thing I worry about as a senior is making it to the that last step.
I’m really gonna miss my senior year once I leave because the school year I had the most fun in. I made my classmates laugh and I made some lovable memories with them this year. I really got along with
My senior year has gone by so unbelievably quickly. It had been only four years ago when I first stood in front of the school a mere freshman. Throughout the years I gained a new experience that either made me a more global citizen or better prepared as an academic student. This year has been no exception and I feel ready enough for what’s ahead.
Being a senior I had already expected that life won’t go that easy. Throughout my Junior year I was being prepared through my AVID class and from all the different articles, and activities we did in class. Kind of reality hasn’t hit me yet, I was making a huge list that marks all I wanted to accomplish in my senior year. But there is this thing called ‘stress’ that is invented and it began to slowly eating my brain away. Just a little stressed what I tell everyone who ask how am I doing. Stress is something we all need to be prepared for in our early stages in life but we can’t help it due to many trials and tribulations that come in our everyday life. For high school seniors like me some of them already developed this disease called, ‘senioritis’ if you haven’t known yet it's a disease that affects your mind, and body from being able to function properly due to the amount loads of work that you have to do. Well if you have good time
I am writing to give you some advice that I wish I had known coming into my senior year. To begin, Congratulations for successfully making it this far in your high school journey. For some, this experience flies by and is the best time of their lives. For others, the opposite is true; however, it is such a blessing to be able to say that you are on the track to graduation, and you may not realize it, but this year will be full of challenges that you may or may not choose to take on.
“Senior year will fly by”-everybody. I never believed it until now. I’m three weeks deep into my senior year and
Who knew High School would be over in a blink of an eye? Four short years and a whole chapter of your life is over. The goal everyone was striving to achieve was completed, yet an even bigger thing was approaching “Life”. All 365 of us would venture out into the world and start new journeys hundreds of miles apart.
I know recently I have been really making you guys proud by doing so well in school and I am too. My junior year is rapidly coming to an end and the reality of applying to colleges and choosing a major is finally settling in. Before you know it, I will have a diploma in my hands and I will be off to a prestigious university. It is so scary how I have grown up so fast, but I need to live my teenage years to the fullest before they come to an end.
Senior year! Every senior is eager for graduation, their making college decisions, taking their SAT tests, getting senior portraits, and looking forward to getting ready for graduation day. Thinking back now, almost every adult told me my high school years would fly by, they were right.
Your senior year of high school seems like the most stressful year of them all. In my senior year my goal is to be accepted into all of the colleges I would like to apply to. I would like to apply to five schools currently. Another goal I have is to work for higher grades this year. By managing sports, work, and school I will become better at time management. Senior year should be stressful, but also fun. My goal is to enjoy my last year with all of the friends I made,
I just can’t believe there is only few more days of high school left. As the days are getting closer and closer, it's getting sad. I still remember the day I stepped into Maine East High School as a Freshman, at that time, all I wished for was to graduate from this school with good grades. High school was not the way I imagined, it is way different from what I thought and definitely different from Middle School. Freshman year was the “exploring/adventure” year, finding where each classes were, what activities/clubs were offered at this school and many more. Freshman year went quickly and then Sophomore year came up. Sophomore year was probably the least stressful year in high school but from Sophomore year my family and friends started asking me the scariest question “What are you doing after high school, which career?
Losing friends, meeting new people, first job, first car, boyfriend, getting my license. Throughout the last four years of high school I’ve experienced a lot of new things and learned a lot on the way. I remember walking into school on the first day of freshman year; I was thinking that these are going to be a very long couple of years. I was wrong; these past four years have gone by so fast, so I guess my dad was right when he said they’d fly by.
I am going to miss everything: the school, my friends, my practices, my teachers, the lunches together, the game, my classes even the homework, because everything was an new experience. And I feel like I grew up, I am not the same person as the beginning, I am more independent and now I know what
His cold fingers ran across her jaw, brushing a piece of hair behind her cheek and pulling her face to his. The sound of the tracks humming for the past seven hours and the music coming from the train speakers is starting to sing her to sleep. She pulls him closer and lays her head on his lap. They watch the trees and birds go by seeing if they can name the types of different ones and plan their their future. “In the morning this will all be in the past and we won’t have to worry about anything in that small town again,” he whispers trying to reassure her but his voice cracking slightly.
My life after high school is going to require a lot of responsibility and patience, but I know that it will be worth it to my education, and I can show my brothers and family, that if you want it bad enough, you will do everything you can to achieve
This year, I hope to make it fun. I really look forward to going to all the home football games and maybe some of the baseball and/or basketball games. Sadly, I am not involved in any activities. I am apart of the Ready Set Teach program, though. I plan on interning at one of the middle schools with a math teacher. Right now, at the beginning of the year, I am mainly looking forward to homecoming. I have been saving up since June for a very expensive dress. Senior year: got to go big or go home.
Many people have experienced the over whelming excitement that you feel as you approach high school graduation day, and for me, that’s a day that I will never forget. The amount of emotions that you feel on graduation day is unbelievable, and I have yet to experience anything else like it. I can remember feeling anxious to celebrate the big day with my friends and family, while at the same time I was panicking thinking about having to walk across the stage in front of that many people. Then, the more I thought about the reality of graduation day, I started to get curious, but nervous, about being able to start a new chapter in my life once graduation day had passed. There are several reasons why I, still